Forum: PogamutUT2004

players.getNearestVisiblePlayer() throws null


My question is: Why "players.getNearestVisiblePlayer()" throws null in, but for example in throws existing bot, not null? This also applies to all get_xxx_Plater() functions....

or why "players.getPlayers();" throws map in, but in throws null??

thanks, Lukas

Thanks for reporting going to check it out...

This is the code

public Player getNearestVisiblePlayer() {
return DistanceUtils.getNearest(players.visible.values(), lastSelf.getLocation());

It can (should) only throw NPE iff lastSelf is null - which is in the case you call it before first logic() is invoked.

Can you provide full stacktrace for the NPE?


this is output of console : extract

I only added System.out.println(" --- > out: " + players.getNearestVisiblePlayer().getName()); to logic() ...

thx. Lukas
Which version of Pogamut are you running? is currently


What is your code at line "291" in the HunterBot example?

Nevertheless your code is likely to throw NPE anyway because "players.getNearestVisiblePlayer()" evaluates to NULL in case you do not see any player. Thus calling "getName()" on it will result in NPE.

I already changed the code, but now it's just throws one error, sometimes

Cause: class java.lang.NullPointerException: null (at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples.hunterbot.HunterBot.logic(

code at line 281:

System.out.println("nearestItem(" + info.getNearestItem().getType().getName() + "," + info.getNearestItem().getNavPointId().getStringId()+ ").");

i think probably sometimes info.getNearestItem() throws null, i solve it with condotion

I have one more question:
I want to find out more about all bots (players), but only what I have is locations & weapon

System.out.println("onPostition(" + tmap.get(k).getName() + "," + tmap.get(k).getLocation() + ").");
System.out.println("equippedWeapon(" + tmap.get(k).getName() + "," + tmap.get(k).getWeapon() + ").");

I want to get healt, or for example bot1 is shoting on bot2 etc., or isMoving(bot1,dm_flux2_pathNode_5).?? and more...

Correct, any "getNearest" method may return null, always check.

Regarding "one bot is shooting another", that's probably impossible to sense correctly from UT2004Bot (it is possible when you utilize UT2004Observer for observation of all bots).

At least, you may say whether some other bot is shooting or not by obtaining the Player instance (e.g. from players.getVisiblePlayers())
and then check whether Player.isShooting() is true.
