Interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>

Package class diagram package IPathExecutor
Type Parameters:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>, IPathExecutorWithPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPathExecutor, BasePathExecutor

public interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>

Path executor object is responsible for navigation of the agent through the environment along the list of PATH_ELEMENTs.

Every path executor has PathExecutorState that are represented by IPathExecutorState objects. There is an exact definition how every IPathExecutor implementation must behave (i.e., there is a definition of state transitions), this definition can be found in javadoc of PathExecutorState enum.

Implementation of path executor is allowed to fine-tune its states by defining own IPathExecutorState objects adding additional sub-states (i.e., making itself an hierarchy-FSM object).

Every path executor may contain arbitrary number of IStuckDetectors that checks whether the agent is still able to finish the intended path (stuck may happen due to two reasons 1) the path executor fails to steer the agent safely through the environment, 2) the path no longer exist).


Method Summary
 void addStuckDetector(IStuckDetector stuckDetector)
          Adds IStuckDetector into the executor to watch over the path execution.
 void followPath(IPathFuture<? extends PATH_ELEMENT> path)
          Makes the agent follow given path.
 Logger getLog()
          Returns log used by path executor (may be null, you should always check that).
 List<PATH_ELEMENT> getPath()
          If the isExecuting() and the path has been already computed, returns path the executor is currently following.
 PATH_ELEMENT getPathElement()
          If the isExecuting() and the path has been already computed, returns current path element the executor is navigating to.
 int getPathElementIndex()
          Returns an index pointing into getPath() that marks the element the path executor is currently heading to.
 PATH_ELEMENT getPathFrom()
          Returns path origin, from where we're running.
 IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> getPathFuture()
          Returns current path that the executor is following.
          Returns target where we're running.
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.ImmutableFlag<IPathExecutorState> getState()
          Returns a flag with the state of the executor - it is desirable you to set up listeners on this flag as it publish important informations about the path execution.
 boolean inState(PathExecutorState... states)
          True if the path executor is in one of 'states', false otherwise.
 boolean isExecuting()
          Determines, whether the path executor instance has been submitted with IPathFuture and working on getting the bot to its target.
 boolean isPathUnavailable()
          True if the path does not exist (is null) or can't be computed at all (an exception has happened or the computation has been canceled).
 boolean isStuck()
          Sets to true whenever the path executor detect that the bot has stuck and is unable to reach the path destination.
 boolean isTargetReached()
          Sets to true whenever the path executor reaches the end of the provided path.
 boolean notInState(PathExecutorState... states)
          True if the path executor's state is not among 'states', false otherwise.
 void removeAllStuckDetectors()
          Removes all stuck detectors it has.
 void removeStuckDetector(IStuckDetector stuckDetector)
          Removes IStuckDetector from the executor (must be the same instance, equals() is NOT USED).
 void stop()
          Stops the path executor unconditionally.

Method Detail


void followPath(IPathFuture<? extends PATH_ELEMENT> path)
Makes the agent follow given path. Events are fired at different stages of movement (see getState() and appropriate event-listener hooking method ImmutableFlag.addListener(cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.FlagListener)).

path - to follow


cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.ImmutableFlag<IPathExecutorState> getState()
Returns a flag with the state of the executor - it is desirable you to set up listeners on this flag as it publish important informations about the path execution.

Note that the flag contains IPathExecutorState NOT PathExecutorState itself - this way, every IPathExecutor implementor can create own IPathExecutorState implementation that may carry much more information about the state that just PathExecutorState extending the meanings of core PathExecutorStates.

It is advisable to study PathExecutorState javadoc, as it contains a description how the states can change giving you a picture how IPathExecutor is working (this description is a contract for every IPathExecutor implementation).

Listeners to the state can be attached via ImmutableFlag.addListener(cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.FlagListener).

flag with the state


IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> getPathFuture()
Returns current path that the executor is following.

Returns null if not isExecuting().

current path


List<PATH_ELEMENT> getPath()
If the isExecuting() and the path has been already computed, returns path the executor is currently following. Returns null otherwise.

First path element is agent's starting position and the last path element is agent's target.

current path or null


PATH_ELEMENT getPathFrom()
Returns path origin, from where we're running.



Returns target where we're running.



int getPathElementIndex()
Returns an index pointing into getPath() that marks the element the path executor is currently heading to.

Returns -1 if not isExecuting().



PATH_ELEMENT getPathElement()
If the isExecuting() and the path has been already computed, returns current path element the executor is navigating to.

path element or null


boolean inState(PathExecutorState... states)
True if the path executor is in one of 'states', false otherwise.

states -


boolean notInState(PathExecutorState... states)
True if the path executor's state is not among 'states', false otherwise.

states -


boolean isExecuting()
Determines, whether the path executor instance has been submitted with IPathFuture and working on getting the bot to its target.

Note that true is also returned for the situation in which the path executor awaits the path computation to be finished.

returns true, if this instance is controlling the agent and navigate it along PATH_ELEMENTs (or at least waiting for the path). False otherwise


boolean isTargetReached()
Sets to true whenever the path executor reaches the end of the provided path.

False otherwise (note that stop() will switch this to 'false' again).

whether the target is reached


boolean isStuck()
Sets to true whenever the path executor detect that the bot has stuck and is unable to reach the path destination.

False otherwise (note that IPathExecuto#stop() will switch this to 'false' again).



boolean isPathUnavailable()
True if the path does not exist (is null) or can't be computed at all (an exception has happened or the computation has been canceled).

False otherwise (note that false does not mark the situation that the path has been computed).



void stop()
Stops the path executor unconditionally.


void addStuckDetector(IStuckDetector stuckDetector)
Adds IStuckDetector into the executor to watch over the path execution.

pathListener -


void removeStuckDetector(IStuckDetector stuckDetector)
Removes IStuckDetector from the executor (must be the same instance, equals() is NOT USED).

pathListener -


void removeAllStuckDetectors()
Removes all stuck detectors it has.


Logger getLog()
Returns log used by path executor (may be null, you should always check that).


Copyright © 2012 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.