Class BasePathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>

Package class diagram package BasePathExecutor
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl.AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl.BasePathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
All Implemented Interfaces:
IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>, IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>

public abstract class BasePathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
extends AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
implements IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>

BasePathExecutor provides a stub implementation of abstract methods of the AbstractPathExecutor which correctly sets the path executor states along the way and provide methods for reporting failures.

Note that it is somewhat hard to use this stub-implementation as the base for implementing your own IPathExecutor implementation - the AbstractPathExecutor might be more suitable. That's because this implementation is defining a way how its fields are used, how methods should be synchronized, how they are called (method protocol), etc.

Implementation notes:


Field Summary
protected  Object mutex
          Mutex object synchronizing access to followPath(IPathFuture) and stop() methods.
protected  int pathElementIndex
          Marks the index of the current path element (path element that is currently pursued) from the path element list of AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().
protected  IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> pathFuture
          Current path future of the path executor.
protected  int previousPathElementIndex
          Marks the index of the previous path element (path element that has been previously pursued) from the path element list of AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl.AbstractPathExecutor
log, state, stuckDetectors
Constructor Summary
BasePathExecutor(Logger log)
Method Summary
 IStuckDetector checkStuckDetectors()
          This method checks (one-by-one) stuck detectors whether some of them is reporting that the agent has stuck.
protected  IPathExecutorState createState(PathExecutorState state)
          Utility method that is responsible for creating new state for the path executor.
 void followPath(IPathFuture<? extends PATH_ELEMENT> path)
          Tell the executor to start navigating the agent along the 'path'.
protected abstract  void followPathImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED from within the followPath(IPathFuture) method.
 int getPathElementIndex()
          Returns an index pointing into IPathExecutor.getPath() that marks the element the path executor is currently heading to.
 PATH_ELEMENT getPathFrom()
          Returns path origin, from where we're running.
 IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> getPathFuture()
          Returns current path that the executor is following.
          Returns target where we're running.
protected  void pathComputationFailed()
          Path computation has failed, path is unavailable and the executor can't start navigate the agent through the environment.
protected abstract  void pathComputationFailedImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTATION_FAILED from within the pathComputationFailed() method.
protected  void pathComputed()
          Path has been computed and is available in pathFuture.
protected abstract  void pathComputedImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED from within the pathComputed() method.
protected  void preFollowPathImpl()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED from within the followPath(IPathFuture) method.
protected  void prePathComputationFailed()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTATION_FAILED from within the pathComputationFailed() method.
protected  void prePathComputedImpl()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED from within the pathComputed() method.
protected  void preStuckImpl()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState#STUCKD from within the BasePathExecutor#stuck(IStuckDetector) method.
protected  void preSwitchToAnotherPathElementImpl(int newIndex)
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT from within the switchToAnotherPathElement(int) method.
protected  void preTargetReachedImpl()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.TARGET_REACHED from within the targetReached() method.
 void stop()
          Used to stop the path executor, for more info see AbstractPathExecutor.stop().
protected  void stopImpl()
          Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STOPPED from within the stop() method.
protected abstract  void stopped()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STOPPED from within the stop() method.
 void stuck()
          Method that changes the state to PathExecutorState.STUCK that should be called whenever some stuck detector detects that the agent is stuck.
protected abstract  void stuckImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STUCK from within the BasePathExecutor#stuck(IStuckDetector) method.
 void switchToAnotherPathElement(int index)
          Switches from current path element index into the new one.
protected abstract  void switchToAnotherPathElementImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT from within the switchToAnotherPathElement(int) method.
 void targetReached()
          Method that should be called whenever the path executor reaches the end of the path.
protected abstract  void targetReachedImpl()
          Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.TARGET_REACHED from within the targetReached() method.
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.impl.AbstractPathExecutor
addStuckDetector, getLog, getPath, getPathElement, getState, inState, isExecuting, isPathUnavailable, isStuck, isTargetReached, notInState, removeAllStuckDetectors, removeStuckDetector, setLog, switchState
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.IPathExecutor
addStuckDetector, getLog, getPath, getPathElement, getState, inState, isExecuting, isPathUnavailable, isStuck, isTargetReached, notInState, removeAllStuckDetectors, removeStuckDetector

Field Detail


protected Object mutex
Mutex object synchronizing access to followPath(IPathFuture) and stop() methods.


protected IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> pathFuture
Current path future of the path executor. Path future is set in followPath(IPathFuture) and removed (set to 'null') in stop().


protected int previousPathElementIndex
Marks the index of the previous path element (path element that has been previously pursued) from the path element list of AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().

Setting value to this field manually must be done only inside preSwitchToAnotherPathElementImpl(int) and switchToAnotherPathElementImpl().


protected int pathElementIndex
Marks the index of the current path element (path element that is currently pursued) from the path element list of AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().

Setting value to this field manually must be done only inside preSwitchToAnotherPathElementImpl(int) and switchToAnotherPathElementImpl().

Constructor Detail


public BasePathExecutor()


public BasePathExecutor(Logger log)
Method Detail


public int getPathElementIndex()
Description copied from interface: IPathExecutor
Returns an index pointing into IPathExecutor.getPath() that marks the element the path executor is currently heading to.

Returns -1 if not IPathExecutor.isExecuting().

Specified by:
getPathElementIndex in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
Specified by:
getPathElementIndex in class AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>


public IPathFuture<PATH_ELEMENT> getPathFuture()
Description copied from interface: IPathExecutor
Returns current path that the executor is following.

Returns null if not IPathExecutor.isExecuting().

Specified by:
getPathFuture in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
Specified by:
getPathFuture in class AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
current path


public PATH_ELEMENT getPathFrom()
Description copied from interface: IPathExecutor
Returns path origin, from where we're running.

Specified by:
getPathFrom in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>


public PATH_ELEMENT getPathTo()
Description copied from interface: IPathExecutor
Returns target where we're running.

Specified by:
getPathTo in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>


protected IPathExecutorState createState(PathExecutorState state)
Utility method that is responsible for creating new state for the path executor. You may override this method to fine-control which implementations IPathExecutorState are instantiated.

This method allows you to provide own IPathExecutorState implementation that may carry additional information about the executor's state.

state -


public final void followPath(IPathFuture<? extends PATH_ELEMENT> path)
Tell the executor to start navigating the agent along the 'path'.

If called and the AbstractPathExecutor.isExecuting(), it first calls stop().

For more info see AbstractPathExecutor.followPath(IPathFuture)

Specified by:
followPath in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
Specified by:
followPath in class AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
path - path to navigate along


protected void preFollowPathImpl()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED from within the followPath(IPathFuture) method.

You may utilize this methods this way:

Current implementation ensures that the state of the path executor is cleared.


protected abstract void followPathImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED from within the followPath(IPathFuture) method.

You may utilize this method this way:


protected final void pathComputed()
Path has been computed and is available in pathFuture. This method is automatically called from the followPath(IPathFuture) or by pathFutureListener whenever the path is ready.

Effective only if the state is: PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED


protected void prePathComputedImpl()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED from within the pathComputed() method. Note that since this method is called, the path can be simply obtained by calling AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

Note that you should call switchToAnotherPathElement(int) (to mark the index of the first path element) in this method or in pathComputedImpl(). The first path element index will likely be '0'.

Resets and enables all AbstractPathExecutor.stuckDetectors.


protected abstract void pathComputedImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED from within the pathComputed() method. Note that the path can be simply obtained by calling AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

Note that you should call switchToAnotherPathElement(int) (to mark the index of the first path element) in this method or in prePathComputedImpl(). The first path element index will likely be '0'.


protected final void pathComputationFailed()
Path computation has failed, path is unavailable and the executor can't start navigate the agent through the environment. This method is automatically called from the followPath(IPathFuture) or by pathFutureListener whenever it is found out that the path can never be obtained from the pathFuture.

Effective only if the state is: PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED


protected void prePathComputationFailed()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTATION_FAILED from within the pathComputationFailed() method.

You may utilize this methods (for instance) to:

Empty implementation, does not doing anything.


protected abstract void pathComputationFailedImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTATION_FAILED from within the pathComputationFailed() method. Note that the path can be simply obtained by calling AbstractPathExecutor.getPath().

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:


public final void switchToAnotherPathElement(int index)
Switches from current path element index into the new one. You have to call this method from your implementation whenever you want to change pathElementIndex.

This method should be also called as a reaction to pathComputed() method call, i.e., from prePathComputedImpl() or pathComputedImpl() to change the index into '0' (or other index as you see fit).

Effective only if AbstractPathExecutor.isExecuting().

Specified by:
switchToAnotherPathElement in interface IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>


protected void preSwitchToAnotherPathElementImpl(int newIndex)
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT from within the switchToAnotherPathElement(int) method. Note that this method is called to alter values inside previousPathElementIndex and pathElementIndex by using 'newIndex'.

You may additionally utilize this method (for instance) to:

Current implementation does (and nothing else):

newIndex - index of the path element that should be pursued now


protected abstract void switchToAnotherPathElementImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT from within the switchToAnotherPathElement(int) method. Note that this method is called after the values inside previousPathElementIndex and pathElementIndex are overwritten with new ones.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:


public final void stop()
Used to stop the path executor, for more info see AbstractPathExecutor.stop().

Effective only if the state is NOT: PathExecutorState.STOPPED

Specified by:
stop in interface IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>
Specified by:
stop in class AbstractPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>


protected void stopImpl()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STOPPED from within the stop() method. Note that this method is called to clean up internal data structures before we switch itself into PathExecutorState.STOPPED state.

You may additionally utilize this method (for instance) to:

Current implementation does (and nothing else):

newIndex - index of the path element that should be pursued now


protected abstract void stopped()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STOPPED from within the stop() method.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:


public IStuckDetector checkStuckDetectors()
This method checks (one-by-one) stuck detectors whether some of them is reporting that the agent has stuck. If the stuck is detected, particular IStuckDetector is returned. If the stuck is not detected, null is returned.

Specified by:
checkStuckDetectors in interface IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>
first detector to report that agent has stuck or null


public final void stuck()
Method that changes the state to PathExecutorState.STUCK that should be called whenever some stuck detector detects that the agent is stuck.

It is currently called only from checkStuckDetectors() which must be called from the descendant.

Note that you may actually pass 'null' as 'detector' into the method.

Effective only if the state is: PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED or PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED or PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT

Specified by:
stuck in interface IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>


protected void preStuckImpl()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState#STUCKD from within the BasePathExecutor#stuck(IStuckDetector) method. Note that this method is called to clean up internal data structures before we switch itself into PathExecutorState.STUCK state.

BasePathExecutor's implementation disables all AbstractPathExecutor.stuckDetectors.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

Current implementation does (and nothing else):


protected abstract void stuckImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.STUCK from within the BasePathExecutor#stuck(IStuckDetector) method.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

WARNING: 'null' may be passed as 'detector' if the stuck has been detected by different component


public final void targetReached()
Method that should be called whenever the path executor reaches the end of the path. Currently this method is not called from anywhere of BasePathExecutor.

Effective only if the state is: PathExecutorState.FOLLOW_PATH_CALLED or PathExecutorState.PATH_COMPUTED or PathExecutorState.SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT

Specified by:
targetReached in interface IPathExecutorHelper<PATH_ELEMENT>


protected void preTargetReachedImpl()
Method that is called just before the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.TARGET_REACHED from within the targetReached() method.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

Empty implementation, does not doing anything.


protected abstract void targetReachedImpl()
Method that is called just after the executor's state is switched to PathExecutorState.TARGET_REACHED from within the targetReached() method.

You may utilize this method (for instance) to:

Copyright © 2012 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.