Interface IVisionLocalWorldView

Package class diagram package IVisionLocalWorldView
All Superinterfaces:
IComponent, ILocalWorldView, IWorldChangeEventInput
All Known Implementing Classes:
BatchAwareLocalWorldView, VisionLocalWorldView

public interface IVisionLocalWorldView
extends ILocalWorldView

Interface that adds functionality related to visible objects to the worldView.


Method Summary
 Map<Class,Map<WorldObjectId,IViewable>> getAllVisible()
          Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} - those that the agent can currently see.
<T extends IViewable>
getAllVisible(Class<T> type)
          Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} - those that the agent can currently see.
 Map<WorldObjectId,IViewable> getVisible()
          Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} organized according to their WorldObjectId - those that the agent can currently see.
 IViewable getVisible(WorldObjectId id)
          Returns a visible world object of the specific id (if exists inside the world view and is visible).
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.multi.communication.worldview.ILocalWorldView
addEventListener, addObjectListener, addObjectListener, addObjectListener, addObjectListener, get, get, get, getAgentId, getAll, getAll, getCurrentTimeKey, getEventBus, getLocal, getSingle, isListening, isListening, isListening, isListening, isListening, isListening, lockTime, notifyImmediately, removeEventListener, removeListener, removeObjectListener, removeObjectListener, removeObjectListener, removeObjectListener, setCurrentTime, setInitialTime, unlockTime
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.IWorldChangeEventInput
notify, notifyAfterPropagation
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.IComponent

Method Detail


Map<Class,Map<WorldObjectId,IViewable>> getAllVisible()
Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} - those that the agent can currently see.

WARNING: If you will do iteration over the map, you must synchronize on it.


<T extends IViewable> Map<WorldObjectId,T> getAllVisible(Class<T> type)
Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} - those that the agent can currently see.

WARNING: If you will do iteration over the map, you must synchronize on it.

type -


Map<WorldObjectId,IViewable> getVisible()
Returns map of all visible objects (IViewable instances} organized according to their WorldObjectId - those that the agent can currently see.

WARNING: If you will do iteration over the map, you must synchronize on it.



IViewable getVisible(WorldObjectId id)
Returns a visible world object of the specific id (if exists inside the world view and is visible).

Otherwise, null is returned.

id - objects's id

Copyright © 2012 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.