Name: Capture the flag Bot
You will learn: UT2004, Pogamut API, reactive planning
Difficulty: moderate
Excitement: Powerfull capture the flag bots, cooperating AI
Description: Everyone who played a 3D computer game sometimes wondered: this AI is doing some things in a really stupid way. Hell, I could program these guys to be much smarter. Good news for you! Now you have the chance! Program a CTF bot team that will be at least as good as original UT 2004 CTF bot team by using the Pogamut platform!
Further Reading: 1. Champandard A. J.: AI Game Development: Synthetic Creatures with learning and Reactive Behaviors. USA, New Riders, 2003.
2. Rabin, S.: AI Game Programming Wisdom 1-4. Charles River Media, 2002-2008.
3. [[| Pogamut platform]]
How to sign up: Information [[Bachelor and Master thesis proposals| here]] .