Forum: PogamutUT2004

PathNode Post-processing

Is there a way to do some post-processing on the list of PathNodes/NavPoints in a level? I'm looking at a level that has some NavPoints that are causing navigation problems and I would like to remove them or change their location in the bot's memory without having to edit the actual level. Can this be done?

I've been off to a short holiday :-) so sorry that we've left this post unattended.

Well I think I will have to disappoint you. All objects in PogamutUT2004 (NavPoint, Item, Player...) have protected field so there is only a shady way how to change that
1) via Reflection API
2) creating your own implementation of IWorldObjectUpdatedEvent that will lie in the same package as NavPoint that will change some of its protected fields.

Well - you're not developing a library so both techniques are ok to use.
I would do that probably in botInitialized() method.
