Forum: PogamutUT2004

Problem with Hunter Bot


I am running the Hunter Bot, exactly as the example code you provide with pogamut, but something wrong is happening. I am running the code in UT2004 with 2 bots, and after sometime the execution suddenly stops. It is just after "Bot switched to DEAD STATE" message is print. After that a message saying "Fatal error in Mediator620: MediatorWorker: Producer exception" appears, followed by a lot of error messages.

I did not alter anything in the original code.

Can somebody help me with that? I really have to fix that in order to run my experiments.

Thank you very much!
This could be caused by a number of things.

What game type you have been running the hunter bots on?

What map you are running the bots on?

Do you have patch 3369 applied to your UT2004?

Can you post the error messages here, or send it to my email michal.bida (at) ?

Hi Michael,

I am running a simple Death Match game in DM_TrainingDay map.
I didn't install the patch you mentioned.

I will send the error messages to the email, since it is quite big to post here.
