Forum: PogamutUT2004

Pogamut 3.2 and Maven

Hello team,

I know that tutorials for the new version of Pogamut and how to get started using Maven are on the way, but could I get a quick-and-dirty tutorial in the meantime? I'm having problems getting started with even a basic project. How do I get NavBot up and running in the new version?
Hi! Sorry for all the making Pogamut 3.2 even more complex - we hope that the Maven will benefit all in the future.
For instance, releasing new versions of Pogamut library means just to publish new versions of libraries in our artifactory allowiing you to switch between versions of Pogamut libs by editing pom.xml and changing the depedency on project version.

Unfortunately I'm bit busy studying for PhD final exams, so tutorial is not ready yet.

Meanwhile you may download and read our PDF slides from Pogamut courses at our Uni.

Note that we currently have version 3.2.1 released, so you might want to use 3.2.1 instead of 3.2.0.

Let us know whether it helps!

Cheers! And good luck :-)
> Hello team,
> I know that tutorials for the new version of Pogamut and how to get started using Maven are on the way, but could I get a quick-and-dirty tutorial in the meantime? I'm having problems getting started with even a basic project. How do I get NavBot up and running in the new version?

We are also having trouble running the current examples from trunk. In particular running 04-navigation-bot results in the following:

(NavigationBot1) WARNING 15:41:44.671 Starting agent NavigationBot1-3@THECOMPUTER/d714de7f-d6bb-d6c5-285d-299dd34e9ec6
(NavigationBot1) WARNING 15:41:44.672 Connecting to SocketConnectionAddress127.0.0.1:3000.
(NavigationBot1) WARNING 15:41:44.678 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot1) WARNING 15:41:44.688 Log level set to ALL.
(NavigationBot1) WARNING 15:41:44.691 Thread 0: Thread started.
(Platform) WARNING 15:41:44.863 Creating registry at 1560 ...
(Platform) WARNING 15:41:44.875 Starting MBean server.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:44.988 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:44.990 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.045 Picking new target navpoint.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.050 Log level set to WARNING.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.053 Log level set to ALL.
(NavigationBot) FINE 15:41:45.081 path computed, size == 5
(NavigationBot) FINEST 15:41:45.081 new state PATH_COMPUTED
(NavigationBot) FINER 15:41:45.083 switching to path element 1/5 -> InfoMessageNavPointMessage[Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.PathNode129 | Location = 2114.00; -2294.00; -81.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = true | Item = null | ItemClass = null | ItemSpawned = false | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = false | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.PathNode129 | Location = 2114.00; -2294.00; -81.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = true | Item = null | ItemClass = null | ItemSpawned = false | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = false | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ]
(NavigationBot) FINEST 15:41:45.083 new state SWITCHED_TO_ANOTHER_PATH_ELEMENT
(NavigationBot) FINER 15:41:45.287 navigating
(NavigationBot) INFO 15:41:45.289 - Logic iteration -
(NavigationBot) INFO 15:41:45.290 Visible navpoints: 9 / 33
(NavigationBot) INFO 15:41:45.290 Visible items: 7 / 21
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.531 Calling WorldView.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.531 Fatal error in WorldView: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessageNavPointMessage[Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.533 Fatal error happenned - component bus is stopping.
Component: UT2004SyncLockableWorldView
Message: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessageNavPointMessage[Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(
Stacktrace: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller.ComponentController.fatalError(
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals( cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.533 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.533 Calling Connection.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.534 Connection.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.534 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.535 Calling Parser.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.535 Parser.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.535 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.535 Calling WorldMessageTranslator.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.535 WorldMessageTranslator.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.535 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.535 Calling Mediator.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.735 Mediator.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.735 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.735 Calling Act.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.735 Act.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.735 Fatal error sensed: FatalErrorEvent[
Component: UT2004SyncLockableWorldView
Message: Exception raising event WorldObjectUpdatedEvent[id = DM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52, object = InfoMessageNavPointMessage[Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ][Id = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.InventorySpot52 | Location = 2011.04; -927.93; -82.00 | Velocity = null | Visible = false | Reachable = false | Item = WorldObjectIdDM-TrainingDay.HealthCharger11 | ItemClass = ItemTypename = XPickups.HealthPack, category = HEALTH, group = HEALTH | ItemSpawned = true | DoorOpened = false | Mover = null | LiftOffset = null | LiftJumpExit = false | NoDoubleJump = false | InvSpot = true | PlayerStart = false | TeamNumber = 0 | DomPoint = false | DomPointController = 0 | Door = false | LiftCenter = false | LiftExit = false | AIMarker = false | JumpSpot = false | JumpDest = false | Teleporter = false | Rotation = null | RoamingSpot = false | SnipingSpot = false | PreferedWeapon = null | ], time=10]
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(
Stacktrace: cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.controller.ComponentController.fatalError(
(at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals( cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.NavPointMessage.equals(
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:45.736 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:45.736 Calling SyncUT2004BotLogic0.kill().
(Platform) WARNING 15:41:45.736 Closing the platform.
(Platform) WARNING 15:41:45.743 Shutting down!
(Platform) SEVERE 15:41:45.743 Shutdown.
Exception in thread "main" PogamutExceptioncz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner@2d59a3: Could not execute all agents due to an exception, check logs of respective agents.
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner.impl.AgentRunner.startAgentWithParamsMain(
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner.impl.AgentRunner.startAgent(
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner.startAgent(
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.utils.UT2004BotRunner.startAgent(
at cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples.navigationbot.NavigationBot.main(
(Platform) WARNING 15:41:45.744 ServerWorker Stopped.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.967 Thread 0: Interrupted!
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.967 Thread 0: Logic thread stopped.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.967 SyncUT2004BotLogic0.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.967 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.967 Calling Game1.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.967 Game1.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.967 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.968 Calling AgentInfo2.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 AgentInfo2.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.968 Calling Players3.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Players3.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.968 Calling ItemDescriptors4.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 ItemDescriptors4.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.968 Calling Weaponry5.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Weaponry5.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.968 Calling Items6.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.968 Items6.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.969 Calling Senses7.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Senses7.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.969 Calling AgentConfig8.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 AgentConfig8.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.969 Calling Raycasting9.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Raycasting9.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.969 Calling Action10.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Action10.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.969 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.970 Calling AdvancedLocomotion11.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 AdvancedLocomotion11.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.970 Calling AdvancedShooting12.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 AdvancedShooting12.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.970 Calling Communication13.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 Communication13.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.970 Calling ConfigureCommands14.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 ConfigureCommands14.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.970 Calling SimpleRayCasting15.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.970 SimpleRayCasting15.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.971 Calling ImprovedShooting16.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 ImprovedShooting16.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.971 Calling NavigationGraphBuilder17.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 NavigationGraphBuilder17.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.971 Calling AgentStats18.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 AgentStats18.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.971 Calling FloydWarshallMap19.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 FloydWarshallMap19.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.971 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.971 Calling AdvancedLocomotion20.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 AdvancedLocomotion20.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.972 Calling Players21.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Players21.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.972 Calling Senses22.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Senses22.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.972 Calling Game23.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Game23.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:46.972 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:46.972 Calling AgentInfo24.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:47.472 AgentInfo24.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:47.472 Received fatal error from WorldView.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:47.472 Calling AdvancedLocomotion25.kill().
(NavigationBot) SEVERE 15:41:47.472 AdvancedLocomotion25.kill()ed.
(NavigationBot) WARNING 15:41:47.473 MediatorWorker: Stopped.
Total time: 5.078s
Finished at: Wed Apr 13 15:41:47 CDT 2011
Final Memory: 3M/15M
ERRORFailed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.1.1:exec (default-cli) on project 02-navigation-bot: Result of cmd.exe /X /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin\java.exe" -classpath C:\Users\THEUSER\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PogamutUT2004Examples\02-NavigationBot\target\classes;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\pogamut\pogamut-ut2004\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\pogamut-ut2004-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\org\apache\ant\ant-trax\1.8.0\ant-trax-1.8.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\net\sourceforge\saxon\saxon\\saxon-;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\xmllist\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\xmllist-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\thoughtworks\xstream\xstream\1.3.1\xstream-1.3.1.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\xpp3\xpp3_min\1.1.4c\xpp3_min-1.1.4c.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\pogamut\pogamut-unreal\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\pogamut-unreal-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\pogamut\pogamut-base\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\pogamut-base-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\google\inject\guice\2.0\guice-2.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\aopalliance\aopalliance\1.0\aopalliance-1.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\google\inject\extensions\guice-multibindings\2.0\guice-multibindings-2.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\google\inject\extensions\guice-assisted-inject\2.0\guice-assisted-inject-2.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\amis-utils\3.2.2-SNAPSHOT\amis-utils-3.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\javageom\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\javageom-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\javax\vecmath\vecmath\1.5.1\vecmath-1.5.1.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\introspection\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\introspection-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\org\jython\jython\1.2007\jython-1.2007.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\com\sun\script\jython-engine\1.0\jython-engine-1.0.jar;C:\Users\THEUSER\.m2\repository\cz\cuni\amis\afsm\1.0.0-SNAPSHOT\afsm-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.examples.navigationbot.NavigationBot" execution is: '1'. -> Help 1
ERRORTo see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
ERRORRe-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
ERRORFor more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:

Which concrete version of Pogamut are you using?

See pom.xml and the definition of version tag in parentPom section.

Best, Jimmy

P.S.: if it is 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT, note that it is hazardous to use it ... because it is in active development and my colleague has recently added equals() method which might be wrongly implemented
Current version is: 3.2.1

Best, Jimmy
Hi Igor! Welcome to forum :-)

Stuff inside SVN are of version 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT ... SVN is always "the most recent version" meaning "devel version".

Currently philosophy of "TRUNK" is a bit different than usual as releases are stored inside artifactory.

I know it is not the best practice though...

Anyway, you might use archetype catalog to obtain correct examples:

Note that the most recent SNAPSHOT version should be considered UNSTABLE.

Anyway, thanks for reporting the bug inside 3.2.2-SNAPSHOT anyway! I've forwarded your post to "culprit" ;-)



P.S.: please stay tuned for new releases as they will always contain some cruicial fixes and improvements

P.P.S.: note that switching to new version of Pogamut is easy as editing pom.xml and rewriting one version number!