Forum: PogamutUT2004

Kefik vs Loque

In the Pogamut 3.2 news post, a big deal is made about the difference between Loque and Kefik Runners for navigation, but from reading the JavaDoc ( and I wasn't able to tell much of a difference between the two. I haven't seen how the new KefikRunner behaves yet, since I haven't gotten Pogamut 3.2 to work yet (see my other post about Maven), but I'm just curious if someone can explain what the main difference between the two is. For starters, do the names Loque and Kefik even have any meaning?

Well technically there is big difference between them but in the end they end up doing the same.


LoqueRunner is older, made by Juraj Simlo, tweaked by me and Michal Bida, the code is total spagethi

KefikRunner is made by me by reimplementing LoqueRunner tweaking it a bit more. And what is more important, KefikRunner is HEAVILY DOCUMENTED inside the code so that it can be easily copy-pasted by anyone and adjusted as needed. Feel free to venture into the code.
