Forum: PogamutUT2004

Enemy crouching

How do I tell if an enemy is crouching?
There doesn't seem to be a method in the Player class.

Also, what kind of stuff does "getAction()" return?
Still no answer on this? I guess it just can't be done. I was hoping I could look at the enemy location and compare it to its "floor location", but that method isn't available in the Player class either. I would assume that
this would be easy to figure out. Is it really not possible to tell if an opponent is crouching?

The attribte crouched was not exported for Player (PLR) messages.

I have added Crouched attribute to Player message:
a) I have updated GameBots2004 - its in svn://
b) I have updated PogamutUT2004 so there is supported attribute crouched for Player class. Its in svn and I have also deployed in maven artifactory, so if you are using maven only thing you have to do is to build your project and the attribute should come up.

b) * But you have to use PogamutUT2004 3.2.4-SNAPSHOT