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1   /**
2    * 
3    */
5   package math.geom2d.curve;
7   import java.util.ArrayList;
8   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import java.util.SortedSet;
10  import java.util.TreeSet;
12  import math.geom2d.Box2D;
13  import math.geom2d.Point2D;
14  import math.geom2d.Shape2D;
15  import math.geom2d.Vector2D;
16  import math.geom2d.line.StraightLine2D;
17  import math.geom2d.line.LinearShape2D;
19  /**
20   * Collects some useful methods for clipping curves.
21   * 
22   * @author dlegland
23   */
24  public abstract class Curve2DUtils {
26      // ===================================================================
27      // static methods
29      /**
30       * Mapping of the parameter t, relative to the local curve, into the
31       * interval [0 1], [0 1[, ]0 1], or ]0 1[, depending on the values of t0 and
32       * t1.
33       * 
34       * @param t a value between t0 and t1
35       * @param t0 the lower bound of parameterization domain
36       * @param t1 the upper bound of parameterization domain
37       * @return a value between 0 and 1
38       */
39      public final static double toUnitSegment(double t, double t0, double t1) {
40          if (t<=t0)
41              return 0;
42          if (t>=t1)
43              return 1;
45          if (t0==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY&&t1==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
46              return Math.atan(t)/Math.PI+.5;
48          if (t0==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
49              return Math.atan(t-t1)*2/Math.PI+1;
51          if (t1==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
52              return Math.atan(t-t0)*2/Math.PI;
54          // t0 and t1 are both finite
55          return (t-t0)/(t1-t0);
56      }
58      /**
59       * Transforms the value t between 0 and 1 in a value comprised between t0
60       * and t1.
61       * 
62       * @param t a value between 0 and 1
63       * @param t0 the lower bound of parameterization domain
64       * @param t1 the upper bound of parameterization domain
65       * @return a value between t0 and t1
66       */
67      public final static double fromUnitSegment(double t, double t0, double t1) {
68          if (t<=0)
69              return t0;
70          if (t>=1)
71              return t1;
73          if (t0==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY&&t1==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
74              return Math.tan((t-.5)*Math.PI);
76          if (t0==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
77              return Math.tan((t-1)*Math.PI/2)+t1;
79          if (t1==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
80              return Math.tan(t*Math.PI/2)+t0;
82          // t0 and t1 are both finite
83          return t*(t1-t0)+t0;
84      }
86      /**
87       * Clip a curve, and return a CurveSet2D. If the curve is totally outside
88       * the box, return a CurveSet2D with 0 curves inside. If the curve is
89       * totally inside the box, return a CurveSet2D with only one curve, which is
90       * the original curve.
91       */
92      public final static CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D>
93      clipCurve(Curve2D curve, Box2D box) {
94          // Case of continuous curve:
95          // convert the result of ClipContinuousCurve to CurveSet of Curve2D
96          if (curve instanceof ContinuousCurve2D)
97              return new CurveArray2D<Curve2D>(Curve2DUtils.clipContinuousCurve(
98                      (ContinuousCurve2D) curve, box).getCurves());
100         // case of a CurveSet2D
101         if (curve instanceof CurveSet2D)
102             return Curve2DUtils.clipCurveSet((CurveSet2D<?>) curve, box);
104         // Unknown case
105         System.err.println("Unknown curve class in Box2D.clipCurve()");
106         return new CurveArray2D<Curve2D>();
107     }
109     /**
110      * clip a CurveSet2D.
111      */
112     public final static CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D> clipCurveSet(
113             CurveSet2D<?> curveSet, Box2D box) {
114         // Clip the current curve
115     	CurveArray2D<Curve2D> result = new CurveArray2D<Curve2D>();
116         CurveSet2D<?> clipped;
118         // a clipped parts of current curve to the result
119         for (Curve2D curve : curveSet) {
120             clipped = Curve2DUtils.clipCurve(curve, box);
121             for (Curve2D clippedPart : clipped)
122                 result.addCurve(clippedPart);
123         }
125         // return a set of curves
126         return result;
127     }
129     /**
130      * <p>
131      * Clips a continuous curve and returns a set of continuous curves.
132      * </p>
133      * <p>
134      * Algorithm is the following one:
135      * <ul>
136      * <li>Compute intersections between curve and box boundary</li>
137      * <li>Sort intersections according to their position on the curve</li>
138      * <li>Remove intersections which do not cross (they only touch) the box
139      * boundary </li>
140      * <li>Add portions of curves located between two intersections and inside
141      * of the box</li>
142      * </ul>
143      * </p>
144      * <p>
145      * Special processing is added when the first point of the curve lies on the
146      * boundary of the box, and when the curve is closed (when the first point
147      * of the curve is inside the box, the method return a portion of curve
148      * between the last intersection and the first intersection).
149      * </p>
150      */
151     public final static CurveSet2D<ContinuousCurve2D> clipContinuousCurve(
152             ContinuousCurve2D curve, Box2D box) {
154         // Create CurveSet2D for storing the result
155     	CurveArray2D<ContinuousCurve2D> res = 
156     		new CurveArray2D<ContinuousCurve2D>();
158         // ------ Compute ordered list of intersections
160         // create array of intersection points
161         ArrayList<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
163         // add all the intersections with edges of the box boundary
164         for (LinearShape2D edge : box.getEdges())
165             points.addAll(curve.getIntersections(edge));
167         // convert list to point array, sorted wrt to their position on the
168         // curve
169         SortedSet<Double> set = new TreeSet<Double>();
170         for (Point2D p : points)
171             set.add(new Double(curve.getPosition(p)));
173         // iterator on the intersection positions
174         Iterator<Double> iter = set.iterator();
176         // ----- remove intersections which do not cross the boundary
178         // init arrays
179         int nInter = set.size();
180         double[] positions = new double[nInter+2];
181         double[] between = new double[nInter+1];
183         // fill up array of positions, with extreme positions of curve
184         positions[0] = curve.getT0();
185         for (int i = 0; i<nInter; i++)
186             positions[i+1] =;
187         positions[nInter+1] = curve.getT1();
189         // compute positions of points between intersections
190         for (int i = 0; i<nInter+1; i++)
191             between[i] = choosePosition(positions[i], positions[i+1]);
193         // array of positions to remove
194         ArrayList<Double> toRemove = new ArrayList<Double>();
196         // remove an intersection point if the curve portions before and after
197         // are both either inside or outside of the box.
198         for (int i = 0; i<nInter; i++) {
199             Point2D p1 = curve.getPoint(between[i]);
200             Point2D p2 = curve.getPoint(between[i+1]);
201             boolean b1 = box.contains(p1);
202             boolean b2 = box.contains(p2);
203             if (b1==b2)
204                 toRemove.add(positions[i+1]);
205         }
207         // remove unnecessary intersections
208         set.removeAll(toRemove);
210         // iterator on the intersection positions
211         iter = set.iterator();
213         // ----- Check case of no intersection point
215         // if no intersection point, the curve is totally either inside or
216         // outside the box
217         if (set.size()==0) {
218             // compute position of an arbitrary point on the curve
219             Point2D point;
220             if (curve.isBounded()) {
221                 point = curve.getFirstPoint();
222             } else {
223                 double pos = choosePosition(curve.getT0(), curve.getT1());
224                 point = curve.getPoint(pos);
225             }
227             // if the box contains a point, it contains the whole curve
228             if (box.contains(point))
229                 res.addCurve(curve);
230             return res;
231         }
233         // ----- Check if the curve starts inside of the box
235         // the flag for a curve that starts inside the box
236         boolean inside = false;
237         boolean touch = false;
239         // different behavior if curve is bounded or not
240         double t0 = curve.getT0();
241         if (isLeftInfinite(curve)) {
242             // choose point between -infinite and first intersection
243             double pos = choosePosition(t0, set.iterator().next());
244             inside = box.contains(curve.getPoint(pos));
245         } else {
246             // extract first point of the curve
247             Point2D point = curve.getFirstPoint();
248             inside = box.contains(point);
250             // if first point is on the boundary, then choose another point
251             // located between first point and first intersection
252             if (box.getBoundary().contains(point)) {
253                 touch = true;
255                 double pos = choosePosition(t0,;
256                 while (Math.abs(pos-t0)<Shape2D.ACCURACY&&iter.hasNext())
257                     pos = choosePosition(t0,;
258                 if (Math.abs(pos-t0)<Shape2D.ACCURACY)
259                     pos = choosePosition(t0, curve.getT1());
260                 point = curve.getPoint(pos);
262                 // remove the first point from the list of intersections
263                 set.remove(t0);
265                 // if inside, adds the first portion of the curve,
266                 // and remove next intersection
267                 if (box.contains(point)) {
268                     pos = set.iterator().next();
269                     res.addCurve((ContinuousCurve2D)curve.getSubCurve(t0, pos));
270                     set.remove(pos);
271                 }
273                 // update iterator
274                 iter = set.iterator();
276                 inside = false;
277             }
278         }
280         // different behavior depending if first point lies inside the box
281         double pos0 = Double.NaN;
282         if (inside&&!touch)
283             if (curve.isClosed())
284                 pos0 =;
285             else
286                 res.addCurve((ContinuousCurve2D)curve.getSubCurve(curve.getT0(),;
288         // ----- add portions of curve between each couple of intersections
290         double pos1, pos2;
291         while (iter.hasNext()) {
292             pos1 =;
293             if (iter.hasNext())
294                 pos2 =;
295             else
296                 pos2 = curve.isClosed()&&!touch ? pos0 : curve.getT1();
297             res.addCurve((ContinuousCurve2D)curve.getSubCurve(pos1, pos2));
298         }
300         return res;
301     }
303     /**
304      * Clip a continuous smooth curve. Currently just call the static method
305      * clipContinuousCurve, and cast clipped curves.
306      */
307     public final static CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(
308             SmoothCurve2D curve, Box2D box) {
309     	CurveArray2D<SmoothCurve2D> result = new CurveArray2D<SmoothCurve2D>();
310         for (ContinuousCurve2D cont : Curve2DUtils.clipContinuousCurve(curve,
311                 box))
312             if (cont instanceof SmoothCurve2D)
313                 result.addCurve((SmoothCurve2D) cont);
315         return result;
316     }
318     /**
319      * Clip a continuous smooth curve by the half-plane defined by a line. This
320      * method is mainly used to help debugging when implementing curves.
321      */
322     public final static CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(
323             SmoothCurve2D curve, StraightLine2D line) {
325         // get the list of intersections with the line
326         ArrayList<Point2D> list = new ArrayList<Point2D>();
327         list.addAll(curve.getIntersections(line));
329         // convert list to point array, sorted with respect to their position
330         // on the curve, but do not add tangent points with curvature greater
331         // than 0
332         SortedSet<java.lang.Double> set = new TreeSet<java.lang.Double>();
333         double position;
334         Vector2D vector = line.getVector();
335         for (Point2D point : list) {
336             // get position of intersection on the curve (use project to avoid
337             // round-off problems)
338             position = curve.project(point);
340             // Condition of colinearity with direction vector of line
341             Vector2D tangent = curve.getTangent(position);
342             if (Vector2D.isColinear(tangent, vector)) {
343                 // condition on the curvature (close to zero = cusp point)
344                 double curv = curve.getCurvature(position);
345                 if (Math.abs(curv)>Shape2D.ACCURACY)
346                     continue;
347             }
348             set.add(new java.lang.Double(position));
349         }
351         // Create CurveSet2D for storing the result
352         CurveArray2D<SmoothCurve2D> res = new CurveArray2D<SmoothCurve2D>();
354         // extract first point of the curve, or a point arbitrarily far
355         Point2D point1;
356         if (Double.isInfinite(curve.getT0()))
357             point1 = curve.getPoint(-1000);
358         else
359             point1 = curve.getFirstPoint();
361         // Extract first valid intersection point, if it exists
362         double pos1, pos2;
363         Iterator<java.lang.Double> iter = set.iterator();
365         // if no intersection point, the curve is either totally inside
366         // or totally outside the box
367         if (!iter.hasNext()) {
368             // Find a point on the curve and not on the line
369             // First tries with first point
370             double t0 = curve.getT0();
371             if (t0==Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
372                 t0 = -100;
373             while (line.contains(point1)) {
374                 double t1 = curve.getT1();
375                 if (t1==Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
376                     t1 = +100;
377                 t0 = (t0+t1)/2;
378                 point1 = curve.getPoint(t0);
379             }
380             if (line.getSignedDistance(point1)<0)
381                 res.addCurve(curve);
382             return res;
383         }
385         // different behavior depending if first point lies inside the box
386         if (line.getSignedDistance(point1)<0&&!line.contains(point1)) {
387             pos1 =;
388             res.addCurve((SmoothCurve2D)curve.getSubCurve(curve.getT0(), pos1));
389         }
391         // add the portions of curve between couples of intersections
392         while (iter.hasNext()) {
393             pos1 =;
394             if (iter.hasNext())
395                 pos2 =;
396             else
397                 pos2 = curve.getT1();
398             res.addCurve((SmoothCurve2D)curve.getSubCurve(pos1, pos2));
399         }
401         return res;
402     }
404     public final static int findNextCurveIndex(double[] positions, double pos) {
405         int ind = -1;
406         double posMin = java.lang.Double.MAX_VALUE;
407         for (int i = 0; i<positions.length; i++) {
408             // avoid NaN
409             if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(positions[i]))
410                 continue;
411             // avoid values before
412             if (positions[i]-pos<Shape2D.ACCURACY)
413                 continue;
415             // test if closer that other points
416             if (positions[i]<posMin) {
417                 ind = i;
418                 posMin = positions[i];
419             }
420         }
422         if (ind!=-1)
423             return ind;
425         // if not found, return index of smallest value (mean that pos is last
426         // point on the boundary, so we need to start at the beginning).
427         for (int i = 0; i<positions.length; i++) {
428             if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(positions[i]))
429                 continue;
430             if (positions[i]-posMin<Shape2D.ACCURACY) {
431                 ind = i;
432                 posMin = positions[i];
433             }
434         }
435         return ind;
436     }
438     /**
439      * Choose an arbitrary position between positions t0 and t1, which can be
440      * infinite.
441      * 
442      * @param t0 the first bound of a curve parameterization
443      * @param t1 the second bound of a curve parameterization
444      * @return a position located between t0 and t1
445      */
446     public final static double choosePosition(double t0, double t1) {
447         if (Double.isInfinite(t0)) {
448             if (Double.isInfinite(t1))
449                 return 0;
450             return t1-10;
451         }
453         if (Double.isInfinite(t1))
454             return t0+10;
456         return (t0+t1)/2;
457     }
459 	public final static boolean isLeftInfinite(Curve2D curve) {
460 		// basic check
461 		if(curve.isBounded()) return false;
463 		// extract the first smooth curve
464 		ContinuousCurve2D cont = curve.getContinuousCurves().iterator().next();
465 		SmoothCurve2D smooth = cont.getSmoothPieces().iterator().next();
467 		// check first position of first curve
468 		return Double.isInfinite(smooth.getT0());
469 	}
471 	public final static boolean isRightInfinite(Curve2D curve) {
472 		// basic check
473 		if(curve.isBounded()) return false;
475 		// extract the first smooth curve
476 		SmoothCurve2D lastCurve = null;
477 		for(ContinuousCurve2D cont : curve.getContinuousCurves())
478 			for(SmoothCurve2D smooth : cont.getSmoothPieces())
479 				lastCurve = smooth;
481 		// check last position of last curve
482 		return Double.isInfinite(lastCurve.getT1());
483 	}    
484 }