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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner;
3   import java.util.List;
5   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IAgent;
6   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.params.IAgentParameters;
7   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.factory.guice.GuiceAgentModule;
9   /**
10   * Utility interface for classes that can instantiate & start (possibly multiple) agents at once. Agents may be also
11   * of different classes.
12   * <p><p>
13   * Every implementor is instantiated with default values that should be passed into the agent when no
14   * other parameters are provided.
15   * <p><p>
16   * Note that the {@link IMultipleAgentRunner} utilize {@link IAgentParameters#assignDefaults(IAgentParameters)} to fill
17   * missing fields into {@link IAgentParameters} which allows you to instantiate the {@link IAgentParameters} implementor
18   * with custom data leaving the rest to the {@link IMultipleAgentRunner} (eases the pain of starting agents greatly).
19   * <p><p>
20   * The interface also provides a "synchronizing" feature via {@link IMultipleAgentRunner#setPausing(boolean)}. If set true,
21   * the runner will pause all agents after their construction and resume them at once when all agents has been instantiated.
22   * <p>
23   * Pausing behavior is disabled (== set to false) as default.
24   * <p><p>
25   * NOTE: it might seem strange why there exists {@link IAgentRunner} and {@link IMultipleAgentRunner} interfaces when
26   * {@link IAgentRunner} can be implemented using {@link IMultipleAgentRunner}. Even though that is true, it would
27   * be infeasible as {@link IMultipleAgentRunner} always needs to instantiate new factories for every {@link IAgentDescriptor}
28   * passed (unlike the {@link IAgentRunner} that may utilize the same factory instance repeatedly). 
29   * <p><p>
30   * <b>USING FROM THE main(String[] args) METHOD</b>
31   * <p>
32   * Starting agents from the main method requires special care:
33   * <ol>
34   * <li>if one of your agents fails, all agents should be closed (simulation has been broken)</li>
35   * <li>when all your agent dies, Pogamut platform should be closed (so the JVM could terminate)</li>
36   * </ol>
37   * Previous two points are not-so-easy to implement (and we won't bother you with them). Instead, you
38   * could just call {@link IAgentRunner#setMain(boolean)} with 'true' and the runner will behave differently.
39   * (Note that all startAgent methods will block!)
40   * 
41   * @author Jimmy
42   * 
43   * @param <AGENT> common ancestor of all agents that are going to be started
44   * @param <PARAMS>
45   * @param <MODULE>
46   */
47  public interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent, PARAMS extends IAgentParameters, MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule> {
49  	 /**
50       * Start an agent instances described by 'agentDescriptors'. The method creates a new factory
51       * for every descriptor (as it must use different agent modules). The length of the 'agentDescriptors' array
52       * together with {@link IAgentDescriptor#getCount()} determines how many agents are going to be instantiated and started.
53       * <p><p>
54  	 * Note that if any instantiation/start of the agent fails, all agents are killed before the method throws 
55  	 * the exception.
56       * 
57       * @param agentsParameters
58       * @return array of started agents
59       */
60  	public List<AGENT> startAgents(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS, MODULE>... agentDescriptors);
62  	/**
63  	 * Sets the pausing behavior.
64  	 * <p><p>
65  	 * If set true, the runner will pause all agents after their construction and resume them 
66  	 * at once whenever all agents has been successfully started.
67  	 * 
68  	 * @param state
69  	 * @return this instance
70  	 */
71  	public IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT, PARAMS, MODULE> setPausing(boolean state);
73  	/**
74  	 * Tells, whether the pausing behavior is enabled.
75  	 * <p><p>
76  	 * If enabled, the runner will pause all agents after their construction and resume them 
77  	 * at once whenever all agents has been instantiated.
78  	 * 
79  	 * @return state of the pausing behavior
80  	 */
81  	public boolean isPausing();
83  	/**
84  	 * Sets 'main' functionality.
85  	 * @param state
86  	 * @return
87  	 */
88  	public IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT, PARAMS, MODULE> setMain(boolean state);
90  	/**
91  	 * Whether the runner is set to provide 'main' functionality.
92  	 * @return
93  	 */
94  	public boolean isMain();
95  }