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1   package;
3   import java.util.Collection;
4   import java.util.HashMap;
6   /**
7    * This class represents the discrete search space for path-finding algorithms for games. It conceptualize the map/location/environment of the game for
8    * the purpose of planners as finite graph whose nodes are easily distinguishable from each others (it is suitable for NavigationGraphs using discrete navigation
9    * points, but it is not suitable for GOAP planners for strategic games such as Defcon).
10   * <p><p>
11   * The map is perceived as oriented graph that does not have "multi-edges" (it is not a multigraph).
12   * <p><p>
13   * Every environment must at least provide:
14   * <ol>
15   * <li>function that can compute neighbors of every node ({@link IPFMap#getNeighbors(Object)})</li>
16   * <li>function that provides "cost" of the node (i.e., what is the cost of having the node in the path) ({@link IPFMap#getNodeCost(Object)})</li>
17   * <li>function that provides "cost" of the arc (arc == directed edge, i.e., what is the cost of traveling through edge between two nodes in the graph) ({@link IPFMap#getArcCost(Object)})</li>
18   * </ol>
19   * <p><p>
20   * Note that the interface is parameterized by "NODE" which might be arbitrary object, that is you may use POJOs here. But be careful
21   * as algorithms using the map usually assumes that {@link Object#hashCode()} and {@link Object#equals(Object)} are correctly implemented
22   * for them (i.e., they may use the nodes as keys inside {@link HashMap}s).
23   * <p><p>
24   * Note that the implementation of such interface should not provide any "view hacks", i.e., means for suppressing the presence of some nodes/arc of the graph.
25   * Such tweaks should be implemented using {@link IPFMapView}.
26   * <p><p>
27   * Note that this interface is suitable for "exploratory" algorithms such as A-Star, that is, algorithms which gradually search the space given some "seed" (starting point).
28   * If you wish to use "grand-scale" algorithms such as Floyd-Warshall (where you have to know number of all nodes in advance), use {@link IPFKnownMap}.
29   * 
30   * @param NODE
31   */
32  public interface IPFMap<NODE> {
34  	/**
35  	 * This should return a collection of nodes which are connected to this one by some arc (== oriented edge).
36  	 * I.e., return collection of nodes that are directly accessible from "node".
37  	 * <p><p>
39  	 * <p><p>
40  	 * Returned collection must not contain multiple references to a single neighbor (multi-graph is forbidden).
41  	 * 
42  	 * @param node
43  	 * @return all neighbors of the node (arc exists between 'node' and every node inside returned collection)
44  	 */
45  	public Collection<NODE> getNeighbors(NODE node);
47  	/**
48  	 * General cost of having this node at your path. This allows you to say how much each node appeals to the agent, 
49  	 * it may specify "this is a cool node, try to get it on your path" (negative cost) or "this is neutral node"
50  	 * (zero cost) or "this is a bad node to have on your path" (positive cost).
51  	 * <p><p>
52  	 * This might be highly dependent on the agent so the default implementation will probably just return "0".
53  	 * 
54  	 * @param node
55  	 * @return cost of the node
56  	 */
57  	public int getNodeCost(NODE node);
59  	/**
60  	 * Should return the cost of traveling from "nodeFrom" to "nodeTo".
61       * You can be sure that "nodeTo" is among the neighbors of "nodeFrom" as they were returned by 
62       * {@link IPFMap#getNeighbors(Object)} or from {@link IPFMapView#getExtraNeighbors(Object)}. 
63       * <p><p>
64       * Note that notion of "cost" might be highly dependent on the agent, thus it may have the sense to provide it
65       * only a general distance between "nodeFrom" and "nodeTo".
66       * <p><p>
67       * The method can be also perceived as having name "getDistance".
68       * 
69  	 * @param nodeFrom
70  	 * @param nodeTo
71  	 * @return cost of an arc
72  	 */
73  	public int getArcCost(NODE nodeFrom, NODE nodeTo);
75  }