Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors




  • allowLegacy: "true"
7Errors Error
NewlineAtEndOfFile40Errors Error
Translation0Errors Error
FileLength0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
1212Errors Error
  • message: "Line has trailing spaces."
  • format: "\s+$"
682Errors Error
JavadocMethod1170Errors Error
JavadocType82Errors Error
JavadocVariable446Errors Error
JavadocStyle164Errors Error
ConstantName72Errors Error
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
LocalVariableName8Errors Error
MemberName44Errors Error
MethodName90Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
ParameterName4Errors Error
StaticVariableName16Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
AvoidStarImport8Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
RedundantImport0Errors Error
UnusedImports84Errors Error
LineLength1218Errors Error
MethodLength2Errors Error
ParameterNumber6Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0Errors Error
MethodParamPad0Errors Error
NoWhitespaceAfter2Errors Error
NoWhitespaceBefore0Errors Error
OperatorWrap14Errors Error
ParenPad0Errors Error
TypecastParenPad0Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter98Errors Error
WhitespaceAround368Errors Error
ModifierOrder76Errors Error
RedundantModifier16Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks54Errors Error
EmptyBlock8Errors Error
LeftCurly198Errors Error
NeedBraces412Errors Error
RightCurly48Errors Error
AvoidInlineConditionals52Errors Error
DoubleCheckedLocking0Errors Error
EmptyStatement12Errors Error
EqualsHashCode2Errors Error
HiddenField312Errors Error
IllegalInstantiation0Errors Error
InnerAssignment88Errors Error
MagicNumber930Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault2Errors Error
RedundantThrows2Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanExpression0Errors Error
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Errors Error
DesignForExtension364Errors Error
FinalClass0Errors Error
HideUtilityClassConstructor4Errors Error
InterfaceIsType2Errors Error
VisibilityModifier162Errors Error
ArrayTypeStyle12Errors Error
FinalParameters1488Errors Error
TodoComment40Errors Error
UpperEll0Errors Error



ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsParameter string should be final.21
ErrorsParameter escapedString should be final.33
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'string'.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsParameter escaped should be final.48
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'escaped'.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.81
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.81
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </pre> Basically when you expand it all, you will get98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsParameter string should be final.21
ErrorsParameter escapedString should be final.33
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'string'.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsParameter escaped should be final.48
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'escaped'.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.81
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.81
ErrorsExtra HTML tag found: </pre> Basically when you expand it all, you will get98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.13
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.14
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter value should be final.21
Errors'value' hides a field.21
ErrorsDefinition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'.30
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter number should be final.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter number should be final.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter character should be final.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.74
ErrorsParameter escapedChar should be final.74
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'escapedChar'.74
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsParameter charLiteral should be final.111
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'charLiteral'.111
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.168
Errors'3' is a magic number.169
Errors'3' is a magic number.170
Errors'3' is a magic number.172
Errors'8' is a magic number.173
Errors'8' is a magic number.180
Errors'8' is a magic number.186
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.195
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.200
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'sb'.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.238
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.244
Errors'4' is a magic number.250
Errors'4' is a magic number.251
Errors'16' is a magic number.252
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.13
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.14
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter value should be final.21
Errors'value' hides a field.21
ErrorsDefinition of 'equals()' without corresponding definition of 'hashCode()'.30
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter number should be final.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter number should be final.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter character should be final.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.74
ErrorsParameter escapedChar should be final.74
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'escapedChar'.74
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.93
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsParameter charLiteral should be final.111
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'charLiteral'.111
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.143
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.164
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.164
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.168
Errors'3' is a magic number.169
Errors'3' is a magic number.170
Errors'3' is a magic number.172
Errors'8' is a magic number.173
Errors'8' is a magic number.180
Errors'8' is a magic number.186
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.195
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.200
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'sb'.200
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.238
ErrorsParameter sb should be final.244
Errors'4' is a magic number.250
Errors'4' is a magic number.251
Errors'16' is a magic number.252


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.15
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.15


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsParameter name should be final.28
Errors'name' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter args should be final.28
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'args'.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMethod 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsParameter name should be final.28
Errors'name' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter args should be final.28
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'args'.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMethod 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IWorkExecutor.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.25
Errors'priority' hides a field.25
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.25
Errors'trigger' hides a field.25
ErrorsParameter call should be final.25
Errors'call' hides a field.25
ErrorsMethod 'getPriority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMethod 'getTrigger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMethod 'getCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IWorkExecutor.3
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter priority should be final.25
Errors'priority' hides a field.25
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.25
Errors'trigger' hides a field.25
ErrorsParameter call should be final.25
Errors'call' hides a field.25
ErrorsMethod 'getPriority' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMethod 'getTrigger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsMethod 'getCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.57


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.1
ErrorsParameter currentTokenVal should be final.29
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'currentTokenVal'.29
ErrorsParameter expectedTokenSequencesVal should be final.30
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'expectedTokenSequencesVal'.30
ErrorsParameter tokenImageVal should be final.31
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tokenImageVal'.31
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter message should be final.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.55
ErrorsVariable 'currentToken' must be private and have accessor methods.65
ErrorsVariable 'expectedTokenSequences' must be private and have accessor methods.72
ErrorsVariable 'tokenImage' must be private and have accessor methods.79
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.88
ErrorsParameter currentToken should be final.88
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'currentToken'.88
ErrorsParameter expectedTokenSequences should be final.89
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'expectedTokenSequences'.89
ErrorsParameter tokenImage should be final.90
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tokenImage'.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsVariable 'eol' must be private and have accessor methods.134
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.141
ErrorsName 'add_escapes' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.141
ErrorsParameter str should be final.141
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'str'.141
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.146
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.174
Errors'0x20' is a magic number.174
Errors'0x7e' is a magic number.174
Errors'16' is a magic number.175
Errors'4' is a magic number.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.187
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.1
ErrorsParameter currentTokenVal should be final.29
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'currentTokenVal'.29
ErrorsParameter expectedTokenSequencesVal should be final.30
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'expectedTokenSequencesVal'.30
ErrorsParameter tokenImageVal should be final.31
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tokenImageVal'.31
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter message should be final.55
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.55
ErrorsVariable 'currentToken' must be private and have accessor methods.65
ErrorsVariable 'expectedTokenSequences' must be private and have accessor methods.72
ErrorsVariable 'tokenImage' must be private and have accessor methods.79
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.88
ErrorsParameter currentToken should be final.88
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'currentToken'.88
ErrorsParameter expectedTokenSequences should be final.89
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'expectedTokenSequences'.89
ErrorsParameter tokenImage should be final.90
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tokenImage'.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsVariable 'eol' must be private and have accessor methods.134
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.141
ErrorsName 'add_escapes' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.141
ErrorsParameter str should be final.141
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'str'.141
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.146
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.174
Errors'0x20' is a magic number.174
Errors'0x7e' is a magic number.174
Errors'16' is a magic number.175
Errors'4' is a magic number.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.187


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter name should be final.22
Errors'name' hides a field.22
ErrorsParameter args should be final.22
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsMethod 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMethod 'execute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.49
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter number should be final.62
Errors'number' hides a field.62
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsParameter number should be final.80
Errors'number' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter query should be final.99
Errors'query' hides a field.99
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.122
ErrorsParameter args should be final.122
Errors'args' hides a field.122
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.127
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsParameter args should be final.144
Errors'args' hides a field.144
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.149
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.154
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.163
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.163
Errors'op1' hides a field.163
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.163
Errors'op2' hides a field.163
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.176
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.176
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.179
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.183
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.185
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.185
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.195
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.197
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.197
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.197
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.202
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.207
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.209
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.209
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.219
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.221
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.221
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.226
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.231
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.233
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.233
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.233
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.238
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.243
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.245
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.245
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.250
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsParameter name should be final.22
Errors'name' hides a field.22
ErrorsParameter args should be final.22
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.32
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.36
ErrorsMethod 'getArgs' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMethod 'execute' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.49
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsParameter number should be final.62
Errors'number' hides a field.62
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.67
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsParameter number should be final.80
Errors'number' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.97
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.99
ErrorsParameter query should be final.99
Errors'query' hides a field.99
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.122
ErrorsParameter args should be final.122
Errors'args' hides a field.122
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.127
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.132
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsParameter args should be final.144
Errors'args' hides a field.144
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.149
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.154
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.158
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.163
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.163
Errors'op1' hides a field.163
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.163
Errors'op2' hides a field.163
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.176
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.176
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.179
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.183
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.185
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.185
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.185
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.190
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.195
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.197
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.197
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.197
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.202
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.207
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.209
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.209
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.219
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.221
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.221
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.221
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.226
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.231
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.233
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.233
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.233
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.238
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.243
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
ErrorsParameter op1 should be final.245
ErrorsParameter op2 should be final.245
ErrorsParameter cmp should be final.250


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter name should be final.26
Errors'name' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter descr should be final.26
Errors'descr' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.26
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMethod 'getElements' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter name should be final.26
Errors'name' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter descr should be final.26
Errors'descr' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.26
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsMethod 'getElements' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.45


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter nodes should be final.19
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'nodes'.19
ErrorsMethod 'getRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.28
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.29
ErrorsMethod 'findNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsParameter name should be final.39
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter nodes should be final.19
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'nodes'.19
ErrorsMethod 'getRoot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.27
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.28
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.29
ErrorsMethod 'findNode' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsParameter name should be final.39


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMethod 'cleanChar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsParameter string should be final.7
ErrorsMethod 'cleanString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter string should be final.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
Errors'7' is a magic number.18
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.23
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.23
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.23
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors'7' is a magic number.24
ErrorsEmpty statement.25
Errors'8' is a magic number.32
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.34
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.34
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.34
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.34
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.34
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.38
Errors'7' is a magic number.43
Errors'6' is a magic number.44
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.51
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'7' is a magic number.52
ErrorsEmpty statement.53
Errors'8' is a magic number.60
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.61
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.65
Errors'7' is a magic number.69
Errors'8' is a magic number.73
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.74
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.74
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.74
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.78
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.81
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.81
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.85
Errors'token' hides a field.90
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.91
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.94
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.94
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.98
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.98
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'7' is a magic number.100
Errors'7' is a magic number.101
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.102
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.105
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.105
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'10' is a magic number.107
Errors'10' is a magic number.108
Errors'8' is a magic number.110
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.111
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.111
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.111
Errors'9' is a magic number.113
Errors'9' is a magic number.114
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.119
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'7' is a magic number.120
ErrorsEmpty statement.123
Errors'8' is a magic number.130
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.131
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'11' is a magic number.133
Errors'11' is a magic number.134
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.139
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.139
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.139
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'7' is a magic number.140
ErrorsEmpty statement.143
Errors'3' is a magic number.146
Errors'8' is a magic number.150
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.151
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors'8' is a magic number.157
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.158
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.158
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.158
Errors'8' is a magic number.164
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.165
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'8' is a magic number.171
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.172
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.172
Errors'8' is a magic number.178
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.179
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'8' is a magic number.185
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.186
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'8' is a magic number.192
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.193
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'4' is a magic number.196
Errors'5' is a magic number.202
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.209
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.211
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'7' is a magic number.212
Errors'7' is a magic number.213
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.215
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.215
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.219
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.219
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.223
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.223
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.223
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.223
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.223
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.223
Errors'6' is a magic number.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.236
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.236
Errors'8' is a magic number.241
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.242
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.242
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.246
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.246
Errors'7' is a magic number.249
Errors'8' is a magic number.252
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.253
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.253
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.253
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.253
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.253
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.257
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.257
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.262
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.262
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.262
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.262
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.262
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.262
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.262
ErrorsEmpty statement.267
Errors'7' is a magic number.270
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.276
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.276
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.276
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.276
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.281
Errors'token' hides a field.282
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.283
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.283
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.283
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.283
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.286
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.286
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.286
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.286
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.286
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.286
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.290
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.290
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.290
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.290
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.290
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.290
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.294
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.294
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.294
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.294
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.294
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.294
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.298
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.298
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.298
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.298
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.298
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.298
Errors'8' is a magic number.301
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.312
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.312
Errors'token' hides a field.313
ErrorsEmpty statement.320
Errors'26' is a magic number.324
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.329
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.329
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.329
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.333
ErrorsName 'jj_2_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.333
ErrorsParameter xla should be final.333
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.334
Errors'}' should be on the same line.335
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.336
Errors'}' should be on the same line.336
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.340
ErrorsName 'jj_3_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.340
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.341
Errors'26' is a magic number.341
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.342
ErrorsName 'token_source' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.347
ErrorsVariable 'token_source' must be private and have accessor methods.347
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.348
ErrorsName 'jj_input_stream' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.348
ErrorsVariable 'jj_input_stream' must be private and have accessor methods.348
ErrorsVariable 'token' must be private and have accessor methods.350
ErrorsName 'jj_nt' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.352
ErrorsVariable 'jj_nt' must be private and have accessor methods.352
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.353
ErrorsName 'jj_ntk' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.353
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.354
ErrorsName 'jj_scanpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.354
ErrorsName 'jj_lastpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.354
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.355
ErrorsName 'jj_la' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.355
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.356
ErrorsName 'jj_gen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.356
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.357
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.357
ErrorsName 'jj_la1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.357
Errors'9' is a magic number.357
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.358
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.358
ErrorsName 'jj_la1_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.358
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
ErrorsName 'jj_la1_init_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.362
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.363
Errors'0x80' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x80' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x7fe00' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x3600000' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x3600000' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.365
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.365
ErrorsName 'jj_2_rtns' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.365
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.366
ErrorsName 'jj_rescan' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.366
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.367
ErrorsName 'jj_gc' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.367
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.370
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.370
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.373
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.374
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.374
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.374
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.374
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.375
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.375
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.380
Errors'9' is a magic number.380
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.381
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.385
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.385
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.385
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.385
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.389
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.389
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.389
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.389
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.389
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.389
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.390
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.390
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.395
Errors'9' is a magic number.395
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.396
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.400
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.400
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.406
Errors'9' is a magic number.406
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.407
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.411
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.411
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.411
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.411
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.417
Errors'9' is a magic number.417
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.418
ErrorsParameter tm should be final.422
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tm'.422
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.427
Errors'9' is a magic number.427
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.428
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.432
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.432
ErrorsParameter tm should be final.432
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tm'.432
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.437
Errors'9' is a magic number.437
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.438
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.441
ErrorsName 'jj_consume_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.441
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.441
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.444
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.444
Errors'100' is a magic number.448
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.453
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.465
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.465
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.466
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.466
ErrorsName 'jj_ls' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.466
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.467
ErrorsName 'jj_scan_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.467
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.467
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.471
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.471
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.473
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.481
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.483
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.484
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.490
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.490
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.491
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.492
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.492
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.499
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.499
ErrorsParameter index should be final.499
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'index'.499
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.502
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.503
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.503
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.508
ErrorsName 'jj_ntk' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.508
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.509
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.509
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.509
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.509
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.510
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.510
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.510
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.510
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.511
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.512
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.515
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.515
ErrorsName 'jj_expentries' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.515
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.516
ErrorsName 'jj_expentry' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.516
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.517
ErrorsName 'jj_kind' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.517
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.518
ErrorsName 'jj_lasttokens' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.518
Errors'100' is a magic number.518
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.519
ErrorsName 'jj_endpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.519
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.521
ErrorsName 'jj_add_error_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.521
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.521
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.521
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.522
Errors'100' is a magic number.522
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.530
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.531
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.542
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.542
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.547
ErrorsMethod 'generateParseException' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.547
Errors'27' is a magic number.549
Errors'9' is a magic number.554
Errors'32' is a magic number.556
Errors'<<' is not preceded with whitespace.557
Errors'<<' is not followed by whitespace.557
Errors'27' is a magic number.563
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.581
ErrorsName 'enable_tracing' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.581
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.585
ErrorsName 'disable_tracing' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.585
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.588
ErrorsName 'jj_rescan_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.588
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.595
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.596
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.602
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.602
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.607
ErrorsName 'jj_save' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.607
ErrorsParameter index should be final.607
ErrorsParameter xla should be final.607
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.610
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.616
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.617
ErrorsVariable 'gen' must be private and have accessor methods.617
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.618
ErrorsVariable 'first' must be private and have accessor methods.618
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.619
ErrorsVariable 'arg' must be private and have accessor methods.619
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.620
ErrorsVariable 'next' must be private and have accessor methods.620
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.6
ErrorsMethod 'cleanChar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.7
ErrorsParameter string should be final.7
ErrorsMethod 'cleanString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter string should be final.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
Errors'7' is a magic number.18
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.23
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.23
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.23
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.23
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.23
Errors'7' is a magic number.24
ErrorsEmpty statement.25
Errors'8' is a magic number.32
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.34
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.34
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.34
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.34
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.34
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.38
Errors'7' is a magic number.43
Errors'6' is a magic number.44
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.51
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.51
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'7' is a magic number.52
ErrorsEmpty statement.53
Errors'8' is a magic number.60
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.61
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.61
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.61
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.61
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.65
Errors'7' is a magic number.69
Errors'8' is a magic number.73
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.74
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.74
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.74
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.74
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.78
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.81
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.81
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.81
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.85
Errors'token' hides a field.90
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.91
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.91
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.91
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.91
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.94
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.94
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.94
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.94
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.98
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.98
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.98
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.98
Errors'7' is a magic number.100
Errors'7' is a magic number.101
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.102
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.102
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.102
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.102
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.105
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.105
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.105
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.105
Errors'10' is a magic number.107
Errors'10' is a magic number.108
Errors'8' is a magic number.110
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.111
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.111
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.111
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.111
Errors'9' is a magic number.113
Errors'9' is a magic number.114
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.119
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.119
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.119
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.119
Errors'7' is a magic number.120
ErrorsEmpty statement.123
Errors'8' is a magic number.130
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.131
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.131
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.131
Errors'11' is a magic number.133
Errors'11' is a magic number.134
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.139
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.139
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.139
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.139
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.139
Errors'7' is a magic number.140
ErrorsEmpty statement.143
Errors'3' is a magic number.146
Errors'8' is a magic number.150
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.151
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.151
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.151
Errors'8' is a magic number.157
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.158
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.158
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.158
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.158
Errors'8' is a magic number.164
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.165
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.165
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.165
Errors'8' is a magic number.171
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.172
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.172
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.172
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.172
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.172
Errors'8' is a magic number.178
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.179
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.179
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.179
Errors'8' is a magic number.185
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.186
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.186
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.186
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.186
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.186
Errors'8' is a magic number.192
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.193
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.193
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.193
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.193
Errors'4' is a magic number.196
Errors'5' is a magic number.202
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.209
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.209
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.211
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.211
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.211
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.211
Errors'7' is a magic number.212
Errors'7' is a magic number.213
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.215
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.215
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.215
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.215
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.219
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.219
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.219
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.219
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.223
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.223
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.223
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.223
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.223
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.223
Errors'6' is a magic number.226
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.236
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.236
Errors'8' is a magic number.241
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.242
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.242
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.242
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.242
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.242
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.246
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.246
Errors'7' is a magic number.249
Errors'8' is a magic number.252
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.253
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.253
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.253
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.253
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.253
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.253
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.253
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.257
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.257
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.262
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.262
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.262
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.262
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.262
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.262
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.262
ErrorsEmpty statement.267
Errors'7' is a magic number.270
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.276
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.276
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.276
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.276
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.276
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.280
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.281
Errors'token' hides a field.282
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.283
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'?' is not preceded with whitespace.283
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.283
Errors'?' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors':' is not preceded with whitespace.283
Errors':' is not followed by whitespace.283
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.286
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.286
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.286
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.286
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.286
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.286
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.290
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.290
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.290
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.290
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.290
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.290
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.294
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.294
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.294
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.294
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.294
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.294
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.298
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.298
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.298
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.298
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.298
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.298
Errors'8' is a magic number.301
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.312
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.312
Errors'token' hides a field.313
ErrorsEmpty statement.320
Errors'26' is a magic number.324
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.329
ErrorsAvoid nested blocks.329
Errors'if' is not preceded with whitespace.329
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.329
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.329
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.333
ErrorsName 'jj_2_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.333
ErrorsParameter xla should be final.333
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.334
Errors'}' should be on the same line.335
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.336
Errors'}' should be on the same line.336
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.340
ErrorsName 'jj_3_1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.340
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.341
Errors'26' is a magic number.341
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.342
ErrorsName 'token_source' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.347
ErrorsVariable 'token_source' must be private and have accessor methods.347
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.348
ErrorsName 'jj_input_stream' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.348
ErrorsVariable 'jj_input_stream' must be private and have accessor methods.348
ErrorsVariable 'token' must be private and have accessor methods.350
ErrorsName 'jj_nt' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.352
ErrorsVariable 'jj_nt' must be private and have accessor methods.352
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.353
ErrorsName 'jj_ntk' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.353
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.354
ErrorsName 'jj_scanpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.354
ErrorsName 'jj_lastpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.354
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.355
ErrorsName 'jj_la' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.355
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.356
ErrorsName 'jj_gen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.356
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.357
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.357
ErrorsName 'jj_la1' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.357
Errors'9' is a magic number.357
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.358
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.358
ErrorsName 'jj_la1_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.358
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.362
ErrorsName 'jj_la1_init_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.362
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.363
Errors'0x80' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x80' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x7fe00' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x600080' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x3600000' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
Errors'0x3600000' is a magic number.363
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.363
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.365
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.365
ErrorsName 'jj_2_rtns' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.365
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.366
ErrorsName 'jj_rescan' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.366
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.367
ErrorsName 'jj_gc' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.367
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.370
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.370
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.373
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.374
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.374
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.374
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.374
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.375
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.375
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.380
Errors'9' is a magic number.380
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.381
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.385
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.385
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.385
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.385
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.389
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.389
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.389
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.389
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.389
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.389
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.390
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.390
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.395
Errors'9' is a magic number.395
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.396
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.400
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.400
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.406
Errors'9' is a magic number.406
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.407
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.411
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.411
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.411
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.411
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.417
Errors'9' is a magic number.417
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.418
ErrorsParameter tm should be final.422
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tm'.422
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.427
Errors'9' is a magic number.427
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.428
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.432
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.432
ErrorsParameter tm should be final.432
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'tm'.432
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.437
Errors'9' is a magic number.437
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.438
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.441
ErrorsName 'jj_consume_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.441
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.441
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.444
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.444
Errors'100' is a magic number.448
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.453
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.465
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.465
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.466
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.466
ErrorsName 'jj_ls' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.466
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.467
ErrorsName 'jj_scan_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.467
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.467
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.471
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.471
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.473
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.481
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.483
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.484
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.490
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.490
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.491
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.492
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.492
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.499
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.499
ErrorsParameter index should be final.499
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'index'.499
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.502
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.503
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.503
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.508
ErrorsName 'jj_ntk' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.508
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.509
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.509
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.509
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.509
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.510
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.510
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.510
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.510
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.511
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.512
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.515
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.515
ErrorsName 'jj_expentries' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.515
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.516
ErrorsName 'jj_expentry' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.516
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.517
ErrorsName 'jj_kind' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.517
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.518
ErrorsName 'jj_lasttokens' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.518
Errors'100' is a magic number.518
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.519
ErrorsName 'jj_endpos' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.519
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.521
ErrorsName 'jj_add_error_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.521
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.521
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.521
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.522
Errors'100' is a magic number.522
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.530
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.531
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.542
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.542
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.547
ErrorsMethod 'generateParseException' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.547
Errors'27' is a magic number.549
Errors'9' is a magic number.554
Errors'32' is a magic number.556
Errors'<<' is not preceded with whitespace.557
Errors'<<' is not followed by whitespace.557
Errors'27' is a magic number.563
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.581
ErrorsName 'enable_tracing' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.581
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.585
ErrorsName 'disable_tracing' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.585
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.588
ErrorsName 'jj_rescan_token' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.588
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.595
Errorsswitch without "default" clause.596
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.602
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.602
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.607
ErrorsName 'jj_save' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.607
ErrorsParameter index should be final.607
ErrorsParameter xla should be final.607
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.610
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.616
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.617
ErrorsVariable 'gen' must be private and have accessor methods.617
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.618
ErrorsVariable 'first' must be private and have accessor methods.618
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.619
ErrorsVariable 'arg' must be private and have accessor methods.619
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.620
ErrorsVariable 'next' must be private and have accessor methods.620


Errorsinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.9
ErrorsName 'tokenImage' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.46
Errorsinterfaces should describe a type and hence have methods.9
ErrorsName 'tokenImage' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.46


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*.3
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.7
ErrorsVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.10
ErrorsMethod 'setDebugStream' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.12
ErrorsParameter ds should be final.12
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ds'.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.13
ErrorsName 'jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.13
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.13
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.13
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.14
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.16
Errors'0xe40L' is a magic number.18
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.19
Errors'18' is a magic number.20
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.23
Errors'0x4000000L' is a magic number.23
Errors'6' is a magic number.24
Errors'0x640L' is a magic number.27
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.28
Errors'18' is a magic number.29
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.33
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.33
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.37
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.38
Errors'18' is a magic number.39
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.43
Errors'0x600L' is a magic number.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.50
ErrorsName 'jjStartNfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.50
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.50
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.50
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.54
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.54
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.60
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.61
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.63
Errors'33' is a magic number.64
Errors'0x8000L' is a magic number.65
Errors'40' is a magic number.66
Errors'7' is a magic number.67
Errors'41' is a magic number.68
Errors'8' is a magic number.69
Errors'46' is a magic number.70
Errors'26' is a magic number.71
Errors'6' is a magic number.71
Errors'60' is a magic number.72
Errors'17' is a magic number.73
Errors'0x10000L' is a magic number.74
Errors'61' is a magic number.75
Errors'14' is a magic number.76
Errors'62' is a magic number.77
Errors'12' is a magic number.78
Errors'0x2000L' is a magic number.79
Errors'97' is a magic number.80
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.81
Errors'110' is a magic number.82
Errors'0x440L' is a magic number.83
Errors'111' is a magic number.84
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.90
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.90
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.91
Errors'}' should be on the same line.92
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.93
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.98
Errors'61' is a magic number.99
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.100
Errors'0x2000L' is a magic number.100
Errors'13' is a magic number.101
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.102
Errors'0x8000L' is a magic number.102
Errors'15' is a magic number.103
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.104
Errors'0x10000L' is a magic number.104
Errors'16' is a magic number.105
Errors'110' is a magic number.107
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.108
Errors'111' is a magic number.109
Errors'0x440L' is a magic number.110
Errors'114' is a magic number.111
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.112
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.112
Errors'11' is a magic number.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.120
ErrorsParameter old0 should be final.120
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.120
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.121
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.122
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.122
Errors'}' should be on the same line.124
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.130
Errors'100' is a magic number.131
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.132
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.132
Errors'9' is a magic number.133
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.134
Errors'116' is a magic number.135
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.136
Errors'0x400L' is a magic number.136
Errors'10' is a magic number.137
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.144
ErrorsParameter old0 should be final.144
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.144
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.145
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.146
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.146
Errors'}' should be on the same line.148
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'3' is a magic number.151
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.154
Errors'101' is a magic number.155
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.156
Errors'3' is a magic number.157
Errors'6' is a magic number.157
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.164
ErrorsName 'jjStartNfaWithStates_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.164
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.164
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.164
ErrorsParameter state should be final.164
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.168
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.169
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsName 'jjbitVec0' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.172
ErrorsMethod length is 387 lines (max allowed is 150).175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsName 'jjMoveNfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.175
ErrorsParameter startState should be final.175
ErrorsParameter curPos should be final.175
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.176
Errors'55' is a magic number.178
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.181
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.183
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.184
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.184
Errors'64' is a magic number.186
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.187
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.190
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.192
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.194
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.194
Errors'6' is a magic number.195
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.196
Errors'45' is a magic number.196
Errors'7' is a magic number.197
Errors'9' is a magic number.197
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.198
Errors'34' is a magic number.198
Errors'10' is a magic number.199
Errors'12' is a magic number.199
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.200
Errors'39' is a magic number.200
Errors'13' is a magic number.201
Errors'14' is a magic number.201
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.202
Errors'46' is a magic number.202
Errors'6' is a magic number.203
Errors'36' is a magic number.204
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.205
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.206
Errors'18' is a magic number.206
Errors'18' is a magic number.207
Errors'0x3fe000000000000L' is a magic number.210
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.211
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.212
Errors'21' is a magic number.212
Errors'21' is a magic number.213
Errors'3' is a magic number.214
Errors'}' should be on the same line.215
Errors'48' is a magic number.216
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.217
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.218
Errors'21' is a magic number.218
Errors'21' is a magic number.219
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.223
Errors'0x3ff201000000000L' is a magic number.223
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.225
Errors'18' is a magic number.225
Errors'18' is a magic number.226
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.230
Errors'0x3fe000000000000L' is a magic number.230
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.232
Errors'21' is a magic number.232
Errors'21' is a magic number.233
Errors'3' is a magic number.234
Errors'3' is a magic number.236
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.237
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.237
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.239
Errors'21' is a magic number.239
Errors'21' is a magic number.240
Errors'3' is a magic number.241
Errors'4' is a magic number.243
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.244
Errors'48' is a magic number.244
Errors'21' is a magic number.244
Errors'21' is a magic number.245
Errors'5' is a magic number.247
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.248
Errors'46' is a magic number.248
Errors'6' is a magic number.249
Errors'6' is a magic number.251
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.252
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.252
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.254
Errors'22' is a magic number.254
Errors'22' is a magic number.255
Errors'15' is a magic number.256
Errors'17' is a magic number.256
Errors'8' is a magic number.258
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.259
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.259
Errors'9' is a magic number.260
Errors'9' is a magic number.262
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.263
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.263
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.265
Errors'22' is a magic number.265
Errors'22' is a magic number.266
Errors'9' is a magic number.267
Errors'10' is a magic number.267
Errors'11' is a magic number.269
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.270
Errors'39' is a magic number.270
Errors'13' is a magic number.271
Errors'14' is a magic number.271
Errors'12' is a magic number.273
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.274
Errors'0xffffff7fffffdbffL' is a magic number.274
Errors'13' is a magic number.275
Errors'13' is a magic number.277
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.278
Errors'39' is a magic number.278
Errors'24' is a magic number.278
Errors'24' is a magic number.279
Errors'15' is a magic number.281
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.282
Errors'0xff008400000000L' is a magic number.282
Errors'13' is a magic number.283
Errors'16' is a magic number.285
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.286
Errors'0xf000000000000L' is a magic number.286
Errors'17' is a magic number.287
Errors'17' is a magic number.289
Errors'19' is a magic number.290
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.291
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.291
Errors'18' is a magic number.292
Errors'18' is a magic number.294
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.295
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.295
Errors'13' is a magic number.296
Errors'21' is a magic number.298
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.299
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.299
Errors'22' is a magic number.300
Errors'22' is a magic number.302
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.303
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.303
Errors'23' is a magic number.304
Errors'23' is a magic number.306
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.307
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.307
Errors'24' is a magic number.308
Errors'24' is a magic number.310
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.311
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.311
Errors'13' is a magic number.312
Errors'25' is a magic number.314
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.315
Errors'34' is a magic number.315
Errors'10' is a magic number.316
Errors'12' is a magic number.316
Errors'26' is a magic number.318
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.319
Errors'0xfffffffbffffdbffL' is a magic number.319
Errors'10' is a magic number.320
Errors'12' is a magic number.320
Errors'28' is a magic number.322
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.323
Errors'0xff008400000000L' is a magic number.323
Errors'10' is a magic number.324
Errors'12' is a magic number.324
Errors'29' is a magic number.326
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.327
Errors'34' is a magic number.327
Errors'25' is a magic number.327
Errors'25' is a magic number.328
Errors'30' is a magic number.330
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.331
Errors'0xf000000000000L' is a magic number.331
Errors'31' is a magic number.332
Errors'31' is a magic number.334
Errors'33' is a magic number.335
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.336
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.336
Errors'32' is a magic number.337
Errors'32' is a magic number.339
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.340
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.340
Errors'10' is a magic number.341
Errors'12' is a magic number.341
Errors'35' is a magic number.343
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.344
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.344
Errors'36' is a magic number.345
Errors'36' is a magic number.347
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.348
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.348
Errors'37' is a magic number.349
Errors'37' is a magic number.351
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.352
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.352
Errors'38' is a magic number.353
Errors'38' is a magic number.355
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.356
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.356
Errors'10' is a magic number.357
Errors'12' is a magic number.357
Errors'39' is a magic number.359
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.360
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.360
Errors'6' is a magic number.361
Errors'40' is a magic number.363
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.364
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.364
Errors'40' is a magic number.365
Errors'41' is a magic number.365
Errors'41' is a magic number.367
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.368
Errors'46' is a magic number.368
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.370
Errors'22' is a magic number.370
Errors'22' is a magic number.371
Errors'18' is a magic number.372
Errors'20' is a magic number.372
Errors'42' is a magic number.374
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.375
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.375
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.377
Errors'22' is a magic number.377
Errors'22' is a magic number.378
Errors'18' is a magic number.379
Errors'20' is a magic number.379
Errors'44' is a magic number.381
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.382
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.382
Errors'45' is a magic number.383
Errors'45' is a magic number.385
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.386
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.386
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.388
Errors'22' is a magic number.388
Errors'22' is a magic number.389
Errors'45' is a magic number.390
Errors'10' is a magic number.390
Errors'46' is a magic number.392
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.393
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.393
Errors'46' is a magic number.394
Errors'47' is a magic number.394
Errors'48' is a magic number.396
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.397
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.397
Errors'49' is a magic number.398
Errors'49' is a magic number.400
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.401
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.401
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.403
Errors'22' is a magic number.403
Errors'22' is a magic number.404
Errors'49' is a magic number.405
Errors'10' is a magic number.405
Errors'50' is a magic number.407
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.408
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.408
Errors'21' is a magic number.409
Errors'23' is a magic number.409
Errors'52' is a magic number.411
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.412
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.412
Errors'53' is a magic number.413
Errors'53' is a magic number.415
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.416
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.416
Errors'53' is a magic number.417
Errors'10' is a magic number.417
Errors'54' is a magic number.419
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.420
Errors'45' is a magic number.420
Errors'7' is a magic number.421
Errors'9' is a magic number.421
Errors'}' should be on the same line.426
Errors'128' is a magic number.427
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.428
Errors'077' is a magic number.429
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.431
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.433
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.436
Errors'0x7fffffe87fffffeL' is a magic number.436
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.438
Errors'18' is a magic number.438
Errors'18' is a magic number.439
Errors'7' is a magic number.442
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.443
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.443
Errors'24' is a magic number.444
Errors'25' is a magic number.444
Errors'10' is a magic number.446
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.447
Errors'0x5000000050L' is a magic number.447
Errors'22' is a magic number.447
Errors'22' is a magic number.448
Errors'12' is a magic number.450
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.451
Errors'0xffffffffefffffffL' is a magic number.451
Errors'13' is a magic number.452
Errors'14' is a magic number.454
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.455
Errors'92' is a magic number.455
Errors'26' is a magic number.456
Errors'29' is a magic number.456
Errors'15' is a magic number.458
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.459
Errors'0x14404410000000L' is a magic number.459
Errors'13' is a magic number.460
Errors'20' is a magic number.462
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.463
Errors'117' is a magic number.463
Errors'20' is a magic number.464
Errors'21' is a magic number.464
Errors'21' is a magic number.466
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.467
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.467
Errors'22' is a magic number.468
Errors'22' is a magic number.470
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.471
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.471
Errors'23' is a magic number.472
Errors'23' is a magic number.474
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.475
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.475
Errors'24' is a magic number.476
Errors'24' is a magic number.478
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.479
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.479
Errors'13' is a magic number.480
Errors'26' is a magic number.482
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.483
Errors'0xffffffffefffffffL' is a magic number.483
Errors'10' is a magic number.484
Errors'12' is a magic number.484
Errors'27' is a magic number.486
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.487
Errors'92' is a magic number.487
Errors'30' is a magic number.488
Errors'33' is a magic number.488
Errors'28' is a magic number.490
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.491
Errors'0x14404410000000L' is a magic number.491
Errors'10' is a magic number.492
Errors'12' is a magic number.492
Errors'34' is a magic number.494
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.495
Errors'117' is a magic number.495
Errors'34' is a magic number.496
Errors'35' is a magic number.496
Errors'35' is a magic number.498
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.499
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.499
Errors'36' is a magic number.500
Errors'36' is a magic number.502
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.503
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.503
Errors'37' is a magic number.504
Errors'37' is a magic number.506
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.507
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.507
Errors'38' is a magic number.508
Errors'38' is a magic number.510
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.511
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.511
Errors'10' is a magic number.512
Errors'12' is a magic number.512
Errors'43' is a magic number.514
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.515
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.515
Errors'34' is a magic number.516
Errors'35' is a magic number.516
Errors'47' is a magic number.518
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.519
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.519
Errors'36' is a magic number.520
Errors'37' is a magic number.520
Errors'51' is a magic number.522
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.523
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.523
Errors'38' is a magic number.524
Errors'39' is a magic number.524
Errors'}' should be on the same line.529
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.531
Errors'0xff' is a magic number.532
Errors'6' is a magic number.532
Errors'077' is a magic number.533
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.535
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.537
Errors'12' is a magic number.538
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.539
Errors'13' is a magic number.540
Errors'26' is a magic number.542
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.543
Errors'10' is a magic number.544
Errors'12' is a magic number.544
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.550
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.551
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.554
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
Errors'55' is a magic number.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
Errors'}' should be on the same line.559
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.560
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.563
ErrorsName 'jjnextStates' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.563
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.564
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.565
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.566
ErrorsName 'jjstrLiteralImages' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.570
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.571
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.572
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.572
ErrorsName 'lexStateNames' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.576
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.579
ErrorsName 'jjtoToken' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.579
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.580
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.582
ErrorsName 'jjtoSkip' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.582
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.583
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.585
ErrorsName 'input_stream' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.585
ErrorsVariable 'input_stream' must be private and have accessor methods.585
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.586
Errors'55' is a magic number.586
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.587
Errors'110' is a magic number.587
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.588
ErrorsVariable 'curChar' must be private and have accessor methods.588
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.590
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.590
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.590
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.591
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.592
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.597
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.597
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.597
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.597
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.597
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.603
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.603
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.603
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.603
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.604
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.605
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.610
ErrorsName 'ReInitRounds' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.610
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.611
Errors'0x80000001' is a magic number.613
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.614
Errors'55' is a magic number.614
Errors'0x80000000' is a magic number.615
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.619
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.619
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.619
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.619
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.619
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.619
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.620
ErrorsMethod 'SwitchTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.626
ErrorsName 'SwitchTo' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.626
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.626
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.626
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.627
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.628
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.629
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.630
ErrorsMethod 'jjFillToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.634
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.634
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.635
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.643
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.658
ErrorsVariable 'curLexState' must be private and have accessor methods.658
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.659
ErrorsVariable 'defaultLexState' must be private and have accessor methods.659
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.660
ErrorsVariable 'jjnewStateCnt' must be private and have accessor methods.660
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.661
ErrorsVariable 'jjround' must be private and have accessor methods.661
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.662
ErrorsVariable 'jjmatchedPos' must be private and have accessor methods.662
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.663
ErrorsVariable 'jjmatchedKind' must be private and have accessor methods.663
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.666
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.666
ErrorsMethod 'getNextToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.666
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.667
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.673
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.675
Errors'}' should be on the same line.677
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.678
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.679
Errors'while' construct must use '{}'s.686
Errors'32' is a magic number.686
Errors'0x100003600L' is a magic number.686
Errors'}' should be on the same line.688
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.690
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.693
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.694
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.695
Errors'6' is a magic number.697
Errors'077' is a magic number.697
Errors'}' should be on the same line.701
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.703
ErrorsName 'error_line' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.707
ErrorsName 'error_column' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.708
ErrorsName 'error_after' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.709
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.710
Errors'}' should be on the same line.711
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.714
Errors'}' should be on the same line.718
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.719
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.724
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.726
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.730
ErrorsParameter state should be final.730
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.731
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.733
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.738
ErrorsParameter start should be final.738
ErrorsParameter end should be final.738
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.739
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.744
ErrorsParameter state1 should be final.744
ErrorsParameter state2 should be final.744
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.745
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.750
ErrorsParameter start should be final.750
ErrorsParameter end should be final.750
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.751
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - java.util.*.3
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.7
ErrorsVariable 'debugStream' must be private and have accessor methods.10
ErrorsMethod 'setDebugStream' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.12
ErrorsParameter ds should be final.12
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ds'.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.13
ErrorsName 'jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.13
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.13
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.13
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.14
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.16
Errors'0xe40L' is a magic number.18
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.19
Errors'18' is a magic number.20
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.23
Errors'0x4000000L' is a magic number.23
Errors'6' is a magic number.24
Errors'0x640L' is a magic number.27
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.28
Errors'18' is a magic number.29
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.33
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.33
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.37
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.38
Errors'18' is a magic number.39
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.43
Errors'0x600L' is a magic number.43
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.50
ErrorsName 'jjStartNfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.50
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.50
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.50
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.54
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.54
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.60
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.60
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.61
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.63
Errors'33' is a magic number.64
Errors'0x8000L' is a magic number.65
Errors'40' is a magic number.66
Errors'7' is a magic number.67
Errors'41' is a magic number.68
Errors'8' is a magic number.69
Errors'46' is a magic number.70
Errors'26' is a magic number.71
Errors'6' is a magic number.71
Errors'60' is a magic number.72
Errors'17' is a magic number.73
Errors'0x10000L' is a magic number.74
Errors'61' is a magic number.75
Errors'14' is a magic number.76
Errors'62' is a magic number.77
Errors'12' is a magic number.78
Errors'0x2000L' is a magic number.79
Errors'97' is a magic number.80
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.81
Errors'110' is a magic number.82
Errors'0x440L' is a magic number.83
Errors'111' is a magic number.84
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.90
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.90
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.91
Errors'}' should be on the same line.92
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.93
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.98
Errors'61' is a magic number.99
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.100
Errors'0x2000L' is a magic number.100
Errors'13' is a magic number.101
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.102
Errors'0x8000L' is a magic number.102
Errors'15' is a magic number.103
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.104
Errors'0x10000L' is a magic number.104
Errors'16' is a magic number.105
Errors'110' is a magic number.107
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.108
Errors'111' is a magic number.109
Errors'0x440L' is a magic number.110
Errors'114' is a magic number.111
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.112
Errors'0x800L' is a magic number.112
Errors'11' is a magic number.113
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.120
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.120
ErrorsParameter old0 should be final.120
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.120
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.121
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.122
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.122
Errors'}' should be on the same line.124
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.125
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.130
Errors'100' is a magic number.131
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.132
Errors'0x200L' is a magic number.132
Errors'9' is a magic number.133
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.134
Errors'116' is a magic number.135
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.136
Errors'0x400L' is a magic number.136
Errors'10' is a magic number.137
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.144
ErrorsName 'jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.144
ErrorsParameter old0 should be final.144
ErrorsParameter active0 should be final.144
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.145
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.146
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.146
Errors'}' should be on the same line.148
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.149
Errors'3' is a magic number.151
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.154
Errors'101' is a magic number.155
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
Errors'0x40L' is a magic number.156
Errors'3' is a magic number.157
Errors'6' is a magic number.157
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.164
ErrorsName 'jjStartNfaWithStates_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.164
ErrorsParameter pos should be final.164
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.164
ErrorsParameter state should be final.164
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.165
Errors'}' should be on the same line.168
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.169
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsName 'jjbitVec0' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.172
ErrorsMethod length is 387 lines (max allowed is 150).175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsName 'jjMoveNfa_0' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.175
ErrorsParameter startState should be final.175
ErrorsParameter curPos should be final.175
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.176
Errors'55' is a magic number.178
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.181
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.183
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.184
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.184
Errors'64' is a magic number.186
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.187
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.190
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.192
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.194
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.194
Errors'6' is a magic number.195
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.196
Errors'45' is a magic number.196
Errors'7' is a magic number.197
Errors'9' is a magic number.197
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.198
Errors'34' is a magic number.198
Errors'10' is a magic number.199
Errors'12' is a magic number.199
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.200
Errors'39' is a magic number.200
Errors'13' is a magic number.201
Errors'14' is a magic number.201
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.202
Errors'46' is a magic number.202
Errors'6' is a magic number.203
Errors'36' is a magic number.204
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.205
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.206
Errors'18' is a magic number.206
Errors'18' is a magic number.207
Errors'0x3fe000000000000L' is a magic number.210
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.211
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.212
Errors'21' is a magic number.212
Errors'21' is a magic number.213
Errors'3' is a magic number.214
Errors'}' should be on the same line.215
Errors'48' is a magic number.216
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.217
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.218
Errors'21' is a magic number.218
Errors'21' is a magic number.219
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.223
Errors'0x3ff201000000000L' is a magic number.223
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.225
Errors'18' is a magic number.225
Errors'18' is a magic number.226
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.230
Errors'0x3fe000000000000L' is a magic number.230
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.232
Errors'21' is a magic number.232
Errors'21' is a magic number.233
Errors'3' is a magic number.234
Errors'3' is a magic number.236
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.237
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.237
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.239
Errors'21' is a magic number.239
Errors'21' is a magic number.240
Errors'3' is a magic number.241
Errors'4' is a magic number.243
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.244
Errors'48' is a magic number.244
Errors'21' is a magic number.244
Errors'21' is a magic number.245
Errors'5' is a magic number.247
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.248
Errors'46' is a magic number.248
Errors'6' is a magic number.249
Errors'6' is a magic number.251
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.252
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.252
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.254
Errors'22' is a magic number.254
Errors'22' is a magic number.255
Errors'15' is a magic number.256
Errors'17' is a magic number.256
Errors'8' is a magic number.258
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.259
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.259
Errors'9' is a magic number.260
Errors'9' is a magic number.262
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.263
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.263
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.265
Errors'22' is a magic number.265
Errors'22' is a magic number.266
Errors'9' is a magic number.267
Errors'10' is a magic number.267
Errors'11' is a magic number.269
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.270
Errors'39' is a magic number.270
Errors'13' is a magic number.271
Errors'14' is a magic number.271
Errors'12' is a magic number.273
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.274
Errors'0xffffff7fffffdbffL' is a magic number.274
Errors'13' is a magic number.275
Errors'13' is a magic number.277
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.278
Errors'39' is a magic number.278
Errors'24' is a magic number.278
Errors'24' is a magic number.279
Errors'15' is a magic number.281
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.282
Errors'0xff008400000000L' is a magic number.282
Errors'13' is a magic number.283
Errors'16' is a magic number.285
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.286
Errors'0xf000000000000L' is a magic number.286
Errors'17' is a magic number.287
Errors'17' is a magic number.289
Errors'19' is a magic number.290
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.291
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.291
Errors'18' is a magic number.292
Errors'18' is a magic number.294
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.295
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.295
Errors'13' is a magic number.296
Errors'21' is a magic number.298
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.299
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.299
Errors'22' is a magic number.300
Errors'22' is a magic number.302
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.303
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.303
Errors'23' is a magic number.304
Errors'23' is a magic number.306
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.307
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.307
Errors'24' is a magic number.308
Errors'24' is a magic number.310
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.311
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.311
Errors'13' is a magic number.312
Errors'25' is a magic number.314
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.315
Errors'34' is a magic number.315
Errors'10' is a magic number.316
Errors'12' is a magic number.316
Errors'26' is a magic number.318
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.319
Errors'0xfffffffbffffdbffL' is a magic number.319
Errors'10' is a magic number.320
Errors'12' is a magic number.320
Errors'28' is a magic number.322
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.323
Errors'0xff008400000000L' is a magic number.323
Errors'10' is a magic number.324
Errors'12' is a magic number.324
Errors'29' is a magic number.326
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.327
Errors'34' is a magic number.327
Errors'25' is a magic number.327
Errors'25' is a magic number.328
Errors'30' is a magic number.330
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.331
Errors'0xf000000000000L' is a magic number.331
Errors'31' is a magic number.332
Errors'31' is a magic number.334
Errors'33' is a magic number.335
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.336
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.336
Errors'32' is a magic number.337
Errors'32' is a magic number.339
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.340
Errors'0xff000000000000L' is a magic number.340
Errors'10' is a magic number.341
Errors'12' is a magic number.341
Errors'35' is a magic number.343
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.344
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.344
Errors'36' is a magic number.345
Errors'36' is a magic number.347
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.348
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.348
Errors'37' is a magic number.349
Errors'37' is a magic number.351
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.352
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.352
Errors'38' is a magic number.353
Errors'38' is a magic number.355
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.356
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.356
Errors'10' is a magic number.357
Errors'12' is a magic number.357
Errors'39' is a magic number.359
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.360
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.360
Errors'6' is a magic number.361
Errors'40' is a magic number.363
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.364
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.364
Errors'40' is a magic number.365
Errors'41' is a magic number.365
Errors'41' is a magic number.367
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.368
Errors'46' is a magic number.368
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.370
Errors'22' is a magic number.370
Errors'22' is a magic number.371
Errors'18' is a magic number.372
Errors'20' is a magic number.372
Errors'42' is a magic number.374
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.375
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.375
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.377
Errors'22' is a magic number.377
Errors'22' is a magic number.378
Errors'18' is a magic number.379
Errors'20' is a magic number.379
Errors'44' is a magic number.381
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.382
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.382
Errors'45' is a magic number.383
Errors'45' is a magic number.385
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.386
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.386
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.388
Errors'22' is a magic number.388
Errors'22' is a magic number.389
Errors'45' is a magic number.390
Errors'10' is a magic number.390
Errors'46' is a magic number.392
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.393
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.393
Errors'46' is a magic number.394
Errors'47' is a magic number.394
Errors'48' is a magic number.396
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.397
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.397
Errors'49' is a magic number.398
Errors'49' is a magic number.400
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.401
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.401
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.403
Errors'22' is a magic number.403
Errors'22' is a magic number.404
Errors'49' is a magic number.405
Errors'10' is a magic number.405
Errors'50' is a magic number.407
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.408
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.408
Errors'21' is a magic number.409
Errors'23' is a magic number.409
Errors'52' is a magic number.411
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.412
Errors'0x280000000000L' is a magic number.412
Errors'53' is a magic number.413
Errors'53' is a magic number.415
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.416
Errors'0x3ff000000000000L' is a magic number.416
Errors'53' is a magic number.417
Errors'10' is a magic number.417
Errors'54' is a magic number.419
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.420
Errors'45' is a magic number.420
Errors'7' is a magic number.421
Errors'9' is a magic number.421
Errors'}' should be on the same line.426
Errors'128' is a magic number.427
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.428
Errors'077' is a magic number.429
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.431
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.433
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.436
Errors'0x7fffffe87fffffeL' is a magic number.436
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.438
Errors'18' is a magic number.438
Errors'18' is a magic number.439
Errors'7' is a magic number.442
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.443
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.443
Errors'24' is a magic number.444
Errors'25' is a magic number.444
Errors'10' is a magic number.446
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.447
Errors'0x5000000050L' is a magic number.447
Errors'22' is a magic number.447
Errors'22' is a magic number.448
Errors'12' is a magic number.450
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.451
Errors'0xffffffffefffffffL' is a magic number.451
Errors'13' is a magic number.452
Errors'14' is a magic number.454
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.455
Errors'92' is a magic number.455
Errors'26' is a magic number.456
Errors'29' is a magic number.456
Errors'15' is a magic number.458
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.459
Errors'0x14404410000000L' is a magic number.459
Errors'13' is a magic number.460
Errors'20' is a magic number.462
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.463
Errors'117' is a magic number.463
Errors'20' is a magic number.464
Errors'21' is a magic number.464
Errors'21' is a magic number.466
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.467
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.467
Errors'22' is a magic number.468
Errors'22' is a magic number.470
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.471
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.471
Errors'23' is a magic number.472
Errors'23' is a magic number.474
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.475
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.475
Errors'24' is a magic number.476
Errors'24' is a magic number.478
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.479
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.479
Errors'13' is a magic number.480
Errors'26' is a magic number.482
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.483
Errors'0xffffffffefffffffL' is a magic number.483
Errors'10' is a magic number.484
Errors'12' is a magic number.484
Errors'27' is a magic number.486
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.487
Errors'92' is a magic number.487
Errors'30' is a magic number.488
Errors'33' is a magic number.488
Errors'28' is a magic number.490
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.491
Errors'0x14404410000000L' is a magic number.491
Errors'10' is a magic number.492
Errors'12' is a magic number.492
Errors'34' is a magic number.494
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.495
Errors'117' is a magic number.495
Errors'34' is a magic number.496
Errors'35' is a magic number.496
Errors'35' is a magic number.498
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.499
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.499
Errors'36' is a magic number.500
Errors'36' is a magic number.502
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.503
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.503
Errors'37' is a magic number.504
Errors'37' is a magic number.506
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.507
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.507
Errors'38' is a magic number.508
Errors'38' is a magic number.510
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.511
Errors'0x7e0000007eL' is a magic number.511
Errors'10' is a magic number.512
Errors'12' is a magic number.512
Errors'43' is a magic number.514
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.515
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.515
Errors'34' is a magic number.516
Errors'35' is a magic number.516
Errors'47' is a magic number.518
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.519
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.519
Errors'36' is a magic number.520
Errors'37' is a magic number.520
Errors'51' is a magic number.522
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.523
Errors'0x2000000020L' is a magic number.523
Errors'38' is a magic number.524
Errors'39' is a magic number.524
Errors'}' should be on the same line.529
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.531
Errors'0xff' is a magic number.532
Errors'6' is a magic number.532
Errors'077' is a magic number.533
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.535
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.537
Errors'12' is a magic number.538
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.539
Errors'13' is a magic number.540
Errors'26' is a magic number.542
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.543
Errors'10' is a magic number.544
Errors'12' is a magic number.544
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.550
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.551
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.554
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
Errors'55' is a magic number.557
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.557
Errors'}' should be on the same line.559
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.560
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.563
ErrorsName 'jjnextStates' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.563
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.564
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.565
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.566
ErrorsName 'jjstrLiteralImages' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.570
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.571
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.572
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.572
ErrorsName 'lexStateNames' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.576
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.579
ErrorsName 'jjtoToken' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.579
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.580
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.582
ErrorsName 'jjtoSkip' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.582
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.583
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.585
ErrorsName 'input_stream' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.585
ErrorsVariable 'input_stream' must be private and have accessor methods.585
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.586
Errors'55' is a magic number.586
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.587
Errors'110' is a magic number.587
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.588
ErrorsVariable 'curChar' must be private and have accessor methods.588
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.590
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.590
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.590
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.591
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.592
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.597
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.597
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.597
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.597
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.597
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.603
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.603
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.603
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.603
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.604
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.605
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.610
ErrorsName 'ReInitRounds' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.610
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.611
Errors'0x80000001' is a magic number.613
Errors'for' construct must use '{}'s.614
Errors'55' is a magic number.614
Errors'0x80000000' is a magic number.615
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.619
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.619
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.619
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'stream'.619
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.619
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.619
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.620
ErrorsMethod 'SwitchTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.626
ErrorsName 'SwitchTo' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.626
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.626
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.626
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.627
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.628
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.629
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.630
ErrorsMethod 'jjFillToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.634
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.634
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.635
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.643
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.658
ErrorsVariable 'curLexState' must be private and have accessor methods.658
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.659
ErrorsVariable 'defaultLexState' must be private and have accessor methods.659
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.660
ErrorsVariable 'jjnewStateCnt' must be private and have accessor methods.660
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.661
ErrorsVariable 'jjround' must be private and have accessor methods.661
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.662
ErrorsVariable 'jjmatchedPos' must be private and have accessor methods.662
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.663
ErrorsVariable 'jjmatchedKind' must be private and have accessor methods.663
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.666
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.666
ErrorsMethod 'getNextToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.666
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.667
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.673
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.675
Errors'}' should be on the same line.677
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.678
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.679
Errors'while' construct must use '{}'s.686
Errors'32' is a magic number.686
Errors'0x100003600L' is a magic number.686
Errors'}' should be on the same line.688
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.690
Errors'0x7fffffff' is a magic number.693
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.694
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.695
Errors'6' is a magic number.697
Errors'077' is a magic number.697
Errors'}' should be on the same line.701
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.703
ErrorsName 'error_line' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.707
ErrorsName 'error_column' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.708
ErrorsName 'error_after' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.709
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.710
Errors'}' should be on the same line.711
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.714
Errors'}' should be on the same line.718
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.719
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.724
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.726
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.730
ErrorsParameter state should be final.730
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.731
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.733
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.738
ErrorsParameter start should be final.738
ErrorsParameter end should be final.738
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.739
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.744
ErrorsParameter state1 should be final.744
ErrorsParameter state2 should be final.744
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.745
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.750
ErrorsParameter start should be final.750
ErrorsParameter end should be final.750
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.751


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.1
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.11
ErrorsName 'staticFlag' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'bufsize' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'available' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsVariable 'tokenBegin' must be private and have accessor methods.16
ErrorsVariable 'bufpos' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'bufline' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsVariable 'bufcolumn' must be private and have accessor methods.20
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'column' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsVariable 'line' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'prevCharIsCR' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'prevCharIsLF' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'inputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'buffer' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'maxNextCharInd' must be private and have accessor methods.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsVariable 'inBuf' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'tabSize' must be private and have accessor methods.33
Errors'8' is a magic number.33
ErrorsMethod 'setTabSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter i should be final.35
ErrorsMethod 'getTabSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter i should be final.36
ErrorsMethod 'ExpandBuff' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsName 'ExpandBuff' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.39
ErrorsParameter wrapAround should be final.39
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.40
Errors'2048' is a magic number.41
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.42
Errors'2048' is a magic number.42
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.43
Errors'2048' is a magic number.43
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.46
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.61
Errors'}' should be on the same line.62
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.74
Errors'}' should be on the same line.76
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.78
Errors'2048' is a magic number.83
ErrorsMethod 'FillBuff' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsName 'FillBuff' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.88
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.89
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.91
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.93
Errors'2048' is a magic number.94
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.95
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.96
Errors'}' should be on the same line.98
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.99
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.100
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.101
Errors'}' should be on the same line.103
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.104
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.106
Errors'2048' is a magic number.106
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.114
Errors'}' should be on the same line.118
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.119
Errors'}' should be on the same line.122
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.126
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.133
ErrorsMethod 'BeginToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsName 'BeginToken' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.133
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.133
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.134
ErrorsMethod 'UpdateLineColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsName 'UpdateLineColumn' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.142
ErrorsParameter c should be final.142
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.143
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.147
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.149
Errors'}' should be on the same line.150
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.152
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.155
Errors'}' should be on the same line.157
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.158
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.159
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.163
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.183
ErrorsMethod 'readChar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.183
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.183
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.184
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.186
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.189
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.195
ErrorsMethod 'getColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.204
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.204
ErrorsMethod 'getLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.214
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.225
ErrorsMethod 'getEndColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.225
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.230
ErrorsMethod 'getEndLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.230
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.235
ErrorsMethod 'getBeginColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.240
ErrorsMethod 'getBeginLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.240
ErrorsMethod 'backup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsParameter amount should be final.245
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'amount'.245
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.248
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.248
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.253
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.253
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.254
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.254
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.254
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.254
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.255
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.260
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.267
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.267
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.268
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.268
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.269
Errors'4096' is a magic number.270
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.274
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.274
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.275
Errors'4096' is a magic number.276
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.280
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.280
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.280
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.280
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.281
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.281
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.282
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.288
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.289
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.294
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.295
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.295
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.300
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.300
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.300
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.300
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.300
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.300
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.301
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.301
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.302
Errors'4096' is a magic number.303
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.307
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.307
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.307
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.307
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.308
Errors'4096' is a magic number.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.312
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.312
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.312
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.312
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.313
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.313
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.313
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.313
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.313
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.314
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.315
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.315
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.319
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.319
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.320
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.320
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.326
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.326
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.326
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.327
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.327
Errors'4096' is a magic number.329
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.333
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.333
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.333
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.333
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.334
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.334
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.335
Errors'4096' is a magic number.336
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.340
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.340
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.340
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.340
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.340
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.340
Errors'4096' is a magic number.342
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.346
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.346
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.347
Errors'4096' is a magic number.348
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.352
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.352
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.352
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.352
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.352
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.352
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.353
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.353
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.353
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.353
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.353
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.355
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.355
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.359
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.359
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.359
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.359
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.359
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.359
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.360
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.360
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.360
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.360
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.361
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.362
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.366
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.366
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.366
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.366
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.366
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.366
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.366
Errors'4096' is a magic number.368
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.372
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.372
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.372
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.372
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.373
Errors'4096' is a magic number.374
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.377
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.377
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.377
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.377
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.377
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.377
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.378
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.378
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.378
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.378
Errors'4096' is a magic number.380
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.383
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.383
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.383
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.384
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.384
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.385
Errors'4096' is a magic number.386
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.389
ErrorsMethod 'GetImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.389
ErrorsName 'GetImage' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.389
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.390
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.391
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.393
Errors'+' should be on a new line.394
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.399
ErrorsMethod 'GetSuffix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.399
ErrorsName 'GetSuffix' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.399
ErrorsParameter len should be final.399
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'len'.399
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.400
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.403
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.406
ErrorsMethod 'Done' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.416
ErrorsName 'Done' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.416
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.417
ErrorsMethod 'adjustBeginLineColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.426
ErrorsParameter newLine should be final.426
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newLine'.426
ErrorsParameter newCol should be final.426
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newCol'.426
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.427
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.432
Errors'}' should be on the same line.434
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.436
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.453
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.458
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.459
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.459
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.461
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.471
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.1
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.11
ErrorsName 'staticFlag' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'bufsize' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'available' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsVariable 'tokenBegin' must be private and have accessor methods.16
ErrorsVariable 'bufpos' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'bufline' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsVariable 'bufcolumn' must be private and have accessor methods.20
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'column' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsVariable 'line' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'prevCharIsCR' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'prevCharIsLF' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsVariable 'inputStream' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsVariable 'buffer' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsVariable 'maxNextCharInd' must be private and have accessor methods.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsVariable 'inBuf' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsVariable 'tabSize' must be private and have accessor methods.33
Errors'8' is a magic number.33
ErrorsMethod 'setTabSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsParameter i should be final.35
ErrorsMethod 'getTabSize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter i should be final.36
ErrorsMethod 'ExpandBuff' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsName 'ExpandBuff' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.39
ErrorsParameter wrapAround should be final.39
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.40
Errors'2048' is a magic number.41
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.42
Errors'2048' is a magic number.42
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.43
Errors'2048' is a magic number.43
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.46
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.58
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.61
Errors'}' should be on the same line.62
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.74
Errors'}' should be on the same line.76
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.78
Errors'2048' is a magic number.83
ErrorsMethod 'FillBuff' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.88
ErrorsName 'FillBuff' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.88
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.89
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.91
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.93
Errors'2048' is a magic number.94
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.95
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.96
Errors'}' should be on the same line.98
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.99
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.100
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.101
Errors'}' should be on the same line.103
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.104
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.106
Errors'2048' is a magic number.106
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.114
Errors'}' should be on the same line.118
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.119
Errors'}' should be on the same line.122
Errors'catch' is not followed by whitespace.123
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.126
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.133
ErrorsMethod 'BeginToken' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.133
ErrorsName 'BeginToken' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.133
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.133
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.134
ErrorsMethod 'UpdateLineColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.142
ErrorsName 'UpdateLineColumn' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.142
ErrorsParameter c should be final.142
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.143
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.147
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.149
Errors'}' should be on the same line.150
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.152
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.155
Errors'}' should be on the same line.157
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.158
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.159
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.163
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.183
ErrorsMethod 'readChar' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.183
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.183
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.184
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.186
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.189
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.195
ErrorsMethod 'getColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.204
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.204
ErrorsMethod 'getLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.214
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.214
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.225
ErrorsMethod 'getEndColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.225
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.230
ErrorsMethod 'getEndLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.230
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.235
ErrorsMethod 'getBeginColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.235
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.240
ErrorsMethod 'getBeginLine' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.240
ErrorsMethod 'backup' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.245
ErrorsParameter amount should be final.245
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'amount'.245
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.248
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.248
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.253
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.253
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.253
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.254
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.254
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.254
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.254
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.255
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.260
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.267
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.267
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.267
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.268
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.268
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.269
Errors'4096' is a magic number.270
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.274
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.274
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.275
Errors'4096' is a magic number.276
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.280
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.280
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.280
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.280
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.280
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.281
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.281
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.281
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.282
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.288
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.289
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.294
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.295
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.295
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.300
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.300
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.300
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.300
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.300
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.300
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.301
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.301
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.302
Errors'4096' is a magic number.303
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.307
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.307
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.307
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.307
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.308
Errors'4096' is a magic number.309
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.312
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.312
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.312
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.312
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.312
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.313
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.313
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.313
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.313
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.313
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.314
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.315
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.315
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.319
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.319
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.320
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.320
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.321
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.326
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.326
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.326
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.326
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.326
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.327
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.327
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.327
Errors'4096' is a magic number.329
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.333
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.333
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.333
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.333
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.334
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.334
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.335
Errors'4096' is a magic number.336
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.340
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.340
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.340
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.340
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.340
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.340
Errors'4096' is a magic number.342
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.346
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.346
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.347
Errors'4096' is a magic number.348
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.352
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.352
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.352
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.352
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.352
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.352
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.352
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.353
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.353
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.353
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.353
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.353
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.353
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.355
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.355
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.359
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.359
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.359
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.359
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.359
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.359
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.360
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.360
ErrorsParameter buffersize should be final.360
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'buffersize'.360
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.361
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.362
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.366
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.366
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.366
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.366
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.366
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.366
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.366
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.366
Errors'4096' is a magic number.368
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.372
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.372
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.372
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.372
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.373
Errors'4096' is a magic number.374
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.377
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.377
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.377
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.377
ErrorsParameter encoding should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'encoding'.377
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.377
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.377
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.378
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.378
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.378
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for ''.378
Errors'4096' is a magic number.380
ErrorsMethod 'ReInit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.383
ErrorsName 'ReInit' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.383
ErrorsParameter dstream should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'dstream'.383
ErrorsParameter startline should be final.383
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startline'.383
ErrorsParameter startcolumn should be final.384
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'startcolumn'.384
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.385
Errors'4096' is a magic number.386
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.389
ErrorsMethod 'GetImage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.389
ErrorsName 'GetImage' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.389
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.390
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.391
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.393
Errors'+' should be on a new line.394
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.399
ErrorsMethod 'GetSuffix' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.399
ErrorsName 'GetSuffix' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.399
ErrorsParameter len should be final.399
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'len'.399
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.400
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.403
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.406
ErrorsMethod 'Done' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.416
ErrorsName 'Done' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.416
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.417
ErrorsMethod 'adjustBeginLineColumn' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.426
ErrorsParameter newLine should be final.426
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newLine'.426
ErrorsParameter newCol should be final.426
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newCol'.426
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.427
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.432
Errors'}' should be on the same line.434
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.436
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.443
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.453
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.458
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.459
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.459
Errors'else' construct must use '{}'s.461
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.471


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.2
ErrorsVariable 'kind' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsVariable 'beginLine' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsVariable 'beginColumn' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsVariable 'endLine' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsVariable 'endColumn' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsVariable 'image' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsVariable 'next' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsVariable 'specialToken' must be private and have accessor methods.61
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.71
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.75
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.83
Errors'kind' hides a field.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'kind'.83
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.84
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.91
Errors'kind' hides a field.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'kind'.91
ErrorsParameter image should be final.91
Errors'image' hides a field.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'image'.91
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.92
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.100
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.101
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.117
ErrorsParameter ofKind should be final.117
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ofKind'.117
ErrorsParameter image should be final.117
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'image'.117
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.118
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsParameter ofKind should be final.125
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.2
ErrorsVariable 'kind' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsVariable 'beginLine' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsVariable 'beginColumn' must be private and have accessor methods.28
ErrorsVariable 'endLine' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsVariable 'endColumn' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsVariable 'image' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsVariable 'next' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsVariable 'specialToken' must be private and have accessor methods.61
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.71
ErrorsMethod 'getValue' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.75
Errors'{' is not followed by whitespace.78
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.78
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.83
Errors'kind' hides a field.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'kind'.83
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.84
ErrorsParameter kind should be final.91
Errors'kind' hides a field.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'kind'.91
ErrorsParameter image should be final.91
Errors'image' hides a field.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'image'.91
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.92
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.100
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.101
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.117
ErrorsParameter ofKind should be final.117
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ofKind'.117
ErrorsParameter image should be final.117
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'image'.117
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.118
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.120
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.125
ErrorsParameter ofKind should be final.125
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131


Errors'{' should be on the previous line.7
ErrorsVariable 'errorCode' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.50
ErrorsParameter str should be final.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'str'.50
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.55
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.83
Errors'0x20' is a magic number.83
Errors'0x7e' is a magic number.83
Errors'16' is a magic number.84
Errors'4' is a magic number.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsName 'LexicalError' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.107
ErrorsParameter EOFSeen should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'EOFSeen'.107
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.107
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.107
ErrorsParameter errorLine should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorLine'.107
ErrorsParameter errorColumn should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorColumn'.107
ErrorsParameter errorAfter should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorAfter'.107
ErrorsParameter curChar should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'curChar'.107
Errors'return' is not followed by whitespace.108
Errors'+' should be on a new line.108
Errors'+' should be on a new line.109
Errors'+' should be on a new line.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.111
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'+' should be on a new line.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.124
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsParameter message should be final.137
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.137
ErrorsParameter reason should be final.137
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reason'.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsParameter EOFSeen should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'EOFSeen'.143
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.143
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.143
ErrorsParameter errorLine should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorLine'.143
ErrorsParameter errorColumn should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorColumn'.143
ErrorsParameter errorAfter should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorAfter'.143
ErrorsParameter curChar should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'curChar'.143
ErrorsParameter reason should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reason'.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.7
ErrorsVariable 'errorCode' must be private and have accessor methods.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.50
ErrorsParameter str should be final.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'str'.50
Errors'{' should be on the previous line.55
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.83
Errors'0x20' is a magic number.83
Errors'0x7e' is a magic number.83
Errors'16' is a magic number.84
Errors'4' is a magic number.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsName 'LexicalError' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.107
ErrorsParameter EOFSeen should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'EOFSeen'.107
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.107
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.107
ErrorsParameter errorLine should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorLine'.107
ErrorsParameter errorColumn should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorColumn'.107
ErrorsParameter errorAfter should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorAfter'.107
ErrorsParameter curChar should be final.107
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'curChar'.107
Errors'return' is not followed by whitespace.108
Errors'+' should be on a new line.108
Errors'+' should be on a new line.109
Errors'+' should be on a new line.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.111
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.111
Errors'+' should be on a new line.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.124
ErrorsMethod 'getMessage' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.124
ErrorsParameter message should be final.137
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'message'.137
ErrorsParameter reason should be final.137
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reason'.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsParameter EOFSeen should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'EOFSeen'.143
ErrorsName 'EOFSeen' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.143
ErrorsParameter lexState should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'lexState'.143
ErrorsParameter errorLine should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorLine'.143
ErrorsParameter errorColumn should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorColumn'.143
ErrorsParameter errorAfter should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'errorAfter'.143
ErrorsParameter curChar should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'curChar'.143
ErrorsParameter reason should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reason'.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <EXECUTOR> tag.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.39
Errors'plan' hides a field.39
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.39
Errors'executor' hides a field.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMethod 'evaluate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'MissingRootException'.48
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'MissingRootException' is unchecked exception.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMethod 'selectCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsParameter node should be final.64
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsParameter node should be final.82
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsMethod 'executeCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter call should be final.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsParameter call should be final.150
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.150
Errors'ctx' hides a field.150
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.150
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <EXECUTOR> tag.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.39
Errors'plan' hides a field.39
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.39
Errors'executor' hides a field.39
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsMethod 'evaluate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'MissingRootException'.48
ErrorsRedundant throws: 'MissingRootException' is unchecked exception.48
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMethod 'selectCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.64
ErrorsParameter node should be final.64
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsMethod 'getSelectedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.82
ErrorsParameter node should be final.82
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'NoEligibleElementException'.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsMethod 'executeCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter call should be final.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.112
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsParameter call should be final.150
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.150
Errors'ctx' hides a field.150
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.150


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <AGENT> tag.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsVariable 'bot' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsParameter name should be final.68
Errors'name' hides a field.68
ErrorsParameter bot should be final.68
Errors'bot' hides a field.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMethod 'getActions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsMethod 'getSenses' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.122
ErrorsMethod 'doNothing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.137
Errors'50' is a magic number.140
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.141
ErrorsMethod 'fail' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsMethod 'succeed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsMethod 'getBot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <AGENT> tag.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsVariable 'bot' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsParameter name should be final.68
Errors'name' hides a field.68
ErrorsParameter bot should be final.68
Errors'bot' hides a field.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMethod 'getActions' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.92
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsMethod 'getSenses' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.118
ErrorsArray brackets at illegal position.122
ErrorsMethod 'doNothing' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.137
Errors'50' is a magic number.140
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.141
ErrorsMethod 'fail' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.150
ErrorsMethod 'succeed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.159
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.171
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.173
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.174
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.175
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.176
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.178
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.179
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.180
ErrorsMethod 'getBot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.180
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.182
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.183
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.183


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.8
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IAction.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ISense.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <AGENT> tag.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'bot' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.23
Errors'name' hides a field.23
ErrorsParameter bot should be final.23
Errors'bot' hides a field.23
ErrorsMethod 'getBot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IAction.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ISense.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <AGENT> tag.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'bot' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.23
Errors'name' hides a field.23
ErrorsParameter bot should be final.23
Errors'bot' hides a field.23
ErrorsMethod 'getBot' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.28


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.3
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsVariable 'params' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsName 'apName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.55
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.56
ErrorsName 'apComment' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.59
ErrorsName 'apParams' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter name should be final.77
Errors'name' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter params should be final.77
Errors'params' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.77
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.77
Errors'comment' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter action should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsParameter index should be final.110
ErrorsParameter action should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsParameter name should be final.167
Errors'name' hides a field.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.201
ErrorsParameter child should be final.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsParameter action should be final.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.229
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.267
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.272
ErrorsParameter newComment should be final.278
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newComment'.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsParameter newParams should be final.292
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'MissingParameterException'.292
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsParameter newAPName should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.320
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.325
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.328
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.336
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.340
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsVariable 'params' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsName 'apName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.55
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.56
ErrorsName 'apComment' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.59
ErrorsName 'apParams' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter name should be final.77
Errors'name' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter params should be final.77
Errors'params' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.77
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.77
Errors'comment' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter action should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsParameter index should be final.110
ErrorsParameter action should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsParameter name should be final.167
Errors'name' hides a field.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.167
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.201
ErrorsParameter child should be final.201
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsParameter action should be final.221
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.229
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.267
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.272
ErrorsParameter newComment should be final.278
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newComment'.278
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsParameter newParams should be final.292
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'MissingParameterException'.292
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.293
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsParameter newAPName should be final.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.320
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.320
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.325
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.327
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.328
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.336
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.340


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.17
ErrorsName 'adName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter name should be final.30
Errors'name' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.30
Errors'parameters' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter exitCondition should be final.30
Errors'exitCondition' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter adoptedElement should be final.30
Errors'adoptedElement' hides a field.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'getParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.44
Errors'parameters' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter name should be final.53
Errors'name' hides a field.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'getExitCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'getAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'setAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter adoptedElement should be final.91
Errors'adoptedElement' hides a field.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.112
ErrorsParameter child should be final.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.17
ErrorsName 'adName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter name should be final.30
Errors'name' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.30
Errors'parameters' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter exitCondition should be final.30
Errors'exitCondition' hides a field.30
ErrorsParameter adoptedElement should be final.30
Errors'adoptedElement' hides a field.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsMethod 'getParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMethod 'setParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.44
Errors'parameters' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMethod 'setName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter name should be final.53
Errors'name' hides a field.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'addCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.79
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMethod 'getExitCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsMethod 'getAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.87
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsMethod 'setAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.91
ErrorsParameter adoptedElement should be final.91
Errors'adoptedElement' hides a field.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.112
ErrorsParameter child should be final.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IAction.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.22
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.23
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsName 'EMPTY' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.32
ErrorsVariable 'EMPTY' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'abstract' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.36
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.43
Errors'parameterName' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parameterName'.43
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.52
ErrorsMethod 'getParameterName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.79
ErrorsParameter value should be final.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.92
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsVariable 'variableName' must be private and have accessor methods.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter index should be final.104
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.104
Errors'variableName' hides a field.104
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.116
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.116
Errors'variableName' hides a field.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsParameter sequenceNumber should be final.161
ErrorsParameter value should be final.161
Errors'value' hides a field.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.166
ErrorsParameter value should be final.166
Errors'value' hides a field.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.194
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.209
Errors'parameters' hides a field.209
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.217
ErrorsParameter index should be final.218
ErrorsMethod 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.222
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsParameter index should be final.228
ErrorsParameter element should be final.228
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsMethod 'addFormal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.232
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.232
ErrorsParameter element should be final.232
ErrorsParameter formalParams should be final.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IAction.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.22
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.23
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsName 'EMPTY' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.32
ErrorsVariable 'EMPTY' must be private and have accessor methods.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
Errors'abstract' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.36
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.43
Errors'parameterName' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parameterName'.43
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.52
ErrorsMethod 'getParameterName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.62
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.71
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.79
ErrorsParameter value should be final.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsParameter argumentName should be final.92
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsVariable 'variableName' must be private and have accessor methods.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsParameter index should be final.104
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.104
Errors'variableName' hides a field.104
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.116
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.116
Errors'variableName' hides a field.116
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.150
ErrorsParameter sequenceNumber should be final.161
ErrorsParameter value should be final.161
Errors'value' hides a field.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.166
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.166
ErrorsParameter value should be final.166
Errors'value' hides a field.166
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.194
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.209
Errors'parameters' hides a field.209
ErrorsMethod 'get' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.217
ErrorsParameter index should be final.218
ErrorsMethod 'size' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.222
ErrorsMethod 'add' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.227
ErrorsParameter index should be final.228
ErrorsParameter element should be final.228
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.231
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.232
ErrorsMethod 'addFormal' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.232
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.232
ErrorsParameter element should be final.232
ErrorsParameter formalParams should be final.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.237
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.246
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.262


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.*.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.30
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsName 'cnName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
ErrorsName 'cnParams' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.53
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.57
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'FubarException'.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsParameter name should be final.68
Errors'name' hides a field.68
ErrorsParameter params should be final.68
Errors'params' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.68
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.68
Errors'elements' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.68
ErrorsParameter name should be final.83
Errors'name' hides a field.83
ErrorsParameter params should be final.83
Errors'params' hides a field.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.96
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsParameter index should be final.107
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter name should be final.159
Errors'name' hides a field.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.185
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.196
ErrorsParameter child should be final.196
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.198
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.205
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.210
ErrorsParameter element should be final.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.233
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsParameter newParams should be final.251
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.279
ErrorsParameter newCompetenceName should be final.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.279
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.282
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.287
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.294
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.301
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.*.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.30
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.42
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsName 'cnName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.49
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.50
ErrorsName 'cnParams' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.53
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.57
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'FubarException'.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsParameter name should be final.68
Errors'name' hides a field.68
ErrorsParameter params should be final.68
Errors'params' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.68
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.68
Errors'elements' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.68
ErrorsParameter name should be final.83
Errors'name' hides a field.83
ErrorsParameter params should be final.83
Errors'params' hides a field.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.96
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.96
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsParameter index should be final.107
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter name should be final.159
Errors'name' hides a field.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.180
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.185
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.196
ErrorsParameter child should be final.196
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.198
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.205
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.210
ErrorsParameter element should be final.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.224
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.227
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.233
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.245
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.251
ErrorsParameter newParams should be final.251
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.267
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.279
ErrorsRedundant 'final' modifier.279
ErrorsParameter newCompetenceName should be final.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.279
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.279
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.282
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.284
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.286
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.287
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.289
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.294
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.301


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.UnexpectedElementException.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsName 'ceName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.53
ErrorsName 'ceRetries' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.57
ErrorsName 'ceComment' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsParameter name should be final.82
Errors'name' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.82
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.82
ErrorsParameter retries should be final.82
Errors'retries' hides a field.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'retries'.82
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.82
Errors'comment' hides a field.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'comment'.82
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter name should be final.159
Errors'name' hides a field.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.176
ErrorsParameter child should be final.176
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsParameter newRetries should be final.212
ErrorsParameter newComment should be final.238
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.UnexpectedElementException.5
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsName 'ceName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.53
ErrorsName 'ceRetries' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.57
ErrorsName 'ceComment' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsParameter name should be final.82
Errors'name' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.82
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.82
ErrorsParameter retries should be final.82
Errors'retries' hides a field.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'retries'.82
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.82
Errors'comment' hides a field.82
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'comment'.82
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter name should be final.159
Errors'name' hides a field.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.159
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.176
ErrorsParameter child should be final.176
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.178
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.208
ErrorsParameter newRetries should be final.212
ErrorsParameter newComment should be final.238


ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <b>How does it work?<b> Fact: Engine remembers which node of23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsName 'dcName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.74
ErrorsParameter name should be final.82
Errors'name' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter index should be final.100
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.185
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.214
ErrorsParameter child should be final.214
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.216
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <b>How does it work?<b> Fact: Engine remembers which node of23
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.57
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsName 'dcName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.74
ErrorsParameter name should be final.82
Errors'name' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.95
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter index should be final.100
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.100
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.185
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.209
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.214
ErrorsParameter child should be final.214
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.216
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.228
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.236
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.245
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.PoshEngine.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.63
ErrorsName 'deName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.66
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsParameter name should be final.80
Errors'name' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.80
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.80
ErrorsParameter freq should be final.80
Errors'freq' hides a field.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq'.80
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.80
Errors'comment' hides a field.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'comment'.80
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.155
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.175
ErrorsParameter child should be final.175
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.PoshEngine.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.63
ErrorsName 'deName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.66
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.70
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsParameter name should be final.80
Errors'name' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.80
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.80
ErrorsParameter freq should be final.80
Errors'freq' hides a field.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq'.80
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.80
Errors'comment' hides a field.80
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'comment'.80
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.152
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.155
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.155
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.166
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.167
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.175
ErrorsParameter child should be final.175


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.21
Errors'parameters' hides a field.21
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parameters'.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsParameter name should be final.47
Errors'name' hides a field.47
ErrorsParameter defaultValue should be final.47
Errors'defaultValue' hides a field.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.71
ErrorsParameter defaultValue should be final.73
Errors'defaultValue' hides a field.73
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'defaultValue'.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter index should be final.89
ErrorsParameter index should be final.99
ErrorsParameter element should be final.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsParameter index should be final.109
ErrorsParameter element should be final.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsParameter index should be final.120
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.130
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.144
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.144
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.21
Errors'parameters' hides a field.21
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parameters'.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsParameter name should be final.47
Errors'name' hides a field.47
ErrorsParameter defaultValue should be final.47
Errors'defaultValue' hides a field.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.71
ErrorsParameter defaultValue should be final.73
Errors'defaultValue' hides a field.73
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'defaultValue'.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.84
ErrorsParameter index should be final.89
ErrorsParameter index should be final.99
ErrorsParameter element should be final.99
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsParameter index should be final.109
ErrorsParameter element should be final.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsParameter index should be final.120
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.130
Errors'=' is not preceded with whitespace.144
Errors'=' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'<' is not preceded with whitespace.144
Errors'<' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors';' is not followed by whitespace.144
Errors'==' is not preceded with whitespace.146
Errors'==' is not followed by whitespace.146


ErrorsName 'INFINITE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.15
ErrorsVariable 'INFINITE' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsParameter freq1 should be final.24
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq1'.24
ErrorsParameter freq2 should be final.24
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq2'.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter freq1 should be final.34
ErrorsParameter freq2 should be final.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter name should be final.54
Errors'name' hides a field.54
ErrorsParameter id should be final.54
Errors'id' hides a field.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsParameter count should be final.78
ErrorsParameter units should be final.78
Errors'units' hides a field.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter original should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMethod 'getUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'setUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter units should be final.100
Errors'units' hides a field.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMethod 'getAmmount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'setAmmount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsParameter ammount should be final.108
Errors'ammount' hides a field.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.112
ErrorsMethod 'tick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
Errors'3600000L' is a magic number.119
Errors'60000L' is a magic number.121
Errors'1000L' is a magic number.123
Errors'1000L' is a magic number.125
Errors'60000' is a magic number.127
ErrorsName 'INFINITE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.15
ErrorsVariable 'INFINITE' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsParameter freq1 should be final.24
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq1'.24
ErrorsParameter freq2 should be final.24
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'freq2'.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter freq1 should be final.34
ErrorsParameter freq2 should be final.34
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsParameter name should be final.54
Errors'name' hides a field.54
ErrorsParameter id should be final.54
Errors'id' hides a field.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsParameter count should be final.78
ErrorsParameter units should be final.78
Errors'units' hides a field.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.83
ErrorsParameter original should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsMethod 'getUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsMethod 'setUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.100
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsParameter units should be final.100
Errors'units' hides a field.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
ErrorsMethod 'getAmmount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsMethod 'setAmmount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.108
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.108
ErrorsParameter ammount should be final.108
Errors'ammount' hides a field.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.112
ErrorsMethod 'tick' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.116
Errors'3600000L' is a magic number.119
Errors'60000L' is a magic number.121
Errors'1000L' is a magic number.123
Errors'1000L' is a magic number.125
Errors'60000' is a magic number.127


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.8
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.9


ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.18
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_ACTION' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.24
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_ACTION' must be private and have accessor methods.24
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_TRIGGER_SENSE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.29
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_TRIGGER_SENSE' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_DRIVE_COLLECTION_NAME' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.30
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_DRIVE_COLLECTION_NAME' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsParameter name should be final.40
ErrorsParameter choices should be final.40
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.55
ErrorsParameter driveName should be final.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.65
ErrorsParameter name should be final.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsParameter name should be final.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsParameter name should be final.102
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.109
ErrorsParameter call should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'call'.109
ErrorsParameter name should be final.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsParameter name should be final.131
ErrorsParameter actions should be final.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsParameter name should be final.142
ErrorsParameter params should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsParameter name should be final.154
ErrorsParameter params should be final.154
ErrorsParameter actions should be final.154
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsParameter c should be final.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.208
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.214
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.214
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'sense'.214
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsParameter driveCollectionName should be final.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsParameter name should be final.248
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.248
ErrorsParameter actionName should be final.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.263
ErrorsParameter name should be final.263
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.263
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.263
ErrorsParameter freq should be final.263
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.263
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.267
ErrorsParameter dcName should be final.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.278
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.281
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.292
ErrorsParameter original should be final.292
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'original'.292
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.18
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_ACTION' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.24
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_ACTION' must be private and have accessor methods.24
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_TRIGGER_SENSE' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.29
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_TRIGGER_SENSE' must be private and have accessor methods.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsName 'DEFAULT_DRIVE_COLLECTION_NAME' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.30
ErrorsVariable 'DEFAULT_DRIVE_COLLECTION_NAME' must be private and have accessor methods.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsParameter name should be final.40
ErrorsParameter choices should be final.40
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.55
ErrorsParameter driveName should be final.55
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.65
ErrorsParameter name should be final.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsParameter name should be final.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsParameter name should be final.102
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.109
ErrorsParameter call should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'call'.109
ErrorsParameter name should be final.119
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.120
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.131
ErrorsParameter name should be final.131
ErrorsParameter actions should be final.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsParameter name should be final.142
ErrorsParameter params should be final.142
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsParameter name should be final.154
ErrorsParameter params should be final.154
ErrorsParameter actions should be final.154
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.165
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsParameter c should be final.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.191
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.196
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.200
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.203
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.208
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.214
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.214
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'sense'.214
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.218
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.221
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.232
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsParameter driveCollectionName should be final.244
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsParameter name should be final.248
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.248
ErrorsParameter actionName should be final.248
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.249
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.252
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.263
ErrorsParameter name should be final.263
ErrorsParameter triggerSenses should be final.263
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.263
ErrorsParameter freq should be final.263
ErrorsParameter comment should be final.263
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.267
ErrorsParameter dcName should be final.273
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.278
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.281
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.292
ErrorsParameter original should be final.292
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'original'.292


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.ArrayList.5
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Collection.7
ErrorsName 'LINK_SEPARATOR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.45
ErrorsName 'TYPE_SEPARATOR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter links should be final.59
Errors'links' hides a field.59
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.67
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.84
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.98
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.123
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.123
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'drive'.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.151
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.151
ErrorsParameter reference should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reference'.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.182
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.182
ErrorsParameter actionPattern should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionPattern'.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.199
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.199
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.199
ErrorsParameter competence should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'competence'.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.215
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.215
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'choice'.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.243
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.246
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.249
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.249
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.271
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.271
ErrorsParameter terminator should be final.271
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'terminator'.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.298
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.334
ErrorsParameter serializedPath should be final.341
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.341
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.357
ErrorsParameter type should be final.357
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'type'.357
ErrorsParameter id should be final.357
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.357
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.374
Errors'5' is a magic number.390
Errors'59' is a magic number.391
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.400
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.410
ErrorsParameter type should be final.410
Errors'type' hides a field.410
ErrorsParameter id should be final.410
Errors'id' hides a field.410
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.428
Errors'3' is a magic number.447
Errors'37' is a magic number.448
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.448
Errors'37' is a magic number.449
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.ArrayList.5
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Collection.7
ErrorsName 'LINK_SEPARATOR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.45
ErrorsName 'TYPE_SEPARATOR' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsParameter links should be final.59
Errors'links' hides a field.59
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.67
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.81
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.84
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.98
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.98
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.98
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.123
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.123
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.123
ErrorsParameter drive should be final.123
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'drive'.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.134
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.151
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.151
ErrorsParameter reference should be final.151
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'reference'.151
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.156
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.158
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.167
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.179
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.182
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.182
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.182
ErrorsParameter actionPattern should be final.182
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionPattern'.182
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.188
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.199
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.199
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.199
ErrorsParameter competence should be final.199
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'competence'.199
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.204
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.215
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'iter'.215
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.215
ErrorsParameter choice should be final.215
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'choice'.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.233
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalStateException'.243
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IndexOutOfBoundsException'.246
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.249
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.249
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.271
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.271
ErrorsParameter terminator should be final.271
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'terminator'.271
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.274
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.281
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.281
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.292
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.298
ErrorsParameter iter should be final.298
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.298
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.301
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.302
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.319
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.320
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.334
ErrorsParameter serializedPath should be final.341
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.341
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.357
ErrorsParameter type should be final.357
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'type'.357
ErrorsParameter id should be final.357
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'id'.357
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.374
Errors'5' is a magic number.390
Errors'59' is a magic number.391
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.400
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.410
ErrorsParameter type should be final.410
Errors'type' hides a field.410
ErrorsParameter id should be final.410
Errors'id' hides a field.410
ErrorsParameter obj should be final.428
Errors'3' is a magic number.447
Errors'37' is a magic number.448
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.448
Errors'37' is a magic number.449


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <THIS> tag.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.9
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <THIS> tag.9


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.12
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <THIS> tag.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMethod 'moveChildInList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<T>'.35
ErrorsParameter list should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'list'.35
ErrorsParameter child should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.35
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsParameter name should be final.59
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter template should be final.77
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.77
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.12
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <THIS> tag.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsMethod 'moveChildInList' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for '<T>'.35
ErrorsParameter list should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'list'.35
ErrorsParameter child should be final.35
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.35
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
ErrorsParameter name should be final.59
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter template should be final.77
ErrorsParameter elements should be final.77


ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.41
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsParameter listener should be final.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsParameter listener should be final.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsParameter name should be final.93
ErrorsParameter o should be final.93
ErrorsParameter n should be final.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'getNumberOfChildInstances' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsParameter searchedClass should be final.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsParameter emitedChild should be final.145
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'emitedChild'.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter childNode should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'childNode'.159
ErrorsParameter oldIndex should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'oldIndex'.159
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newIndex'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsParameter child should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.171
ErrorsParameter removedChildPosition should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'removedChildPosition'.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsMethod 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.185
ErrorsParameter parent should be final.185
Errors'parent' hides a field.185
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parent'.185
ErrorsMethod 'getParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newIndex'.220
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.220
ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <PARENT> tag.41
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsParameter listener should be final.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsParameter listener should be final.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsParameter name should be final.93
ErrorsParameter o should be final.93
ErrorsParameter n should be final.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsMethod 'getNumberOfChildInstances' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.107
ErrorsParameter searchedClass should be final.107
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsParameter emitedChild should be final.145
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'emitedChild'.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsParameter childNode should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'childNode'.159
ErrorsParameter oldIndex should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'oldIndex'.159
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.159
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newIndex'.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.171
ErrorsParameter child should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.171
ErrorsParameter removedChildPosition should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'removedChildPosition'.171
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.172
ErrorsMethod 'setParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.185
ErrorsParameter parent should be final.185
Errors'parent' hides a field.185
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'parent'.185
ErrorsMethod 'getParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.194
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newIndex'.220
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'child'.220


ErrorsUnused import - java.awt.Desktop.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsUnused import - java.awt.Desktop.3
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsParameter driveCollectionName should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter c should be final.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.206
ErrorsParameter senseNames should be final.206
ErrorsParameter name should be final.218
Errors'name' hides a field.218
ErrorsParameter name should be final.228
Errors'name' hides a field.228
ErrorsParameter name should be final.243
Errors'name' hides a field.243
ErrorsParameter name should be final.253
Errors'name' hides a field.253
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.261
ErrorsParameter name should be final.268
Errors'name' hides a field.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.271
ErrorsParameter name should be final.278
Errors'name' hides a field.278
ErrorsParameter testedName should be final.295
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsParameter competence should be final.304
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'competence'.304
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.304
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.304
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.323
ErrorsParameter adopt should be final.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsParameter name should be final.357
Errors'name' hides a field.357
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.367
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.368
ErrorsParameter author should be final.381
Errors'author' hides a field.381
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.391
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.401
ErrorsParameter info should be final.405
Errors'info' hides a field.405
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.423
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.428
ErrorsParameter actionPattern should be final.428
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionPattern'.428
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.428
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.428
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.430
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.456
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.469
ErrorsParameter apNode should be final.506
ErrorsParameter set should be final.506
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.514
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.521
ErrorsParameter compNode should be final.544
ErrorsParameter set should be final.544
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.555
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.562
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.575
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.615
ErrorsParameter child should be final.615
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.635
ErrorsParameter removeCompetence should be final.642
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.646
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.659
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.663
ErrorsParameter other should be final.677
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.695
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.695
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.696
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.696
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.697
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.699
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.703
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.704
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.705
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.707
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.712
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.716
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.718
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.729
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.731
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.76
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsParameter driveCollectionName should be final.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.107
ErrorsParameter c should be final.107
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.111
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.114
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.125
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.129
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.134
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.173
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.190
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.194
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.196
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.206
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.206
ErrorsParameter senseNames should be final.206
ErrorsParameter name should be final.218
Errors'name' hides a field.218
ErrorsParameter name should be final.228
Errors'name' hides a field.228
ErrorsParameter name should be final.243
Errors'name' hides a field.243
ErrorsParameter name should be final.253
Errors'name' hides a field.253
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.261
ErrorsParameter name should be final.268
Errors'name' hides a field.268
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.269
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.271
ErrorsParameter name should be final.278
Errors'name' hides a field.278
ErrorsParameter testedName should be final.295
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.299
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.304
ErrorsParameter competence should be final.304
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'competence'.304
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.304
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.304
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.322
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.323
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.323
ErrorsParameter adopt should be final.323
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.324
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.333
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.334
ErrorsParameter name should be final.357
Errors'name' hides a field.357
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.367
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.368
ErrorsParameter author should be final.381
Errors'author' hides a field.381
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.391
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.401
ErrorsParameter info should be final.405
Errors'info' hides a field.405
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.423
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.428
ErrorsParameter actionPattern should be final.428
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionPattern'.428
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'DuplicateNameException'.428
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.428
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.430
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.456
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.469
ErrorsParameter apNode should be final.506
ErrorsParameter set should be final.506
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.514
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.521
ErrorsParameter compNode should be final.544
ErrorsParameter set should be final.544
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.555
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.562
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.575
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.615
ErrorsParameter child should be final.615
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.635
ErrorsParameter removeCompetence should be final.642
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.646
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.659
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.663
ErrorsParameter other should be final.677
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.695
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.695
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.696
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.696
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.697
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.699
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.703
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.704
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.705
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.707
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.712
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.716
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.718
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.729
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.731


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <ul>5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.20
Errors'name' hides a field.20
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsParameter original should be final.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter name should be final.34
Errors'name' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.34
Errors'parameters' hides a field.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'getParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <ul>5
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.20
Errors'name' hides a field.20
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsParameter original should be final.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter name should be final.34
Errors'name' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter parameters should be final.34
Errors'parameters' hides a field.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMethod 'getParameters' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59


ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.5
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.6
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsParameter value should be final.25
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.45
ErrorsParameter value should be final.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter value should be final.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter value should be final.53
ErrorsParameter value should be final.63
ErrorsParameter value should be final.72
ErrorsParameter valueString should be final.89
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.89
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.90
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.107
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.126
ErrorsParameter value should be final.132
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.132
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.133
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.134
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsParameter value should be final.143
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.154
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.154
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.154
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.171
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.171
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsParameter value should be final.200
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.201
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.203
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.205
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.214
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.214
ErrorsName 'variableNameRegexp' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <tt>VARIABLE<tt>218
ErrorsParameter possibleVariableName should be final.224
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.5
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.6
ErrorsUtility classes should not have a public or default constructor.12
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsParameter value should be final.25
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.42
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.45
ErrorsParameter value should be final.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsParameter value should be final.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsParameter value should be final.53
ErrorsParameter value should be final.63
ErrorsParameter value should be final.72
ErrorsParameter valueString should be final.89
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.89
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.90
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.107
ErrorsMust have at least one statement.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.126
ErrorsParameter value should be final.132
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'value'.132
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.133
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.134
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsParameter value should be final.143
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.154
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.154
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.154
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.162
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.169
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.171
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.171
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.171
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.176
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsParameter value should be final.200
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.201
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.203
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.205
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.211
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.214
Errors'static' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.214
ErrorsName 'variableNameRegexp' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <tt>VARIABLE<tt>218
ErrorsParameter possibleVariableName should be final.224


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.InvalidFormatException.3
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.LinkedList.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter form should be final.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter form should be final.42
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsParameter str should be final.51
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.97
ErrorsName '_predicate' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.100
ErrorsParameter senseName should be final.112
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.116
ErrorsParameter senseCall should be final.121
Errors'senseCall' hides a field.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsParameter senseCall should be final.136
Errors'senseCall' hides a field.136
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'senseCall'.136
ErrorsParameter operand should be final.136
Errors'operand' hides a field.136
ErrorsParameter predicate should be final.136
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'predicate'.136
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsName 'psSenseName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsName 'psArgs' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsName 'psPredicateIndex' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsName 'psValue' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.149
ErrorsName 'psType' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.149
ErrorsMethod 'getSenseName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.157
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.160
ErrorsMethod 'getSenseCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsMethod 'setSenseName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.168
ErrorsParameter newSenseName should be final.168
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newSenseName'.168
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.181
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.186
ErrorsMethod 'getValueString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.199
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsMethod 'getOperand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.203
ErrorsMethod 'setOperand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.212
ErrorsParameter newValue should be final.212
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.213
ErrorsMethod 'getPredicateIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsMethod 'getPredicate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsMethod 'setPredicate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.228
ErrorsParameter newPredicate should be final.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.231
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.234
ErrorsMethod 'setPredicateIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.238
ErrorsParameter newPredicateIndex should be final.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsMethod 'getArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsMethod 'setArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.252
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.252
ErrorsParameter newArguments should be final.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.256
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.287
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.291
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.291
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.302
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.303
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'InvalidFormatException'.303
ErrorsMethod 'parseSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.305
ErrorsParameter input should be final.305
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'input'.305
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.305
ErrorsMethod 'changeTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.319
ErrorsParameter other should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'other'.319
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.319
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.335
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.335
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.353
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.358
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.363
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.364
ErrorsParameter child should be final.364
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.367
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.367
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.369
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.374
ErrorsMethod 'getRepresentation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.390
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.398
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.399
ErrorsMethod 'getRepresentation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.402
ErrorsParameter name should be final.402
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.412
ErrorsMethod 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.419
ErrorsParameter o should be final.420
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.426
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.430
ErrorsMethod 'getTrigger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.433
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.446
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.450
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.456
ErrorsMethod 'removeFromParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.459
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.InvalidFormatException.3
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.LinkedList.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter form should be final.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.42
ErrorsParameter form should be final.42
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.46
ErrorsParameter str should be final.51
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.97
ErrorsName '_predicate' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.100
ErrorsParameter senseName should be final.112
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.116
ErrorsParameter senseCall should be final.121
Errors'senseCall' hides a field.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.132
ErrorsParameter senseCall should be final.136
Errors'senseCall' hides a field.136
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'senseCall'.136
ErrorsParameter operand should be final.136
Errors'operand' hides a field.136
ErrorsParameter predicate should be final.136
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'predicate'.136
Errors'!=' is not preceded with whitespace.137
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.145
ErrorsName 'psSenseName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsName 'psArgs' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.146
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.147
ErrorsName 'psPredicateIndex' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.147
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.148
ErrorsName 'psValue' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.148
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.149
ErrorsName 'psType' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.149
ErrorsMethod 'getSenseName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.157
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.160
ErrorsMethod 'getSenseCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.163
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.165
ErrorsMethod 'setSenseName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.168
ErrorsParameter newSenseName should be final.168
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newSenseName'.168
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.181
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.186
ErrorsMethod 'getValueString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.186
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.197
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.199
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.200
ErrorsMethod 'getOperand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.203
ErrorsMethod 'setOperand' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.212
ErrorsParameter newValue should be final.212
ErrorsInner assignments should be avoided.213
ErrorsMethod 'getPredicateIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.216
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.216
ErrorsMethod 'getPredicate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.220
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.220
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsMethod 'setPredicate' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.228
ErrorsParameter newPredicate should be final.228
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.231
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.234
ErrorsMethod 'setPredicateIndex' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.238
ErrorsParameter newPredicateIndex should be final.238
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.241
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.244
ErrorsMethod 'getArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.248
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.248
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.251
ErrorsMethod 'setArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.252
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.252
ErrorsParameter newArguments should be final.252
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.256
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.259
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.287
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.289
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.291
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.291
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.302
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.303
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'InvalidFormatException'.303
ErrorsMethod 'parseSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.305
ErrorsParameter input should be final.305
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'input'.305
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'ParseException'.305
ErrorsMethod 'changeTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.319
ErrorsParameter other should be final.319
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'other'.319
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'InvalidNameException'.319
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.335
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.335
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.353
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.358
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.363
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.364
ErrorsParameter child should be final.364
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.367
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.367
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.367
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.369
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.374
ErrorsMethod 'getRepresentation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.387
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.390
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.398
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.399
ErrorsMethod 'getRepresentation' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.402
ErrorsParameter name should be final.402
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.408
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.409
Errors'!' is followed by whitespace.412
ErrorsMethod 'compareTo' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.419
ErrorsParameter o should be final.420
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.426
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.430
ErrorsMethod 'getTrigger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.433
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.446
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.450
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.456
ErrorsMethod 'removeFromParent' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.459


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter name should be final.18
Errors'name' hides a field.18
ErrorsParameter id should be final.18
Errors'id' hides a field.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsName '_units' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsName '_count' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter units should be final.36
ErrorsParameter count should be final.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'getUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsParameter units should be final.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'getCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'setCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter count should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter name should be final.18
Errors'name' hides a field.18
ErrorsParameter id should be final.18
Errors'id' hides a field.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsName '_units' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsName '_count' must match pattern '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter units should be final.36
ErrorsParameter count should be final.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.51
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.58
ErrorsMethod 'getUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.59
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsMethod 'setUnits' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.65
ErrorsParameter units should be final.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsMethod 'getCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsMethod 'setCount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter count should be final.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81


ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <OWNER> tag.26
ErrorsParameter owner should be final.48
Errors'owner' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter senses should be final.48
Errors'senses' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter owner should be final.63
Errors'owner' hides a field.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.73
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.98
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.99
ErrorsParameter index should be final.117
ErrorsParameter index should be final.128
ErrorsParameter newSense should be final.128
ErrorsParameter index should be final.146
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.153
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.181
ErrorsParameter movedSense should be final.181
ErrorsUnused Javadoc tag.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <OWNER> tag.26
ErrorsParameter owner should be final.48
Errors'owner' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter senses should be final.48
Errors'senses' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter owner should be final.63
Errors'owner' hides a field.63
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.73
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.98
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.99
ErrorsParameter index should be final.117
ErrorsParameter index should be final.128
ErrorsParameter newSense should be final.128
ErrorsParameter index should be final.146
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.153
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.181
ErrorsParameter movedSense should be final.181


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.VariableContext.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.DuplicateNameException.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IWorkExecutor.8
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.LinkedList.12
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.13
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsName 'taName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'taArgs' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter actionName should be final.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.44
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.44
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMethod 'getActionCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsMethod 'setActionName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.92
ErrorsParameter child should be final.92
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsMethod 'synchronize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsParameter source should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsParameter element should be final.128
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'element'.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.146
ErrorsMethod 'setArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.149
ErrorsParameter newArguments should be final.149
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newArguments'.149
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsMethod 'getArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.VariableContext.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.exceptions.DuplicateNameException.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.IWorkExecutor.8
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.LinkedList.12
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.13
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsName 'dataFlavor' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsName 'taName' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsName 'taArgs' must match pattern '^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$'.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter actionName should be final.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.44
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.44
ErrorsMethod 'getChildDataNodes' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsMethod 'toString' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.53
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.58
ErrorsMethod 'getActionCall' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.74
ErrorsMethod 'setActionName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.74
ErrorsParameter newName should be final.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsMethod 'moveChild' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.91
ErrorsParameter newIndex should be final.92
ErrorsParameter child should be final.92
ErrorsMethod 'getDataFlavor' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.96
ErrorsMethod 'getType' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.105
ErrorsMethod 'synchronize' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.112
ErrorsParameter source should be final.112
ErrorsExpected @throws tag for 'CycleException'.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsParameter element should be final.128
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'element'.128
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.146
ErrorsMethod 'setArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.149
ErrorsParameter newArguments should be final.149
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'newArguments'.149
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.154
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.155
ErrorsMethod 'getArguments' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.164


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.18
Errors'plan' hides a field.18
ErrorsParameter ad should be final.18
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.18
ErrorsParameter log should be final.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMethod 'isExit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter workExecutor should be final.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'getExitCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'getAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMethod 'fire' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'getTriggerResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.18
Errors'plan' hides a field.18
ErrorsParameter ad should be final.18
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.18
ErrorsParameter log should be final.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMethod 'isExit' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsParameter workExecutor should be final.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsMethod 'getExitCondition' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsMethod 'getAdoptedElement' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.33
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsMethod 'fire' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.37
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsMethod 'getTriggerResult' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.32
Errors'plan' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.32
ErrorsParameter result should be final.32
Errors'result' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.32
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.32
ErrorsParameter log should be final.32
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.60
Errors'plan' hides a field.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.60
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionCall'.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.32
Errors'plan' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter ap should be final.32
ErrorsParameter result should be final.32
Errors'result' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.32
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.32
ErrorsParameter log should be final.32
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.59
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.60
Errors'plan' hides a field.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.60
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionCall'.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.21
Errors'ctx' hides a field.21
ErrorsParameter log should be final.21
Errors'log' hides a field.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.26
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.31
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.36
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.41
ErrorsParameter adaptCall should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.55
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.69
ErrorsParameter competenceCall should be final.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.82
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.101
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.121
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsParameter actionFinishedResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionRunningResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionRunningOnceResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionFailedResult should be final.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.127
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.127
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsParameter actionFinishedResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionRunningResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionRunningOnceResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionFailedResult should be final.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter runningOnceCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.157
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.159
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.21
Errors'ctx' hides a field.21
ErrorsParameter log should be final.21
Errors'log' hides a field.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.26
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.31
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.36
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.41
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.41
ErrorsParameter adaptCall should be final.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.55
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.55
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.60
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.62
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.63
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.69
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.69
ErrorsParameter competenceCall should be final.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.73
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.74
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.75
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.82
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.82
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.83
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.88
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.99
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.100
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.101
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.102
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.121
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.121
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.121
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.121
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsParameter actionFinishedResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionRunningResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionRunningOnceResult should be final.122
ErrorsParameter actionFailedResult should be final.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.126
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.127
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.127
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.127
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.127
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsParameter actionFinishedResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionRunningResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionRunningOnceResult should be final.128
ErrorsParameter actionFailedResult should be final.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.129
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter runningOnceCallback should be final.129
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.129
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.131
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.132
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.133
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.134
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.135
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.136
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.138
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.138
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.142
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.142
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.146
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.151
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.151
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.152
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.157
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.159


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'execuringResult'.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.41
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.42
Errors'finishedResult' hides a field.42
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.43
Errors'runningResult' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningResult'.43
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.44
Errors'runningOnceResult' hides a field.44
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResult'.44
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.45
Errors'failedResult' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.46
ErrorsParameter log should be final.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'execuringResult'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.75
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.76
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.76
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.77
Errors'finishedResult' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.78
Errors'runningResult' hides a field.78
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningResult'.78
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.79
Errors'runningOnceResult' hides a field.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResult'.79
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.80
Errors'failedResult' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.81
Errors'finishedResultCallback' hides a field.81
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.82
Errors'runningResultCallback' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResultCallback should be final.83
Errors'runningOnceResultCallback' hides a field.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResultCallback'.83
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.84
Errors'failedResultCallback' hides a field.84
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.85
ErrorsParameter log should be final.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.6
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.15
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
Errors'private' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.29
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.35
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'execuringResult'.35
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.37
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.41
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.42
Errors'finishedResult' hides a field.42
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.43
Errors'runningResult' hides a field.43
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningResult'.43
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.44
Errors'runningOnceResult' hides a field.44
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResult'.44
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.45
Errors'failedResult' hides a field.45
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.46
ErrorsParameter log should be final.47
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'execuringResult'.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.69
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsMore than 7 parameters.75
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.76
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.76
ErrorsParameter finishedResult should be final.77
Errors'finishedResult' hides a field.77
ErrorsParameter runningResult should be final.78
Errors'runningResult' hides a field.78
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningResult'.78
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResult should be final.79
Errors'runningOnceResult' hides a field.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResult'.79
ErrorsParameter failedResult should be final.80
Errors'failedResult' hides a field.80
ErrorsParameter finishedResultCallback should be final.81
Errors'finishedResultCallback' hides a field.81
ErrorsParameter runningResultCallback should be final.82
Errors'runningResultCallback' hides a field.82
ErrorsParameter runningOnceResultCallback should be final.83
Errors'runningOnceResultCallback' hides a field.83
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'runningOnceResultCallback'.83
ErrorsParameter failedResultCallback should be final.84
Errors'failedResultCallback' hides a field.84
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.85
ErrorsParameter log should be final.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.107
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.111
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.119
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.120
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.120
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.122
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.123
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.124
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.126
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.126
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.127
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.128
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.128
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.130
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.130
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.131
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.ActionPattern.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Adopt.6
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.7
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
Errors'plan' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter ce should be final.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsParameter log should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.50
Errors'plan' hides a field.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.50
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.50
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionCall'.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.66
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.66
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.76
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.83
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.84
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.ActionPattern.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Adopt.6
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.7
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.11
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
Errors'plan' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter ce should be final.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsParameter log should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.44
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.45
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.50
Errors'plan' hides a field.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.50
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.50
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.50
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'actionCall'.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.51
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.52
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.53
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.54
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.56
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.57
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.61
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.66
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.66
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.66
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.76
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.83
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.84
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.84
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.95


ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.*.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.4
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Collections.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.27
ErrorsParameter c should be final.27
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.27
ErrorsParameter log should be final.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.42
ErrorsParameter workExecutor should be final.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecutor'.42
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.61
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.62
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsUsing the '.*' form of import should be avoided - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.*.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.FireResult.Type.4
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Collections.7
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.27
ErrorsParameter c should be final.27
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.27
ErrorsParameter log should be final.27
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.42
ErrorsParameter workExecutor should be final.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecutor'.42
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.44
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.52
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.61
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.62
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.62
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'deExecutors' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.38
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.38
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.38
Errors'timer' hides a field.38
ErrorsParameter log should be final.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter index should be final.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter index should be final.86
ErrorsParameter name should be final.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.118
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsVariable 'deExecutors' must be private and have accessor methods.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'plan'.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.38
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.38
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.38
Errors'timer' hides a field.38
ErrorsParameter log should be final.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.50
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.54
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.64
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.69
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.77
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.81
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.82
ErrorsParameter index should be final.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.86
ErrorsParameter index should be final.86
ErrorsParameter name should be final.98
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.117
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.118


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.ActionPattern.7
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.8
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
Errors'plan' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter de should be final.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsParameter log should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.44
Errors'plan' hides a field.44
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.44
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsParameter timestamp should be final.60
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.77
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'timer'.77
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.104
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.164
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.ActionPattern.7
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.Competence.8
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.27
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.31
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.34
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.34
Errors'plan' hides a field.34
ErrorsParameter de should be final.34
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.34
ErrorsParameter log should be final.34
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.44
Errors'plan' hides a field.44
ErrorsParameter actionCall should be final.44
Errors'actionCall' hides a field.44
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.45
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.45
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.46
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.47
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.48
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.49
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.50
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.50
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.56
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.60
ErrorsParameter timestamp should be final.60
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.60
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.60
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.77
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.77
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'timer'.77
ErrorsComment matches to-do format 'TODO:'.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.78
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.81
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.81
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.82
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.83
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.84
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.85
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.86
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.87
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.88
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.89
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.90
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.101
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.104
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.104
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.104
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.105
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.106
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.107
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.108
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.127
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.135
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.147
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.155
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.160
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.164
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.168
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.171
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.172
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.176
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.179
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.184
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.185
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.186
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.187


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.CompetenceElement.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.6
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'clazz' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'executor' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.17
Errors'clazz' hides a field.17
ErrorsParameter name should be final.17
Errors'name' hides a field.17
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.17
Errors'executor' hides a field.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter element should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.72
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.77
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.CompetenceElement.5
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.TriggeredAction.6
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'clazz' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsVariable 'executor' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter clazz should be final.17
Errors'clazz' hides a field.17
ErrorsParameter name should be final.17
Errors'name' hides a field.17
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.17
Errors'executor' hides a field.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.44
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.57
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.59
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter element should be final.66
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.69
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.70
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.71
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.72
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.72
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.74
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.75
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.76
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.77
Errors'-' is not preceded with whitespace.77
Errors'-' is not followed by whitespace.77
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.79
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.80
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.81
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.83
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.86
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.88
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.91
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.92
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.93
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.96
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.97
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.98
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.100
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.104
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.106
ErrorsParameter executor should be final.109
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'executor'.109
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.110
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.111
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.112
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.113
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.114
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.115
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.116
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.117
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.118
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.119
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.144
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.144


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter type should be final.39
Errors'type' hides a field.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter type should be final.43
Errors'type' hides a field.43
ErrorsParameter nextElement should be final.43
Errors'nextElement' hides a field.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.59
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.59
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter type should be final.39
Errors'type' hides a field.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsParameter type should be final.43
Errors'type' hides a field.43
ErrorsParameter nextElement should be final.43
Errors'nextElement' hides a field.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.59
Errors'+' is not preceded with whitespace.59
Errors'+' is not followed by whitespace.59


ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Set.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'result' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter result should be final.28
Errors'result' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter type should be final.28
Errors'type' hides a field.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'plan' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'timer' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.40
Errors'plan' hides a field.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.44
Errors'plan' hides a field.44
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.44
Errors'timer' hides a field.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.48
Errors'plan' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.48
Errors'timer' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter log should be final.48
Errors'log' hides a field.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMethod 'evaluatePlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMethod 'getStackForDE' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsMethod 'getStackForDE' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter index should be final.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsMethod 'getDECount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsMethod 'getDEName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter index should be final.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsMethod 'getLog' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.127
ErrorsMethod 'getState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.140
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.Set.7
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.25
ErrorsVariable 'result' must be private and have accessor methods.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsVariable 'type' must be private and have accessor methods.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.28
ErrorsParameter result should be final.28
Errors'result' hides a field.28
ErrorsParameter type should be final.28
Errors'type' hides a field.28
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.35
ErrorsVariable 'plan' must be private and have accessor methods.35
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.36
ErrorsVariable 'timer' must be private and have accessor methods.36
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.37
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.37
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.40
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.40
Errors'plan' hides a field.40
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.44
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.44
Errors'plan' hides a field.44
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.44
Errors'timer' hides a field.44
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.48
ErrorsParameter plan should be final.48
Errors'plan' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter timer should be final.48
Errors'timer' hides a field.48
ErrorsParameter log should be final.48
Errors'log' hides a field.48
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsMethod 'evaluatePlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.63
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.78
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.84
ErrorsMethod 'getStackForDE' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.85
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.89
ErrorsMethod 'getStackForDE' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.90
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.90
ErrorsParameter index should be final.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsMethod 'getDECount' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.94
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.94
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.95
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.97
ErrorsMethod 'getDEName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.98
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.98
ErrorsParameter index should be final.98
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.99
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.101
ErrorsMethod 'getLog' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.102
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.102
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.103
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.107
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.111
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.122
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.124
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.127
ErrorsMethod 'getState' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.127
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.140


ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsParameter name should be final.32
Errors'name' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter success should be final.32
Errors'success' hides a field.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.79
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.79
ErrorsParameter log should be final.79
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.87
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'value1'.119
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'value2'.121
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.124
ErrorsParameter predicate should be final.124
Errors'predicate' hides a field.124
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.22
ErrorsVariable 'name' must be private and have accessor methods.23
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.27
ErrorsParameter name should be final.32
Errors'name' hides a field.32
ErrorsParameter success should be final.32
Errors'success' hides a field.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.65
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.71
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.79
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.79
ErrorsParameter log should be final.79
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.87
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.91
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.91
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.93
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.95
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.96
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'value1'.119
ErrorsUnused @param tag for 'value2'.121
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.124
ErrorsParameter operand1 should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand1'.124
ErrorsParameter predicate should be final.124
Errors'predicate' hides a field.124
ErrorsParameter operand2 should be final.124
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'operand2'.124
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.137
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.141


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsParameter senses should be final.29
Errors'senses' hides a field.29
ErrorsParameter success should be final.29
Errors'success' hides a field.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsParameter success should be final.39
Errors'success' hides a field.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.76
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.76
ErrorsParameter log should be final.76
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.91
ErrorsParameter log should be final.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.104
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.104
ErrorsParameter defaultReturn should be final.104
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsParameter senses should be final.29
Errors'senses' hides a field.29
ErrorsParameter success should be final.29
Errors'success' hides a field.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsParameter success should be final.39
Errors'success' hides a field.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.43
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <T> tag.64
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.66
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.66
ErrorsParameter trigger should be final.76
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.76
ErrorsParameter log should be final.76
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.91
ErrorsParameter log should be final.91
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.104
ErrorsParameter workExecuter should be final.104
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'workExecuter'.104
ErrorsParameter defaultReturn should be final.104


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.46
ErrorsParameter callArgs should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callArgs'.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.68
ErrorsParameter callParameters should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callParameters'.68
ErrorsParameter formalParameters should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'formalParameters'.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.113
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.119
ErrorsParameter value should be final.119
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.127
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.141
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'variableName'.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.179
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.179
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
Errors'public' modifier out of order with the JLS suggestions.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.36
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.46
ErrorsParameter callArgs should be final.46
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callArgs'.46
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.51
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.68
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.68
ErrorsParameter callParameters should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'callParameters'.68
ErrorsParameter formalParameters should be final.68
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'formalParameters'.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.73
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.75
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.87
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.90
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.106
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.113
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.119
ErrorsParameter value should be final.119
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.127
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.137
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.141
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.143
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.143
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'variableName'.143
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.175
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.179
ErrorsParameter variableName should be final.179


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsVariable 'subtract' must be private and have accessor methods.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'suspended' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'suspendedTime' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMethod 'suspend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMethod 'isSuspended' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMethod 'resume' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMethod 'addTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter time2add should be final.39
ErrorsMethod 'getTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.45
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsVariable 'subtract' must be private and have accessor methods.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsVariable 'suspended' must be private and have accessor methods.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsVariable 'suspendedTime' must be private and have accessor methods.14
ErrorsMethod 'suspend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMethod 'isSuspended' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsMethod 'resume' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsMethod 'addTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.39
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.39
ErrorsParameter time2add should be final.39
ErrorsMethod 'getTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.43
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.45


ErrorsExpected an @return tag.21
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.21
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29


ErrorsMethod 'suspend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsMethod 'isSuspended' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMethod 'resume' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMethod 'getTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30
ErrorsMethod 'suspend' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsMethod 'isSuspended' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.20
ErrorsMethod 'resume' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsMethod 'getTime' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.30


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.18
ErrorsParameter name should be final.18
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter message should be final.23
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.14
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.18
ErrorsParameter name should be final.18
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'name'.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter message should be final.23


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter name should be final.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter message should be final.18
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter name should be final.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.14
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.18
ErrorsParameter message should be final.18


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter message should be final.17
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter message should be final.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.13
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.17
ErrorsParameter message should be final.17
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.17
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsParameter message should be final.21


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter message should be final.11
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter message should be final.15
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter message should be final.11
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.11
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.15
ErrorsParameter message should be final.15


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshElement.4
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter message should be final.30
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements.PoshElement.4
Errors'{' is not preceded with whitespace.18
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.25
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.30
ErrorsParameter message should be final.30


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ParamsAction.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ParamsSense.4
ErrorsUnused import - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter message should be final.16
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ParamsAction.3
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor.ParamsSense.4
ErrorsUnused import - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.16
ErrorsParameter message should be final.16
ErrorsParameter cause should be final.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.19


ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.14
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.24
Errors'parameterName' hides a field.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMethod 'getParameterName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.14
ErrorsParameter parameterName should be final.24
Errors'parameterName' hides a field.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.25
ErrorsMethod 'getParameterName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.29
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.29


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsParameter rootName should be final.9
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.9
ErrorsParameter rootName should be final.9


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter message should be final.11
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.11
ErrorsParameter message should be final.11


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.10
ErrorsParameter ex should be final.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.14
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.5
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.10
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.10
ErrorsParameter ex should be final.10
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.14
ErrorsParameter msg should be final.14


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsParameter element should be final.17
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'element'.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter message should be final.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsParameter element should be final.17
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'element'.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsAvoid inline conditionals.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsParameter message should be final.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26


ErrorsMissing file.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.5
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.10
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.11
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.17
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.24
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.25
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.27
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.29
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.31
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.32
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.33
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.33
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.34
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.35
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.36
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.37
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.38
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.39
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.40
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.41
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.42
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.43
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.43


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.PoshEngine.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.42
Errors'behavior' hides a field.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'behavior'.42
ErrorsParameter method should be final.42
Errors'method' hides a field.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'method'.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'behavior' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'method' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsVariable 'primitives' must be private and have accessor methods.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsVariable 'behaviors' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.76
ErrorsMethod 'addBehavior' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'behavior'.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'||' should be on a new line.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.108
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.110
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.110
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.145
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.146
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.153
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.154
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsMethod 'logicAfterPlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsMethod 'logicBeforePlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.PoshEngine.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.28
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.40
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.42
Errors'behavior' hides a field.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'behavior'.42
ErrorsParameter method should be final.42
Errors'method' hides a field.42
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'method'.42
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.46
ErrorsVariable 'behavior' must be private and have accessor methods.46
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.47
ErrorsVariable 'method' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.53
ErrorsVariable 'primitives' must be private and have accessor methods.53
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsVariable 'behaviors' must be private and have accessor methods.55
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.67
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.76
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.76
ErrorsMethod 'addBehavior' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.79
ErrorsParameter behavior should be final.79
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'behavior'.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.80
Errors'||' should be on a new line.86
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.92
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.102
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.108
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.110
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.110
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.110
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.141
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.143
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.145
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.145
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.146
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.146
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.146
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.149
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.151
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.153
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.153
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'primitive'.154
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.154
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'ctx'.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.158
ErrorsMethod 'logicAfterPlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.158
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.159
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.160
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.161
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.162
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.165
ErrorsMethod 'logicBeforePlan' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.165
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.166
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.167
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.168
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.169
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.170


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<RETURN>'.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsUnused @param tag for '<RETURN>'.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.18
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.26
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.31
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.33
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'params'.37
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.38


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.4
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.7
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.15
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.16
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.18
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.18
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.23
ErrorsRedundant 'public' modifier.24


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.24


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.13
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.14
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.20
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.21
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.22
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.28


ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.VariableContext.3
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17
ErrorsUnused import - cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.VariableContext.3
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.16
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.17


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <CONTEXT> tag.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsParameter params should be final.67
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.71
ErrorsParameter params should be final.76
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.80
ErrorsParameter params should be final.85
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.89
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <CONTEXT> tag.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.51
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.52
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.53
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.54
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.55
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.56
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.58
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.58
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.62
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.63
ErrorsParameter params should be final.67
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.71
ErrorsParameter params should be final.76
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.80
ErrorsParameter params should be final.85
Errors',' is not followed by whitespace.89


ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.12
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.13
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <RETURN> tag.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter methodClass should be final.26
Errors'methodClass' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter methodName should be final.26
Errors'methodName' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter returnCls should be final.26
Errors'returnCls' hides a field.26
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsParameter method should be final.41
Errors'method' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter acceptedTypes should be final.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsParameter annotations should be final.64
ErrorsParameter seekedAnnotation should be final.64
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsParameter method should be final.79
Errors'method' hides a field.79
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <tt></li>93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsParameter methods should be final.110
ErrorsParameter seekedName should be final.110
ErrorsParameter returnType should be final.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'NoSuchMethodError'.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'UnsupportedOperationException'.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsParameter thisObject should be final.162
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'thisObject'.162
ErrorsParameter params should be final.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Level.12
ErrorsUnused import - java.util.logging.Logger.13
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <RETURN> tag.19
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.23
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.24
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.25
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.26
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.26
ErrorsParameter methodClass should be final.26
Errors'methodClass' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter methodName should be final.26
Errors'methodName' hides a field.26
ErrorsParameter returnCls should be final.26
Errors'returnCls' hides a field.26
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.41
ErrorsParameter method should be final.41
Errors'method' hides a field.41
ErrorsParameter acceptedTypes should be final.41
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsParameter annotations should be final.64
ErrorsParameter seekedAnnotation should be final.64
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.79
ErrorsParameter method should be final.79
Errors'method' hides a field.79
ErrorsUnclosed HTML tag found: <tt></li>93
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.110
ErrorsParameter methods should be final.110
ErrorsParameter seekedName should be final.110
ErrorsParameter returnType should be final.110
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.115
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.116
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.117
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.118
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.136
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.138
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'NoSuchMethodError'.139
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.140
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'UnsupportedOperationException'.140
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.145
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.157
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.159
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.160
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.162
ErrorsParameter thisObject should be final.162
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'thisObject'.162
ErrorsParameter params should be final.162
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.181
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.189


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <CONTEXT> tag.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.61
ErrorsParameter returnCls should be final.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsParameter params should be final.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.17
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsType Javadoc comment is missing an @param <CONTEXT> tag.47
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.49
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.50
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.61
ErrorsParameter returnCls should be final.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.67
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.68
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.68
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.71
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.73
ErrorsParameter params should be final.75
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.79
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.80


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.22
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.10
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.20
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.21
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.22
Errors'}' is not preceded with whitespace.22


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter succeed should be final.34
ErrorsParameter fail should be final.34
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.34
Errors'stream' hides a field.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.45
ErrorsMethod 'addPrimitives' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsParameter primitives should be final.47
ErrorsParameter value should be final.47
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsParameter succeed should be final.57
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'succeed'.57
ErrorsParameter fail should be final.57
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fail'.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.61
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.72
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.77
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.8
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.11
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.30
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.34
ErrorsParameter succeed should be final.34
ErrorsParameter fail should be final.34
ErrorsParameter stream should be final.34
Errors'stream' hides a field.34
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.42
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.45
ErrorsMethod 'addPrimitives' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.47
ErrorsParameter primitives should be final.47
ErrorsParameter value should be final.47
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.49
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.50
ErrorsParameter succeed should be final.57
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'succeed'.57
ErrorsParameter fail should be final.57
ErrorsExpected @param tag for 'fail'.57
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.60
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.61
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.61
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.61
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.65
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.67
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.70
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.71
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.72
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.72
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.72
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.75
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.77
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.77
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.77
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.78
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.79
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.79
Errors'cast' is not followed by whitespace.79
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.82


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.14
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.22
Errors'name' hides a field.22
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.22
Errors'ctx' hides a field.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.31
Errors'ctx' hides a field.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMethod 'getCtx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.14
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.15
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.20
ErrorsParameter name should be final.22
Errors'name' hides a field.22
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.22
Errors'ctx' hides a field.22
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.29
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.31
Errors'ctx' hides a field.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.35
ErrorsMethod 'getName' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.40
ErrorsMethod 'getCtx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.48


ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.15
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.23
Errors'name' hides a field.23
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.23
Errors'ctx' hides a field.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.33
Errors'ctx' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMethod 'getCtx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42
ErrorsFile does not end with a newline.0
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.12
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.13
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.15
ErrorsVariable 'ctx' must be private and have accessor methods.16
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsParameter name should be final.23
Errors'name' hides a field.23
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.23
Errors'ctx' hides a field.23
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.29
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.33
Errors'ctx' hides a field.33
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.37
ErrorsMethod 'getCtx' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.42


ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsVariable 'actions' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsVariable 'senses' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsVariable 'currentActionName' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsVariable 'currentVariableContext' must be private and have accessor methods.58
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.59
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter log should be final.68
Errors'log' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.76
ErrorsMethod 'getLogger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMethod 'isNameUsed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.93
ErrorsMethod 'isAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsParameter name should be final.93
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.101
ErrorsMethod 'isSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsParameter name should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.109
ErrorsMethod 'addAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsParameter name should be final.111
ErrorsParameter action should be final.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsMethod 'addSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsParameter name should be final.123
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsMethod 'addAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsParameter action should be final.134
ErrorsMethod 'addSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.146
ErrorsParameter primitiveName should be final.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.153
ErrorsParameter primitiveName should be final.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.161
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.170
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsParameter actionToExecuteName should be final.175
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.175
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
Errors'||' should be on a new line.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.230
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.9
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.12
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.13
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.19
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.21
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.27
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.31
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.32
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.43
ErrorsVariable 'actions' must be private and have accessor methods.43
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.47
ErrorsVariable 'senses' must be private and have accessor methods.47
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.49
ErrorsVariable 'currentActionName' must be private and have accessor methods.51
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.55
ErrorsVariable 'currentVariableContext' must be private and have accessor methods.58
ErrorsFirst sentence should end with a period.59
ErrorsVariable 'log' must be private and have accessor methods.62
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.63
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.64
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.68
ErrorsParameter log should be final.68
Errors'log' hides a field.68
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.76
ErrorsMethod 'getLogger' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.76
ErrorsMethod 'isNameUsed' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.85
ErrorsParameter name should be final.85
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.93
ErrorsMethod 'isAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.93
ErrorsParameter name should be final.93
ErrorsExpected an @return tag.101
ErrorsMethod 'isSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.101
ErrorsParameter name should be final.101
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.108
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.109
ErrorsUnused @throws tag for 'IllegalArgumentException'.109
ErrorsMethod 'addAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.111
ErrorsParameter name should be final.111
ErrorsParameter action should be final.111
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.113
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.121
ErrorsMethod 'addSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.123
ErrorsParameter name should be final.123
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.123
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.125
ErrorsMethod 'addAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.134
ErrorsParameter action should be final.134
ErrorsMethod 'addSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.142
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.142
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.145
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.146
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.146
ErrorsParameter primitiveName should be final.146
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.147
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.147
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.148
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.148
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.149
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.150
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.152
ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.153
ErrorsParameter sense should be final.153
ErrorsParameter primitiveName should be final.153
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.154
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.154
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.155
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.155
Errors'if' construct must use '{}'s.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.156
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.157
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.159
ErrorsMethod 'executeSense' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.160
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.161
ErrorsParameter primitive should be final.161
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.161
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.163
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.163
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.165
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.168
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.169
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.170
ErrorsMethod 'executeAction' is not designed for extension - needs to be abstract, final or empty.174
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.175
ErrorsParameter actionToExecuteName should be final.175
ErrorsParameter ctx should be final.175
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.177
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.188
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.189
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.193
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.195
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.197
Errors'||' should be on a new line.198
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.200
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.201
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.202
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.203
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.204
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.209
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.211
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.214
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.215
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.217
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.218
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.221
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.222
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.223
ErrorsLine contains a tab character.223
ErrorsLine is longer than 80 characters.225
ErrorsLine has trailing spaces.230