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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object;
4   /**
5    * Listens on object events.
6    * <p><p>
7    * Don't be afraid of class's parameters :-) ... it allows you to specify type of objects you want to listen to
8    * and type of events you want to accept.
9    * <p><p>
10   * If you want to listen to more then one type of events / objects then specify these parameters as
11   * common ancestor of events / objects you want to accept inside the listener's notify() method.
12   * <p><p>
13   * This approach allows you to work with specific types of object / events directly in the notify() method
14   * sparing you of casting these event to the correct class.
15   * 
16   * @author Jimmy
17   * @param OBJECT class of objects you're listening to
18   */
19  public interface IWorldObjectListener<OBJECT extends IWorldObject> extends IWorldObjectEventListener<OBJECT, IWorldObjectEvent<OBJECT>> {	
20  }