View Javadoc

1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation;
3   /**
4    * First - read javadoc for {@link IPathPlanner} and {@link IPathExecutor}. 
5    * <p><p>
6    * Done? Ok, continue...
7    * <p><p>
8    * So, the {@link IPathPlanner} should get us the path and {@link IPathExecutor} should follow it.
9    * This is nice isn't it? It allows you to configure different path planners (for instance one for
10   * planning retreat paths, other one planning attack paths) and you may use a single executor
11   * or instantiate different one and pick one that suits your needs. Ok, nice, but such scenario
12   * requires you to mediate communication bqetween planner and executor and handle executor failures.
13   * Sometimes it might be nice to have executor stuffed with planner that it can use to replan the
14   * path in the case of failures. Voila - this interface pops out.
15   * <p><p> 
16   * This interface serves for executors that contains planners they can use in the case of path failure.
17   * Whenever the executor fails to reach the path, it should use the injected path planner
18   * (via {@link IPathExecutorWithPlanner#setPathPlanner(IPathPlanner)}) to obtain the new path and try that.
19   * <p><p>
20   * EXPERIMENTAL INTERFACE - might be revisited in future releases (I'm aware that the interface
21   * is faulty due to ignore other path-planning/execution concerns such as "how to determine that
22   * the executre really really stuck").
23   * <p><p>
24   * Note that implementation of this interface will the most likely be so specific, that it is 
25   * always a good idea to setup own timeout counter and halt the path executor manually if
26   * the counter reaches zero. I mean, it probably won't be a flawless implementation that
27   * can solve all encountered situations. (Or just use {@link IPathExecutorWithPlanner#runTo(Object, double)}.)
28   * 
29   * @author Jimmy
30   *
31   * @param <PATH_ELEMENT>
32   */
33  public interface IPathExecutorWithPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT> extends IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT> {
35  	public void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to);
37  	public void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to, double globalTimeout);
39  	public void setPathPlanner(IPathPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT> pathPlanner);
41  }