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1   package;
3   import java.util.Collection;
5   /**
6    * This class represents the discrete search space for path-finding algorithms for games. It conceptualize the map/location/environment of the game for
7    * the purpose of planners as finite graph whose nodes are easily distinguishable from each others (it is suitable for NavigationGraphs using discrete navigation
8    * points, but it is not suitable for GOAP planners for strategic games such as Defcon).
9    * <p><p>
10   * You should first read {@link IPFMap} javadoc, then by looking at new interface methods, you can see that this interface is suitable for algorithms which
11   * need to know the whole graph in advance (such as Floyd-Warshall).
12   * <p><p>
13   * So you have to provide implementation for methods that returns all the nodes which are present in the map ({@link IPFKnownMap#getNodes()}).
14   * 
15   * @param NODE
16   */
17  public interface IPFKnownMap<NODE> extends IPFMap<NODE> {
19  	/**
20  	 * This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment).  
21  	 */
22  	public Collection<NODE> getNodes();
24  }