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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements;
3   import java.awt.Desktop;
4   import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
6   /**
7    * Mainly for widgets. This is the listener that can be registered with the
8    * {@link PoshElement} to listen for various events that happens to the POSH
9    * element (new node, deleted node...)
10   * <p/>
11   * Thanks to generics, listeners can have type check for parent, but not for
12   * child because of multiple possible types of children (e.g. DC has two types
13   * of children, {@link Sense} and {@link DriveElement}, {@link PoshPlan} has {@link ActionPattern}
14   * and {@link Competence}).
15   *
16   * @author HonzaH
17   * @param <PARENT> Type of parent that the listeners will be notified about.
18   */
19  public interface PoshElementListener<PARENT extends PoshElement> extends PropertyChangeListener {
21      /**
22       * Event handler will be notified that parent has added a new child among
23       * its children.
24       *
25       * @param parent parent that has a new child
26       * @param child Child that has been added.
27       */
28      void childElementAdded(PARENT parent, PoshElement child);
30      /**
31       * Evenet handler will be notified that parent has moved a child.
32       *
33       * @param parent Parent element of child.
34       * @param child child that has been moved.
35       * @param oldIndex Index of the child before move.
36       * @param newIndex Absolute position of the moved child with its own
37       * type. E.g. {@link DriveCollection} has two types of children, {@link Sense}s
38       * and {@link DriveElement}. First sense has absolute index 0 and first
39       * drive has absolute index 0.
40       */
41      void childElementMoved(PARENT parent, PoshElement child, int oldIndex, int newIndex);
43      /**
44       * Event handler will be notified when parent has removed child.
45       *
46       * @param parent parent element of child
47       * @param child child element that has been removed
48       * @param removedChildPosition What was position of removed child among
49       * children
50       */
51      void childElementRemoved(PARENT parent, PoshElement child, int removedChildPosition);
52  }