BestBots 2012/2013

Tag! Tournament (private event)


Create a bot that is able to play simple children game Tag!


Best bots

  1. Milan Rybář - nice continual movement that is using dodge around corners, almost impossible to tag
  2. Bohuslav Macháč - running in circles
  3. Ivan Krasičenko - dodge running

Hide&Seek Tournament (private event)


Create bot that is able to play Hide&Seek game, both roles - runner (one that hides) and seeker (one that searches for others).


Best bots

  1. Petr Fanta - Best catcher (camper) ever! His bot was able to catch the most opponents.
  2. Milan Rybář - Slightly worse catcher, but still very able.

PogamutCup 2013 (public event)


The task was to create the best bot playing the deathmatch in Unreal Tournament 2004 3D FPS game. For details visit Pogamut Cup 2013 homepage (in Czech).

Gladiator Bot

Implemted by David Holaň MFF-UK Praha

Pogamut Cup 2013 winner. This bot features complex combat and movement behavior. He is capable of

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Implemented by Milan Rybář MFF-UK Praha

Pogamut Cup 2013 third place. This bot features complex combat and movement behavior. He is capable of

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Creation of this course was partially supported by the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities, which is financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.

Inovace kurzu v letech 2011/2 a 2012/3 byly podpořeny projektem CZ.2.17/3.1.00/33274 financovaným Evropským sociálním fondem a rozpočtem hlavního města Prahy.

Evropský sociální fond
Praha & EU: Investujeme do vaší budoucnosti