

Problems with lifts and windows

Hi all,

I'm using Pogamut 3.0.11.

I found problems with lifts and windows.

For planning a way, I use something like this:

NavPoint homeBase;

There is a problem with lifts and windows.
For small map without lifts, windows and more levels everything is fine.
For bigger map with lift (e.g. CTF-Grendelkeep) if path is computed through lift, bot is confused.
He goes across lift, after that stops following path and goes back to lift.

Next problem is in CTF-Maul, bot goes to enemy base, with luck walks in lift and collects enemy flag.
After that he is going to home. But he is stuck at the window looking at the path.

Thanks for reply.
Jan Dyrczyk
3.0.11 uses old path finding algorithms. In 3.1 we have new path finding that works much better (most of the bugs will be probably fixed). I suggest you to start using the latest version.

Thanks for your advice.

I see new path finding algorithms is better, but my problems still continue.

In CTF-Grendelkeep bot stucks at lift. Still goes around lift and crashes into the stairs wall.
In CTF-Maul bot correctly goes to tower and jumps through windows, one times.
Next time stuck at the window again.

Bot has only one thing to does:
pathExecutor.followPath(pathPlanner.computePath(bot , homeBase));
- I remeber there was a problem with links between NavPoints not being set up correctly - press ALT + G and check if the NavPoint links around the lift in GrendelKeep are not broken. If yes - you can fix it in UnrealEd.

- UT is a dynamic environment and it just sometimes happens that bots are not able to follow certain paths 100% (also humans fall down to lava time to time :-) ). How often does this path finding bug occur? 50%? 10%? 70%? If it is less than 10% it is probably ok, if it is more, well, then the path finding still needs some fine-tunning...



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