Greetings to all Pogamut users!
So... There were no news from us for almost a year now. Does it mean we've moved on? Does it mean we've stopped working on Pogamut? Hell no! In fact we've put together
one of the biggest updates in Pogamut 3 history - we've got
full fledged working NavMesh for Unreal Tournament 2004! How cool is that? Check out this video to see how it works:
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Direct link:
Yes - we've been able to export UT2004 geometry and process it successfully with Recast. Just a note - in order for NavMesh to work, don't forget to put NavMesh static data you get from:
to ./navmesh folder (inside your bots project root dir). For more info about this, check
lecture 5 on our lecture site.
You will find working NavMesh in the latest Pogamut release 3.7.0. New snapshot version is 3.7.1-SNAPSHOT.
Other important news is that we've been throwing our
own AI competition Pogamut Cup on UT2004 with Pogamut (1on1 pure AI deathmatch). There have been already three events and next event registration deadline is 21.6.2015. Check out our
Pogamut Cup tournament website for info on previous events and the recent one.
Other News:
- yaPOSH editor improved + competence evaluation fixed
- Bots that are run from command line now interpret more Java params (team, desired skill, skill, name) that may override values from Initialize command -> easing the way to conduct automated matches / tournaments
- We now have Addons/UT2004Tournament-DM-Table project, that auto-performs 1v1 DM tournament between N bots (and it auto-produce Excel table with results!), already used, works perfectly
- GameBots2004 has a new message LocationUpdate that can feed you with info about your bot location/rotation/velocity about every 75ms (can be configured)
- We also have a new NavMeshNavigation, which works much better and smoother than previous UT2004Navigation not only because of NavMesh but also due to using new LocationUpdate message and computations that predict jumping results! For more information see the master thesis
- Addons/UT2004TeamComm project can be considered mature enough, basically a chat server for UT2004 bots (you can even create private channels
) that allows you to send Serializable objects to other bots all/team/channel/private.
- We have a prototype EmohawkVille project based on UDK that implements RPG cooking elements (Hells kitchen project). This adds a whole new domain for AI to solve (that is actually not an easy one). More information at EmohawkVille project site.
Latest installers:
- Pogamut UT2004 Installer 3.7.0 for UT2004 (installs GameBots2004, Maven 3.0.4, NetBeans plugins, example projects archetypes and working navmesh for UT2004!)
- Pogamut Emohawk Installer 3.7.0 using UnrealEngine2 (installs UnrealEngine2 Runtime, GameBotsUE2, Pogamut UE2 package with character models and city map, Maven 3.0.4, NetBeans plugin, example projects)
- Pogamut DefCon Installer 3.7.0 using DefCon game (installs DefCon game, Maven 3.0.4, example project)
- Pogamut UT3 Installer 3.5.3 experimental installer. You need to have Unreal Tournament 3 installed on your system. (installs GameBotsUT3 to Unreal Tournament 3 folder, Maven 3.0.4, UT3 bot example project)
Just to remind you:
AMIS Artifactory
Do you have a project built on top of the Pogamut platform? If yes and you want it to be mentioned in the next release of "Pogamut quarterly" or have a link from the Pogamut homepage, then let us know!
All the best,
The Pogamut Team (Jakub, Martin & Michal)