

Setting health level.

Hi guys,

Been a while since I have visited the forum, quite a hectic time, eh. I am in need of increasing the bot's health level. Yes, I know I want to cheat a bit but in good cause;) Is there a way to set a higher level than the default one, e.g. to 150. Can it be done?


Yeah - ChangeAttribute command. Just be sure you have bAllowCheats=True in GameBots2004.ini!

Thanks Michal, I am must be having a weak moment because I've changed the gamebots file, placed the code this.getAct().act(new ChangeAttribute().setHealth(200)) in bots initialisation part, and nothing changes. Am I missing something?


Have you set bAllowCheats=True in GameBots2004.ini as well?

Ok, first of all 200 may be too much - maximum health level in UT04 is 199 as far as I know. Second thing - you should set the health level when the bot is already spawned in the environment - that is in botSpawned method or in logic method. botInitialized method is not a good place, because bots body is not yet created in the environment.

Try to set the level to 150 or something at first in logic method to see if it works.

Hi Jimmy, Michal!

Ok, I have definitely changed the GameBots2004.BotConnection bAllowCheats=True.
Second, I have added (of course not in a single go) this.getAct().act(new ChangeAttribute().setHealth(150)); in every method that would make sense, e.g, botSpawned, logicInitialize, logic, etc.. The bot still has the same level of health. I've also tried alternatives such as this.getAct().act(new ChangeAttribute(info.getId(), 150, 50));

Oops. There was a bug in GameBots/Pogamut - in Pogamut command was CHATTR and in GB CHATRR. I've fixed it in GameBots. You can download this HOTFIX HERE. Just extract the zip file to UT2004 and overwrite everything. Changing of health level should work.



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