


I hope this won't sound rude...
Would someone be willing to make a ut2004 bot for me, that would go to the center of dm-rankin at the shock rifle, and strafe between 2 points (hard to explain the location of these, I will explain the exact place later), randomly choosing direction (going left/right between point A,B) every 0.2 seconds (or 0.1?) ,to stimulate a real opponent, that is moving randomly to not be hit as easily.

There's other things that would be great, like if the bot could constantly be shooting at me with the minigun, and if it could have infinite life and ammo, but all that I really need is for it to just move between A and B, changing direction between the 2 points a lot. No jumping etc, just strafing.

Again, I guess I should be able to make this easily myself... but I really have no idea how to do this... and I would really appreciate if someone did this for me.

If you have any questions just reply in this thread, or email me pk1234 at email.cz
Hi pk1234!

If you need to simulate a real opponent than you can start with the Hunter sample project that can be found right in the NetBeans.

This video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coRafaEX680 shows how to setup GB2004 server + Empty bot sample project. The Hunter sample project can be opened the same way.

Hi, I don't want to simulate a real opponent... I need to make a bot, that will go to the middle of the map, then once it's in the middle, it will strafe between like 50 navigation points (which will all be on a straight line), randomly choosing the direction of movement (50% left, 50% right...), while not going to the place where it was spawned.

It doesn't even need to be on rankin, it can just be on training day... but it would be better on rankin. Then I need to somehow make it have infinite life (or just 999999 life), and to somehow compress all of this into a mod, so I can just use it offline in instant play. Please do this for me... I doubt it can be that complicated... but I'm having all sorts of problems trying to do this, my old pc with 512 is really slow, and I have never programmed in any language before.

It seems you've got to a wrong place, we're not doing UT2004 MODs here, the Pogamut project is meant to be a playground for researchers.
I'm 99.9999% certain that you do not want to use Pogamut for what you are describing as Pogamut was never meant to be a "MOD" for UT2004,
even though we're using a GameBots2004 MOD.

Well you see, when you want to add special bots to ut2004... like a bot that will aim with 100% accuracy or something custom, that can't be chosen within the game... or whatever... you add them as a mod to the game. But it seems this really isn't the right forum or place to be asking for this, thanks anyway for trying to help!


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