
Unreal Tournament 2004 / UDK

Cannot add native bots to Gamebots server?

I don't really understand what is happening here:

When running a GamebotsDM server I can spectate and connect Pogamut bots perfectly fine. But adding a native bot fails most of the time.

If I start the Gamebots game from the UT2004 GUI it just ignores the settings for minimum players etc and the game is empty, and trying to add a native bot from the Netbeans plugin fails completely silently.

I am running UT2004 v3369 in Windows 7 with Pogaut 3.1

I have tried reinstalling everything, I've tried restarting etc, and sometimes I have managed to add a bot to the server. But most of the time it just wont work.
This is weird, we will have to test it. Do you have 32Bit Java? For what purpose do you need native bots? And how important for you is to fix this issue (does it limit the usefulness of Pogamut for you)?

At first glance it seems there is a bug in GameBots2004 (pogamut unreal part, so reinstalling netbeans plugin won't help)

> Do you have 32Bit Java?

>For what purpose do you need native bots?
I am using them to compare my bot against them.

>And how important for you is to fix this issue (does it limit the usefulness of Pogamut for you)?
It's for my Bachelor-Thesis so it is quite important for me yea.

> At first glance it seems there is a bug in GameBots2004 (pogamut unreal part, so reinstalling netbeans plugin won't help)
Even reinstalling UT2004 and the entire Pogamut Platform didn't help.

But after a lot of experimentation I found the following workaround:

If I follow the following procedure every time I open a server it works fine:
1. Close any running instances of UCC, UT2004 and Netbeans.
2. Start a Gamebots server
3. Start Netbeans
4. Connect a native bot
5. Connect Pogamut bot and start spectating

It seems that if I start Netbeans before the Gamebots server, that it won't work. But I will have to test this more before making any assumptions. I will look at this in more detail in a week or so.

What might also be interesting (although of no urgency to me) is that for all bots (even the example bots so I can rule out my code) no messages are written to the User log (user.info). There is only the message "Warning: Log is set to ALL" or something, but otherwise it's empty.

I have thought that maybe compiling Gamebots from source might help (if there are changes from the version downloaded by the pogamut web installer), but again I have to try this in a week or so.

For now I am happy that it works ;)

hi again,
I encountered a very big issue for me:
When adding native ut2004 bots through the netbeans plugin, I cannot specify which difficulty the bot should be, the window does pop up, but i cannot enter anything that will change the bot's difficulty. It is always the same.

I can add bots using the addbots command when i start a GB game via the ut2004 gui, but then the native bot doesnt fire any PlayerDamaged events.

This is extremely important for my university work :-S

Thank you for any help!
You need to issue AddBot command yourself from the code and specify there the skill attribute. AddBot command can be issued only by ControlConnection, so first create your custom control connection:


and from the connection issue you AddBot command with desired skill. (if you'll need help with the details, just ask here).

ah that seems to work, i cannot even begin to express my thanks :-)

btw: the original issue of this post does seem to be that if I start Netbeans before the Gamebots server, I cannot use the NB plugin to connect bots at all.

bit OT: what skill-level do the bots added via the netbeans plugin have by default? i cannot find any info in the javadoc, i expect the plugin uses the method declared in IUT2004Server - connectNativeBot

thank you again,
I think the default difficulty is 3 (but not 100% sure). Try to look up "GameDifficulty" setting in unreal .ini files (in system folder).

About that original issue. Netbeans does not connect even if you:

1) Start Netbeans server
2) Start gamebots server
3) remove all servers in NetBeans
4) add unreal server in netbeans

Does netbeans connect after this procedure?



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