
Pogamut Netbeans IDE Plugin

Setting up team game in Netbeans GUI

Is there any way how to set teams for CTF game in the Netbeans IDE? For example 3 UT bots vs. 3 Pogamut Bots or 3 Pogamut Bots vs. 3 different Pogamut Bots? I understand how I can connect both Pogamut and UT Native Bots but I don't know how to set teams.
Any link to documentation page will be completely sufficient.


Best wishes,
You need to create your own ControlServer connection. If you peek into our SVN to trunk/project PogamutUt2004 test packages you can see some examples how to create ControlServer there.
Currently the support for control connection is quite limited and it is not possible to set teams via NetBeans GUI.

Hi, currently this feature (running team of bots) is unsupported. We have it on our schedule.
Anyway, you may achieve that on your own. Difficulty of this task is dependent on the thing you need to do.

I will describe a scenario where you have 1 bot project and you want to play 3 vs 3 bots (same bot code run 6x):

1) you have to change main() method
2) alter "SingleBotRunner" for a "MultipleBotRunner" like this:

public static void main(String args[]) throws PogamutException {
new MultipleUT2004BotRunner(6, YourBotClassName.class, "YourBotName").startAgent();

This will start 6 bots for you. Note that GB2004 has team-balancing switched off. For team balancing you may use 'players' module that tells you which bots are already connected and alter getInitializeCommand where you setTeam() to tell GB2004 which team the bot wants to enter.

Hi, did my hint help you in any way?



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This work is supported by GA UK 1053/2007/A-INF/MFF (2007-8), GA UK 351/2006/A-INF/MFF (2006-8), the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (grant MSM0021620838) (2008-9), by the Program "Information Society" under project 1ET100300517 (2006-9), and the project Integration of IT Tools into Education of Humanities (2006-8) and by the project CZ.2.17/3.1.00/31162, which are financed by the European Social Fund, the state budget of the Czech Republic, and by the budget of Municipal House Prague.