

I need help with FSMLibrary. I can´t find it

I am interested in code the example explained in "Chapter 8. CTF bot" at http://diana.ms.mff.cuni.cz/pogamut_files/latest/doc/tutorials/ch08s03.html(external link)

Well when i create the project in my NetBeans wich have allready installed Pogamut 3.0. i get stuck when i have to add FSMLibrary to my project because i don´t find it in any place.
Can anyone please tell me how to solve this problem? where can i find it?.
Thanks so much for your attention
Hi jvelez! Welcome to the forum :-)

There is no need to do cross-posting, we will pick up your post anyway ;-)

I will contact the author of FSMLibrary (Honza Havlicek) who has done very nice work
as his FSM is carefuly designed, probably the best I have ever seen.

Also you might try whether FSMLibrary can't be added to project via NetBeans Dependency mechanism.
Right-click Libraries node in the Project view of your project, click on Add dependency and try to look up
the FSMLibrary, if it is there?

Also, Pogamut 3.0 is outdated, I would recommend you to switch to 3.1 that is available here:

Also, can you find and open Pogamut CTF Bot example?

That would be a good place to start from!



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