Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContinuousCurve2D
math.geom2d.circulinear Definition of circulinear shapes and some implementations. 
math.geom2d.conic Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs. 
math.geom2d.curve Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.domain Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. 
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 
math.geom2d.spline Bezier curves, and more generally polynomial curves. 

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.circulinear

Subinterfaces of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.circulinear
 interface CircleLine2D
          Tagging interface to be able to consider in a same way circles and lines.
 interface CirculinearContinuousCurve2D
          A tagging interface defining a circulinear curve which is continuous.
 interface CirculinearContour2D
          Tagging interface to gather Continuous and boundary circulinear curves.
 interface CirculinearElement2D
           Circulinear elements are lowest level of circulinear curve: each circulinear curve can be divided into a set of circulinear elements.
 interface CirculinearRing2D
          Future interface for circulinear boundary curves which are both bounded and closed.
 interface ContinuousCirculinearCurve2D
          Deprecated. replaced by CirculinearContinuousCurve2D

Classes in math.geom2d.circulinear that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class BoundaryPolyCirculinearCurve2D<T extends CirculinearContinuousCurve2D>
          A continuous boundary which is composed of several continuous circulinear curves.
 class GenericCirculinearRing2D
          A basic implementation of a CirculinearRing2D, which is supposed to be always bounded and closed.
 class PolyCirculinearCurve2D<T extends CirculinearContinuousCurve2D>
          A continuous curve which is composed of several continuous circulinear curves.

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.conic

Subinterfaces of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.conic
 interface CircularShape2D
          Tagging interface for grouping Circle2D and CircleArc2D.

Classes in math.geom2d.conic that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class Circle2D
          A circle in the plane, defined as the set of points located at an equal distance from the circle center.
 class CircleArc2D
          A circle arc, defined by the center and the radius of the containing circle, by a starting angle, and by a (signed) angle extent.
 class Ellipse2D
          An ellipse in the plane.
 class EllipseArc2D
          An arc of ellipse.
 class HyperbolaBranch2D
          Branch of an Hyperbola2D.
 class HyperbolaBranchArc2D
          An arc of hyperbola, defined from the parent hyperbola branch, and two positions on the parent curve.
 class Parabola2D
          A parabola, defined by its vertex, its orientation, and its pedal.
 class ParabolaArc2D
          An arc of parabola, defined by a parent parabola, and two limits for the parametrization.

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.curve

Classes in math.geom2d.curve with type parameters of type ContinuousCurve2D
 class PolyCurve2D<T extends ContinuousCurve2D>
          A PolyCurve2D is a set of piecewise smooth curve arcs, such that the end of a curve is the beginning of the next curve, and such that they do not intersect nor self-intersect.

Subinterfaces of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.curve
 interface SmoothCurve2D
          Interface for smooth and continuous curves.

Classes in math.geom2d.curve that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class AbstractContinuousCurve2D
          Provides a base implementation for smooth curves.
 class AbstractSmoothCurve2D
          Provides a base implementation for smooth curves.
 class PolyCurve2D<T extends ContinuousCurve2D>
          A PolyCurve2D is a set of piecewise smooth curve arcs, such that the end of a curve is the beginning of the next curve, and such that they do not intersect nor self-intersect.

Methods in math.geom2d.curve with type parameters of type ContinuousCurve2D
protected static
<T extends ContinuousCurve2D>
AbstractContinuousCurve2D.wrapCurve(T curve)
protected static
<T extends ContinuousCurve2D>
PolyCurve2D.wrapCurve(T curve)

Methods in math.geom2d.curve that return ContinuousCurve2D
abstract  ContinuousCurve2D AbstractContinuousCurve2D.clone()

Methods in math.geom2d.curve that return types with arguments of type ContinuousCurve2D
 CurveSet2D<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> PolyCurve2D.clip(Box2D box)
          Clip the PolyCurve2D by a box.
static CurveSet2D<ContinuousCurve2D> Curve2DUtils.clipContinuousCurve(ContinuousCurve2D curve, Box2D box)
           Clips a continuous curve and returns a set of continuous curves.
 Collection<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> CurveSet2D.getContinuousCurves()
 Collection<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> AbstractContinuousCurve2D.getContinuousCurves()
 Collection<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> CurveArray2D.getContinuousCurves()
 Collection<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> Curve2D.getContinuousCurves()
          Returns the collection of continuous curves which constitute this curve.
 PolyCurve2D<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> PolyCurve2D.getReverseCurve()
 PolyCurve2D<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> PolyCurve2D.getSubCurve(double t0, double t1)
          Returns an instance of PolyCurve2D.
 PolyCurve2D<? extends ContinuousCurve2D> PolyCurve2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)

Methods in math.geom2d.curve with parameters of type ContinuousCurve2D
static CurveSet2D<ContinuousCurve2D> Curve2DUtils.clipContinuousCurve(ContinuousCurve2D curve, Box2D box)
           Clips a continuous curve and returns a set of continuous curves.

Constructors in math.geom2d.curve with parameters of type ContinuousCurve2D
PolyCurve2D(T[] curves)
PolyCurve2D(T[] curves, boolean closed)

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.domain

Subinterfaces of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.domain
 interface ContinuousBoundary2D
          A continuous boundary is a continuous oriented curve which delimits a connected planar domain.
 interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
          Defines a part of the boundary of a planar domain.
 interface SmoothBoundary2D
          Tagging interface to represent in unified way smooth curves which are boundaries.
 interface SmoothOrientedCurve2D
          Interface for smooth and oriented curves.

Classes in math.geom2d.domain that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class BoundaryPolyCurve2D<T extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D>
          A single continuous oriented curve, which defines the boundary of a planar domain.
 class PolyOrientedCurve2D<T extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D>
          A PolyOrientedCurve2D is a set of piecewise smooth curve arcs, such that the end of a curve is the beginning of the next curve, and such that they do not intersect nor self-intersect.

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.line

Classes in math.geom2d.line that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class AbstractLine2D
           Base class for straight curves, such as straight lines, rays, or edges.
 class ClosedPolyline2D
          Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Ring2D instead (0.7.0)
 class InvertedRay2D
          Inverted ray is defined from an origin and a direction vector.
 class Line2D
          Line object defined from 2 points.
 class LineArc2D
          LineArc2D is a generic class to represent edges, straight lines, and rays.
 class LineObject2D
          Deprecated. use Line2D instead
 class LineSegment2D
          Line segment, defined as the set of points located between the two end points.
 class Ray2D
          Ray, or half-line, defined from an origin and a direction vector.
 class StraightLine2D
          Implementation of a straight line.

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Classes in math.geom2d.polygon that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class LinearRing2D
           A LinearRing2D is a Polyline2D whose last point is connected to the first one.
 class Polyline2D
          A polyline is a continuous curve where each piece of the curve is a LineSegment2D.
 class Ring2D
          Deprecated. replaced by LinearRing2D (0.8.0)

Uses of ContinuousCurve2D in math.geom2d.spline

Classes in math.geom2d.spline that implement ContinuousCurve2D
 class BezierCurve2D
          Deprecated. replaced by CubicBezierCurve2D (0.7.1)
 class CubicBezierCurve2D
          A cubic bezier curve, defined by 4 points.
 class PolyBezierCurve2D
          Deprecated. use PolyCubicBezierCurve2D instead
 class PolyCubicBezierCurve2D
          A set of Bezier curves, making a continuous curve.
 class QuadBezier2D
          Deprecated. replaced by QuadBezierCurve2D (0.7.1)
 class QuadBezierCurve2D
          A quadratic bezier curve, defined by 3 points.

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