Uses of Class

Packages that use PolyOrientedCurve2D
math.geom2d.circulinear Definition of circulinear shapes and some implementations. 
math.geom2d.domain Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. 
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 

Uses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.circulinear

Subclasses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.circulinear
 class BoundaryPolyCirculinearCurve2D<T extends CirculinearContinuousCurve2D>
          A continuous boundary which is composed of several continuous circulinear curves.
 class GenericCirculinearRing2D
          A basic implementation of a CirculinearRing2D, which is supposed to be always bounded and closed.
 class PolyCirculinearCurve2D<T extends CirculinearContinuousCurve2D>
          A continuous curve which is composed of several continuous circulinear curves.

Uses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.domain

Subclasses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.domain
 class BoundaryPolyCurve2D<T extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D>
          A single continuous oriented curve, which defines the boundary of a planar domain.

Methods in math.geom2d.domain that return PolyOrientedCurve2D
 PolyOrientedCurve2D<? extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D> PolyOrientedCurve2D.getReverseCurve()
 PolyOrientedCurve2D<? extends ContinuousOrientedCurve2D> PolyOrientedCurve2D.getSubCurve(double t0, double t1)
          Return an instance of PolyOrientedCurve2D.
 PolyOrientedCurve2D<?> PolyOrientedCurve2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)

Uses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.line

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return PolyOrientedCurve2D
static PolyOrientedCurve2D<SmoothOrientedCurve2D> Polyline2DUtils.createParallel(Polyline2D polyline, double d)
          Deprecated. Creates a curve parallel to the given polyline, at a distance d.

Uses of PolyOrientedCurve2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return PolyOrientedCurve2D
static PolyOrientedCurve2D<SmoothOrientedCurve2D> Polyline2DUtils.createParallel(Polyline2D polyline, double d)
          Creates a curve parallel to the given polyline, at a distance d.

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