Uses of Class

Packages that use LineSegment2D
math.geom2d.grid Infinite grids with various geometries. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. 
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 

Uses of LineSegment2D in math.geom2d.grid

Methods in math.geom2d.grid that return types with arguments of type LineSegment2D
 Collection<LineSegment2D> SquareGrid2D.getEdges(Box2D box)
 Collection<LineSegment2D> Grid2D.getEdges(Box2D box)
 Collection<LineSegment2D> TriangleGrid2D.getEdges(Box2D box)

Uses of LineSegment2D in math.geom2d.line

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return LineSegment2D
 LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.clone()
static LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Static factory for creating a new line segment between two points.
 LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.getParallel(double d)
 LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.getReverseCurve()
          Returns the LineSegment which start from last point of this line segment, and which ends at the fist point of this last segment.
 LineSegment2D LineSegment2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)

Methods in math.geom2d.line with parameters of type LineSegment2D
static double LineSegment2D.getEdgeAngle(LineSegment2D edge1, LineSegment2D edge2)
          Returns angle between two edges sharing one vertex.
static StraightLine2D LineSegment2D.getMedian(LineSegment2D edge)
static boolean LineSegment2D.intersects(LineSegment2D edge1, LineSegment2D edge2)
          Checks if two line segment intersect.

Uses of LineSegment2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return LineSegment2D
 LineSegment2D Polyline2D.getEdge(int index)
 LineSegment2D Polyline2D.getFirstEdge()
 LineSegment2D LinearRing2D.getLastEdge()
 LineSegment2D Polyline2D.getLastEdge()

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return types with arguments of type LineSegment2D
 Collection<LineSegment2D> MultiPolygon2D.getEdges()
 Collection<LineSegment2D> Rectangle2D.getEdges()
 Collection<LineSegment2D> HRectangle2D.getEdges()
 Collection<? extends LineSegment2D> Polygon2D.getEdges()
          Return the edges as line segments of the polygon
 Collection<LineSegment2D> LinearRing2D.getEdges()
          Returns an array of LineSegment2D.
 Collection<LineSegment2D> SimplePolygon2D.getEdges()
          Returns the set of edges, as a collection of LineSegment2D.
 Collection<LineSegment2D> Polyline2D.getEdges()
          Returns an array of LineSegment2D.
 Collection<? extends LineSegment2D> Polyline2D.getSmoothPieces()

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