Uses of Class

Packages that use StraightLine2D
math.geom2d Planar geometry toolbox. 
math.geom2d.conic Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs. 
math.geom2d.curve Curves interface hierarchy, and implementations of curve sets and various poly-curves. 
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. 

Uses of StraightLine2D in math.geom2d

Methods in math.geom2d that return types with arguments of type StraightLine2D
 Collection<StraightLine2D> Box2D.getClippingLines()
          Returns a set of straight of lines defining half-planes, that all contain the box.

Uses of StraightLine2D in math.geom2d.conic

Methods in math.geom2d.conic that return types with arguments of type StraightLine2D
 Collection<StraightLine2D> Hyperbola2D.getAsymptotes()
          Returns the asymptotes of the hyperbola.

Uses of StraightLine2D in math.geom2d.curve

Methods in math.geom2d.curve with parameters of type StraightLine2D
static CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> Curve2DUtils.clipSmoothCurve(SmoothCurve2D curve, StraightLine2D line)
          Clip a continuous smooth curve by the half-plane defined by a line.

Uses of StraightLine2D in math.geom2d.line

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return StraightLine2D
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.clone()
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.create(Point2D point, double angle)
          Creates a straight line going through a point and with a given angle.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.create(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Creates a straight line through 2 points.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.create(Point2D origin, Vector2D direction)
          Creates a straight line through a point and with a given direction vector.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createCartesian(double a, double b, double c)
          Return a new Straight line, with the given coefficient of the cartesian equation (a*x + b*y + c = 0).
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createCartesianLine2D(double a, double b, double c)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createCartesian instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createMedian(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Creates a median between 2 points.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createMedian2D(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createMedian instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createOrthogonalLine2D(LinearShape2D linear, Point2D point)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createPerpendicular instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createParallel(LinearShape2D linear, double d)
          Return a new Straight line, parallel to another straight object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createParallel(LinearShape2D line, Point2D point)
          Return a new Straight line, parallel to another straight object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createParallelLine2D(LinearShape2D linear, double d)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createParallel() instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createParallelLine2D(LinearShape2D line, Point2D point)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use createParallel() instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createPerpendicular(LinearShape2D linear, Point2D point)
          Return a new Straight line, perpendicular to a straight object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createStraightLine2D(Point2D point, double dx, double dy)
          Deprecated. since 0.6.3, use create() instead
static StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.createStraightLine2D(Point2D p1, Point2D p2)
          Deprecated. use create(Point2D, Point2D) instead
 StraightLine2D LineSegment2D.getMedian()
          Return the median of the edge, that is the locus of points located at equal distance of each vertex.
static StraightLine2D LineSegment2D.getMedian(LineSegment2D edge)
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.getParallel(double d)
          Return the parallel line located at a distance d.
 StraightLine2D Line2D.getParallel(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line parallel to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.getParallel(Point2D point)
          Returns a new Straight line, parallel to another straight object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D AbstractLine2D.getParallel(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line parallel to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D Line2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line perpendicular to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Return a new Straight line, parallel to another straigth object (ray, straight line or edge), and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D AbstractLine2D.getPerpendicular(Point2D point)
          Create a straight line perpendicular to this object, and going through the given point.
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.getReverseCurve()
          Returns the straight line with same origin but with opposite direction vector.
 StraightLine2D Line2D.getSupportingLine()
 StraightLine2D AbstractLine2D.getSupportingLine()
 StraightLine2D LinearShape2D.getSupportingLine()
 StraightLine2D StraightLine2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Returns the transformed line.

Methods in math.geom2d.line that return types with arguments of type StraightLine2D
 Collection<? extends StraightLine2D> StraightLine2D.getContinuousCurves()
          Need to override to cast the type.

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