Uses of Class

Packages that use LinearRing2D
math.geom2d.line Implementations of 'linear shapes', i.e. 
math.geom2d.polygon Definitions and implementations of shapes composed several line segments: polylines, rings, polygons. 
math.geom2d.transform Contains interface hierarchy for planar transforms, and implementations for specialized transforms. 

Uses of LinearRing2D in math.geom2d.line

Subclasses of LinearRing2D in math.geom2d.line
 class ClosedPolyline2D
          Deprecated. use math.geom2d.polygon.Ring2D instead (0.7.0)

Uses of LinearRing2D in math.geom2d.polygon

Subclasses of LinearRing2D in math.geom2d.polygon
 class Ring2D
          Deprecated. replaced by LinearRing2D (0.8.0)

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return LinearRing2D
 LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.clone()
static LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.create(Collection<? extends Point2D> points)
          Static factory for creating a new LinearRing2D from a collection of points.
static LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.create(Point2D[] points)
          Static factory for creating a new LinearRing2D from an array of points.
 LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.getReverseCurve()
          Returns the closed polyline with same points taken in reverse order.
 LinearRing2D LinearRing2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Return the transformed shape, as a ClosePolyline2D.

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon that return types with arguments of type LinearRing2D
 CirculinearBoundarySet2D<LinearRing2D> MultiPolygon2D.getBoundary()
 CirculinearBoundarySet2D<LinearRing2D> Rectangle2D.getBoundary()
 CirculinearBoundarySet2D<LinearRing2D> HRectangle2D.getBoundary()
 CirculinearBoundarySet2D<? extends LinearRing2D> Polygon2D.getBoundary()
 CirculinearBoundarySet2D<LinearRing2D> SimplePolygon2D.getBoundary()
          Returns a set of one LinearRing2D, which encloses the polygon.
 Collection<? extends LinearRing2D> LinearRing2D.getContinuousCurves()
 Collection<LinearRing2D> MultiPolygon2D.getRings()
 Collection<LinearRing2D> Rectangle2D.getRings()
 Collection<LinearRing2D> HRectangle2D.getRings()
 Collection<? extends LinearRing2D> Polygon2D.getRings()
          Returns the set of rings comprising the boundary of this polygon.
 Collection<LinearRing2D> SimplePolygon2D.getRings()

Methods in math.geom2d.polygon with parameters of type LinearRing2D
 void MultiPolygon2D.addPolyline(LinearRing2D ring)
 void MultiPolygon2D.addRing(LinearRing2D ring)
static BoundaryPolyCurve2D<SmoothOrientedCurve2D> Polyline2DUtils.createClosedParallel(LinearRing2D polyline, double d)
          Creates a curve parallel to the given polyline, at a distance d.

Constructors in math.geom2d.polygon with parameters of type LinearRing2D
MultiPolygon2D(LinearRing2D ring)
MultiPolygon2D(LinearRing2D[] rings)

Constructor parameters in math.geom2d.polygon with type arguments of type LinearRing2D
MultiPolygon2D(Collection<LinearRing2D> lines)

Uses of LinearRing2D in math.geom2d.transform

Methods in math.geom2d.transform with parameters of type LinearRing2D
 BoundaryPolyCurve2D<CircleArc2D> CircleInversion2D.transformRing(LinearRing2D ring)

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