Packages that use Point3D | |
math.geom3d | Spatial geometry toolbox. |
math.geom3d.curve | Spatial geometry toolbox. |
math.geom3d.line | Spatial geometry toolbox. |
math.geom3d.plane | Spatial geometry toolbox. |
math.geom3d.transform | Spatial geometry toolbox. |
Uses of Point3D in math.geom3d |
Fields in math.geom3d with type parameters of type Point3D | |
protected Collection<Point3D> |
Methods in math.geom3d that return Point3D | |
Point3D |
Point3D.transform(AffineTransform3D trans)
Methods in math.geom3d that return types with arguments of type Point3D | |
Iterator<Point3D> |
Returns an iterator on the internal point collection. |
Iterator<Point3D> |
Methods in math.geom3d with parameters of type Point3D | |
void |
PointSet3D.addPoint(Point3D point)
Adds a new point to the set of point. |
void |
PointSet3D.addPoints(Point3D[] points)
Add a series of points |
boolean |
Point3D.contains(Point3D point)
A point 'contains' another point if their euclidean distance is less than the accuracy. |
boolean |
PointSet3D.contains(Point3D point)
boolean |
Shape3D.contains(Point3D point)
boolean |
Shape3D.EmptySet3D.contains(Point3D point)
double |
Point3D.getDistance(Point3D point)
double |
PointSet3D.getDistance(Point3D p)
double |
Shape3D.getDistance(Point3D p)
Gets the distance of the shape to the given point, or the distance of point to the frontier of the shape in the case of a plain shape. |
double |
Shape3D.EmptySet3D.getDistance(Point3D p)
return positive infinity. |
void |
Point3D.setLocation(Point3D point)
Method parameters in math.geom3d with type arguments of type Point3D | |
void |
PointSet3D.addPoints(Collection<Point3D> points)
Constructors in math.geom3d with parameters of type Point3D | |
Box3D(Point3D p1,
Point3D p2)
Constructor from 2 points, giving extreme coordinates of the box. |
PointSet3D(Point3D[] points)
Instances of Point3D are directly added, other Point are converted to Point3D with the same location. |
Vector3D(Point3D point)
Construct a new vector between origin and a 3D point. |
Vector3D(Point3D point1,
Point3D point2)
construct a new vector between two points, the vector is leading from the 'point1' to 'point2'. |
Constructor parameters in math.geom3d with type arguments of type Point3D | |
PointSet3D(Collection<? extends Point3D> points)
Points must be a collection of java.awt.Point. |
Uses of Point3D in math.geom3d.curve |
Methods in math.geom3d.curve that return Point3D | |
Point3D |
Get the first point of the curve. |
Point3D |
Get the last point of the curve. |
Point3D |
Curve3D.getPoint(double t)
Gets the point from a parametric representation of the curve. |
Point3D |
Curve3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
Same as getPoint(t), but gives the point as a parameter. |
Methods in math.geom3d.curve that return types with arguments of type Point3D | |
Collection<Point3D> |
Returns a set of singular points, i. |
Methods in math.geom3d.curve with parameters of type Point3D | |
Point3D |
Curve3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
Same as getPoint(t), but gives the point as a parameter. |
double |
Curve3D.getPosition(Point3D point)
Get position of the point on the curve. |
double |
Curve3D.project(Point3D point)
Returns the position of the closest orthogonal projection of the point on the curve, or of the closest singular point. |
Uses of Point3D in math.geom3d.line |
Methods in math.geom3d.line that return Point3D | |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Point3D |
LineSegment3D.getPoint(double t)
Point3D |
StraightLine3D.getPoint(double t)
Point3D |
LineSegment3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
Point3D |
StraightLine3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
Point3D |
LineSegment3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Point3D |
StraightLine3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Methods in math.geom3d.line that return types with arguments of type Point3D | |
Collection<Point3D> |
Returns the2 end points. |
Collection<Point3D> |
Returns an empty array of Point3D. |
Methods in math.geom3d.line with parameters of type Point3D | |
boolean |
LineSegment3D.contains(Point3D point)
boolean |
StraightLine3D.contains(Point3D point)
double |
LineSegment3D.getDistance(Point3D point)
double |
StraightLine3D.getDistance(Point3D p)
Point3D |
LineSegment3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
Point3D |
StraightLine3D.getPoint(double t,
Point3D point)
double |
LineSegment3D.getPosition(Point3D point)
If point does not project on the line segment, return Double.NaN. |
double |
StraightLine3D.getPosition(Point3D point)
double |
LineSegment3D.project(Point3D point)
double |
StraightLine3D.project(Point3D point)
Compute the position of the orthogonal projection of the given point on this line. |
Point3D |
LineSegment3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Point3D |
StraightLine3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Constructors in math.geom3d.line with parameters of type Point3D | |
LineSegment3D(Point3D p1,
Point3D p2)
StraightLine3D(Point3D p1,
Point3D p2)
Constructs a line passing through the 2 points. |
StraightLine3D(Point3D origin,
Vector3D direction)
Uses of Point3D in math.geom3d.plane |
Methods in math.geom3d.plane that return Point3D | |
Point3D |
Plane3D.getLineIntersection(StraightLine3D line)
Compute intersection of a line with this plane. |
Point3D |
Point3D |
Plane3D.getPoint(double u,
double v)
Point3D |
Plane3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Methods in math.geom3d.plane with parameters of type Point3D | |
boolean |
Plane3D.contains(Point3D point)
double |
Plane3D.getDistance(Point3D point)
Point2D |
Plane3D.getPointPosition(Point3D point)
Point3D |
Plane3D.projectPoint(Point3D point)
Constructors in math.geom3d.plane with parameters of type Point3D | |
Plane3D(Point3D point,
Vector3D vector1,
Vector3D vector2)
Uses of Point3D in math.geom3d.transform |
Methods in math.geom3d.transform that return Point3D | |
Point3D |
AffineTransform3D.transformPoint(Point3D src,
Point3D dst)
Point3D |
Transform3D.transformPoint(Point3D src,
Point3D dst)
Point3D[] |
AffineTransform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)
Point3D[] |
Transform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)
Methods in math.geom3d.transform with parameters of type Point3D | |
Point3D |
AffineTransform3D.transformPoint(Point3D src,
Point3D dst)
Point3D |
Transform3D.transformPoint(Point3D src,
Point3D dst)
Point3D[] |
AffineTransform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)
Point3D[] |
AffineTransform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)
Point3D[] |
Transform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)
Point3D[] |
Transform3D.transformPoints(Point3D[] src,
Point3D[] dst)