Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPFMapView

Uses of IPFMapView in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar that return IPFMapView
 IPFMapView<NODE> AStar.getMapView()
          Returns agent-specific map view for the map.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar with parameters of type IPFMapView
 void AStar.setMapView(IPFMapView<NODE> mapView)
          Sets agent-specific map view for the map.

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.pathfinding.alg.astar with parameters of type IPFMapView
AStar(IPFMap<NODE> map, IPFMapView<NODE> view)
          AStar configured with "map" and agent-specific view on the map, if "view" is null, IPFMapView.DefaultView is going to be used.

Uses of IPFMapView in

Subinterfaces of IPFMapView in
 interface IPFKnownMapView<NODE>
          This interface provides additional information about the map algorithms are going to work with.

Classes in that implement IPFMapView
static class IPFKnownMapView.DefaultView<NODE>
          Default view does not impose any specific view on the map...
static class IPFMapView.DefaultView<NODE>
          Default view does not impose any specific view on the map...

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