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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation;
3   /**
4    * Represents a state of the {@link IPathExecutor} providing a high-level description of the state via 
5    * {@link IPathExecutorState#getState()}.
6    * <p><p>
7    * Note that executor states can't change on a whim - please read javadoc for {@link PathExecutorState} that contains
8    * description of how the state can change.
9    * <p><p>
10   * Every {@link IPathExecutor} implementor may provide own implementation of this interface so it is able to pass
11   * arbitrary information within its state.
12   *  
13   * @author Jimmy
14   */
15  public interface IPathExecutorState {
17  	/**
18  	 * Returns current high-level state of the {@link IPathExecutor}.
19  	 * @return
20  	 */
21  	public PathExecutorState getState();
23  }