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1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.elements;
3   /**
4    * Ancestor class for lap elements with name. Most of the elements have a name,
5    * but some (e.g. {@link Goal)) don't.
6    *
7    * @author HonzaH
8    */
9   public abstract class NamedLapElement extends PoshDummyElement {
11      /**
12       * Get name of the element. The actual name, not display name (e.g. action
13       * can have FQN of class, but display name would be derived fromk
14       * annotations of the class) or representation (e.g. sense name "health" is
15       * different from actual condition of sense "health > 90").
16       *
17       * @return Name of the element
18       */
19      public abstract String getName();
20  }