View Javadoc

1   package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.executor;
3   import cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.sposh.engine.VariableContext;
4   import;
5   import java.util.HashMap;
7   /**
8    * Very simple executor for plans that will print name of primitive, that is supposed
9    * to execute, to specified stream.
10   * <p/>
11   * There are two lists of primitives, one will always return true, other will always return false.
12   * Both will be printed. Primitives that are not in either of lists will cause exception
13   * {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
14   * @author Honza
15   */
16  public class PrintWorkExecutor implements IWorkExecutor {
18      /**
19       * Stream into which we will write called primitives.
20       */
21      private PrintStream stream;
22      /**
23       * Map that stores return value of primitives.
24       */
25      private HashMap<String, Boolean> map = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
27      /**
28       * Create worker that will print name of primitives into specified stream.
29       * @param succeed list of non-zero length strings with names of primitives returning true
30       * @param fail list of non-zero length strings with names of primitives returning false
31       * @param stream stream to write into
32       * @throws IllegalArgumentException If some primitive is specified twice,
33       */
34      public PrintWorkExecutor(String[] succeed, String[] fail, PrintStream stream) {
35 = stream;
37          addPrimitives(succeed, Boolean.TRUE);
38          addPrimitives(fail, Boolean.FALSE);
39      }
41      /**
42       * Add primitives to the map with specified return value. 
43       * @param primitives list of primitives we want to add.
44       * @param value what value should all primitives return
45       * @throws IllegalArgumentException If some primitive is specified twice,
46       */
47      public synchronized void addPrimitives(String[] primitives, Boolean value) {
48          for (String primtive : primitives) {
49              if (map.put(primtive, value) != null)
50                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primitive \"" + primtive + "\" has already been specified.");
51          }
52      }
54      /**
55       * Create worker that will print name of primitives into {@link System#out}.
56       */
57      public PrintWorkExecutor(String[] succeed, String[] fail) {
58          this(succeed, fail, System.out);
59      }
61      @Override
62      public synchronized Object executePrimitive(String primitive, VariableContext ctx) {
63          Boolean value = map.get(primitive);
64          // no mapping for specified primitive
65          if (value == null) {
66              throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primitive \"" + primitive + "\" is not specified in the worker.");
67          }
68          stream.println(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": execute \"" + primitive + "\"" + ctx.toString() + " -> " + value);
69          return value;
70      }
71  }