Interface FWMap<NODE>

Package class diagram package FWMap


public interface FWMap<NODE>

This class represents the search space for Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

  1. we need to know which nodes are part of the map
  2. we need to know the travel cost between two nodes (edge cost)

Method Summary
 int getEdgeCost(NODE nodeFrom, NODE nodeTo)
          Deprecated. Should return the distance from nodeFrom to nodeTo.
 int getNodeCost(NODE node)
          Deprecated. General cost of having this node at your path.
 List<NODE> getNodes()
          Deprecated. This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment).

Method Detail


List<NODE> getNodes()
This must return the list of ALL NODES that are present in your map (== environment). These nodes are going to be then used for FW.

IT IS FORBIDDEN TO SHUFFLE NODES IN THIS LIST ... IT MUST ALWAYS RETURN THE VERY SAME LIST (or at least list that is having every node in the place it was before).


int getNodeCost(NODE node)
General cost of having this node at your path. This allows you to say how every node appeals to the agent, it may specify "this is a cool node, try to get it on your path" (negative cost) or "this is neutral node" (zero cost) or "this is a bad node to have on your path" (positive cost).

node -


int getEdgeCost(NODE nodeFrom,
                NODE nodeTo)
Should return the distance from nodeFrom to nodeTo. You can be sure that nodeTo is among the neighbours of nodeFrom.

nodeFrom -
nodeTo -
cost of an edge

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