Class AbstractObservingAgent<WORLD_VIEW extends IWorldView>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- IAgent, IObservingAgent, IComponent, IComponentAware, IControllable
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- AbstractGhostAgent
public abstract class AbstractObservingAgent<WORLD_VIEW extends IWorldView>
- extends AbstractAgent
- implements IObservingAgent
The main difference between AbstractAgent and AbstractObservingAgent is that
this one has a world to observe. It's a next step towards embodied agent.
- Author:
- Jimmy
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractAgent |
addDependency, addDependency, addDependency, addJMXComponents, awaitState, awaitState, componentFatalError, componentStarted, componentStarted, componentStopped, componentStopping, createAgentJMX, createIntrospection, equals, getComponentId, getEventBus, getIntrospection, getJMX, getLog, getLogger, getName, getState, hashCode, inState, kill, killAgent, notInState, pause, pauseAgent, preKillAgent, preStopAgent, resetAgent, resetEvent, resume, resumeAgent, setState, start, startAgent, startPaused, startPausedAgent, stop, stopAgent, toString |
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IAgent |
getComponentId, getIntrospection, getLogger, getName, getState, kill, pause, resume, start, startPaused, stop |
public AbstractObservingAgent(IAgentId agentId,
IComponentBus bus,
IAgentLogger logger,
WORLD_VIEW worldView)
public WORLD_VIEW getWorldView()
- Returns abstraction for the agent's world. That can be anything the range
is broad ... from chess board to the UT2004 3D environment.
The implementation may be different as the user needs.
- Specified by:
in interface IObservingAgent
- Returns:
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