Uses of Class

Packages that use Parabola2D
math.geom2d.conic Definition of various conic curves like circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas, and their resepctive arcs. 

Uses of Parabola2D in math.geom2d.conic

Fields in math.geom2d.conic declared as Parabola2D
protected  Parabola2D ParabolaArc2D.parabola

Methods in math.geom2d.conic that return Parabola2D
 Parabola2D Parabola2D.clone()
static Parabola2D Parabola2D.create(Point2D vertex, Point2D focus)
          Creates a parabola by supplying the vertex and the focus.
 Parabola2D ParabolaArc2D.getParabola()
 Parabola2D Parabola2D.getReverseCurve()
          Returns the parabola with same vertex, direction vector in opposite direction and opposite parameter p.
 Parabola2D Parabola2D.transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Transforms the parabola by an affine transform.

Constructors in math.geom2d.conic with parameters of type Parabola2D
ParabolaArc2D(Parabola2D parabola, double t0, double t1)

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