Class Curve2DUtils

Package class diagram package Curve2DUtils
  extended by math.geom2d.curve.Curve2DUtils

public abstract class Curve2DUtils
extends Object

Collects some useful methods for clipping curves.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static CurveSet2D<ContinuousCurve2D> clipContinuousCurve(ContinuousCurve2D curve, Box2D box)
           Clips a continuous curve and returns a set of continuous curves.
static CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D> clipCurve(Curve2D curve, Box2D box)
          Clip a curve, and return a CurveSet2D.
static CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D> clipCurveSet(CurveSet2D<?> curveSet, Box2D box)
          clip a CurveSet2D.
static CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(SmoothCurve2D curve, Box2D box)
          Clip a continuous smooth curve.
static CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(SmoothCurve2D curve, StraightLine2D line)
          Clip a continuous smooth curve by the half-plane defined by a line.
static int findNextCurveIndex(double[] positions, double pos)
static double fromUnitSegment(double t, double t0, double t1)
          Transforms the value t between 0 and 1 in a value comprised between t0 and t1.
static double choosePosition(double t0, double t1)
          Choose an arbitrary position between positions t0 and t1, which can be infinite.
static boolean isLeftInfinite(Curve2D curve)
static boolean isRightInfinite(Curve2D curve)
static double toUnitSegment(double t, double t0, double t1)
          Mapping of the parameter t, relative to the local curve, into the interval [0 1], [0 1[, ]0 1], or ]0 1[, depending on the values of t0 and t1.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Curve2DUtils()
Method Detail


public static final double toUnitSegment(double t,
                                         double t0,
                                         double t1)
Mapping of the parameter t, relative to the local curve, into the interval [0 1], [0 1[, ]0 1], or ]0 1[, depending on the values of t0 and t1.

t - a value between t0 and t1
t0 - the lower bound of parameterization domain
t1 - the upper bound of parameterization domain
a value between 0 and 1


public static final double fromUnitSegment(double t,
                                           double t0,
                                           double t1)
Transforms the value t between 0 and 1 in a value comprised between t0 and t1.

t - a value between 0 and 1
t0 - the lower bound of parameterization domain
t1 - the upper bound of parameterization domain
a value between t0 and t1


public static final CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D> clipCurve(Curve2D curve,
                                                            Box2D box)
Clip a curve, and return a CurveSet2D. If the curve is totally outside the box, return a CurveSet2D with 0 curves inside. If the curve is totally inside the box, return a CurveSet2D with only one curve, which is the original curve.


public static final CurveSet2D<? extends Curve2D> clipCurveSet(CurveSet2D<?> curveSet,
                                                               Box2D box)
clip a CurveSet2D.


public static final CurveSet2D<ContinuousCurve2D> clipContinuousCurve(ContinuousCurve2D curve,
                                                                      Box2D box)

Clips a continuous curve and returns a set of continuous curves.

Algorithm is the following one:

Special processing is added when the first point of the curve lies on the boundary of the box, and when the curve is closed (when the first point of the curve is inside the box, the method return a portion of curve between the last intersection and the first intersection).


public static final CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(SmoothCurve2D curve,
                                                              Box2D box)
Clip a continuous smooth curve. Currently just call the static method clipContinuousCurve, and cast clipped curves.


public static final CurveSet2D<SmoothCurve2D> clipSmoothCurve(SmoothCurve2D curve,
                                                              StraightLine2D line)
Clip a continuous smooth curve by the half-plane defined by a line. This method is mainly used to help debugging when implementing curves.


public static final int findNextCurveIndex(double[] positions,
                                           double pos)


public static final double choosePosition(double t0,
                                          double t1)
Choose an arbitrary position between positions t0 and t1, which can be infinite.

t0 - the first bound of a curve parameterization
t1 - the second bound of a curve parameterization
a position located between t0 and t1


public static final boolean isLeftInfinite(Curve2D curve)


public static final boolean isRightInfinite(Curve2D curve)

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