Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemDescriptor
cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor Utility classes concerning some aspects of the gameplay (mainly for UT). 

Uses of ItemDescriptor in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.agent.module.sensor that return ItemDescriptor
 ItemDescriptor ItemDescriptors.getDescriptor(ItemType itemType)
          Returns the descriptor for the given 'itemType'.
 ItemDescriptor ItemDescriptors.getDescriptor(String inventoryType)
          Returns the descriptor for the given 'inventoryType'.

Uses of ItemDescriptor in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages

Fields in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages declared as ItemDescriptor
protected  ItemDescriptor Item.Descriptor
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
protected  ItemDescriptor MyInventory.Descriptor
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
protected  ItemDescriptor ItemPickedUp.Descriptor
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
protected  ItemDescriptor AddInventoryMsg.Descriptor
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages that return ItemDescriptor
 ItemDescriptor Item.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
 ItemDescriptor MyInventory.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
 ItemDescriptor ItemPickedUp.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
 ItemDescriptor AddInventoryMsg.getDescriptor()
          Descriptor of the item - according the ItemType you may cast this to various XYZDescriptor.
protected  ItemDescriptor Yylex.itemDescriptorValue(ItemType type)

Constructors in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.messages.gbinfomessages with parameters of type ItemDescriptor
AddInventoryMsg(UnrealId Id, String Type, ItemDescriptor Descriptor, ItemType PickupType)
          Creates new instance of command AddInventoryMsg.
Item(UnrealId Id, UnrealId NavPointId, NavPoint NavPoint, boolean Visible, Location Location, boolean Reachable, int Amount, ItemType Type, ItemDescriptor Descriptor, boolean Dropped)
          Creates new instance of command Item.
ItemPickedUp(UnrealId Id, UnrealId InventoryId, Location Location, int Amount, int AmountSec, ItemType Type, ItemDescriptor Descriptor, Boolean Dropped)
          Creates new instance of command ItemPickedUp.
MyInventory(UnrealId Id, int CurrentAmmo, int CurrentAltAmmo, int Amount, ItemType Type, ItemDescriptor Descriptor)
          Creates new instance of command MyInventory.

Uses of ItemDescriptor in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.translator.itemdescriptor

Classes in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.translator.itemdescriptor with type parameters of type ItemDescriptor
 interface IDescriptorFactory<T extends ItemDescriptor>
          An interface for all descriptor factories.

Subclasses of ItemDescriptor in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.translator.itemdescriptor
 class AmmoDescriptor
          Ammo desciptor describes the characteristics of an ammunition.
 class ArmorDescriptor
          Armos descriptor - currently it does not contain anything useful (just marked ItemDescriptor).
 class GeneralDescriptor
          General descriptor is responsible for all items which are not by default handled by the item translator.
 class HealthDescriptor
          Health descriptor provides an additional information about health items like vials, medkits etc.
 class OtherDescriptor
          Other descriptor - currently it does not contain anything useful (just marked ItemDescriptor).
 class ShieldDescriptor
          Shield descriptor - currently it does not contain anything useful (just marked ItemDescriptor).
 class WeaponDescriptor
          Weapon descriptor describes all characteristics of a weapon.

Methods in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.translator.itemdescriptor that return ItemDescriptor
 ItemDescriptor ItemTranslator.createDescriptor(ItemCategory message)
          Default Pogamut descriptors will be created for all UT2004 items.
 ItemDescriptor ItemTranslator.getDefaultDescriptor(ItemType type)
          Gets default Pogamut descriptor for this item.
 ItemDescriptor ItemTranslator.getDescriptor(ItemType type)
          Gets descriptor for this item.
 ItemDescriptor ItemTranslator.getDescriptor(ItemTyped msg)
 ItemDescriptor ItemDescriptorFactory.getNewDescriptor(ItemTyped configMsg)

Method parameters in cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.udk.communication.translator.itemdescriptor with type arguments of type ItemDescriptor
protected  void ItemDescriptor.doReflexion(Object configMsg, Class<? extends ItemDescriptor> clazz)
          This method does the mapping from a map of attributes contained it ITCMsg and the attributes of the descriptor.

Uses of ItemDescriptor in

Methods in that return ItemDescriptor
 ItemDescriptor ItemDescriptorObtained.getItemDescriptor()

Constructors in with parameters of type ItemDescriptor
ItemDescriptorObtained(ItemDescriptor obtained)

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