Interface ContinuousBoundary2D

Package class diagram package ContinuousBoundary2D
All Superinterfaces:
Boundary2D, Cloneable, ContinuousCurve2D, ContinuousOrientedCurve2D, Curve2D, OrientedCurve2D, Serializable, Shape2D
All Known Subinterfaces:
CircleLine2D, CirculinearContour2D, CirculinearRing2D, SmoothBoundary2D
All Known Implementing Classes:
BoundaryPolyCirculinearCurve2D, BoundaryPolyCurve2D, Circle2D, ClosedPolyline2D, Ellipse2D, GenericCirculinearRing2D, HyperbolaBranch2D, LinearRing2D, Parabola2D, Ring2D, StraightLine2D

public interface ContinuousBoundary2D
extends Boundary2D, ContinuousOrientedCurve2D

A continuous boundary is a continuous oriented curve which delimits a connected planar domain.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface math.geom2d.Shape2D
Method Summary
 Boundary2D getReverseCurve()
          Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.
 Boundary2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
          Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.domain.Boundary2D
fill, getBoundaryCurves, getDomain, isInside
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.domain.ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
clip, getSubCurve
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.curve.ContinuousCurve2D
appendPath, getAsPolyline, getLeftTangent, getRightTangent, getSmoothPieces, isClosed
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.domain.OrientedCurve2D
getSignedDistance, getSignedDistance, getWindingAngle
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.curve.Curve2D
clone, draw, getAsAWTShape, getContinuousCurves, getFirstPoint, getIntersections, getLastPoint, getPoint, getPosition, getSingularPoints, getT0, getT1, isSingular, project
Methods inherited from interface math.geom2d.Shape2D
contains, contains, getBoundingBox, getDistance, getDistance, isBounded, isEmpty

Method Detail


Boundary2D getReverseCurve()
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.

Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
getReverseCurve in interface OrientedCurve2D


Boundary2D transform(AffineTransform2D trans)
Description copied from interface: Boundary2D
Forces the subclasses to return an instance of Boundary2D.

Specified by:
transform in interface Boundary2D
Specified by:
transform in interface ContinuousCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface ContinuousOrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Curve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface OrientedCurve2D
Specified by:
transform in interface Shape2D
trans - an affine transform
the transformed shape

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.