Class AbstractUT2004Server<WORLD_VIEW extends IWorldView,ACT extends IAct>

Package class diagram package AbstractUT2004Server
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractObservingAgent<WORLD_VIEW>
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractGhostAgent<WORLD_VIEW,ACT>
              extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.server.AbstractWorldServer<WORLD_VIEW,ACT,IUT2004Bot>
                  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.server.impl.AbstractUT2004Server<WORLD_VIEW,ACT>
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAgent, IGhostAgent, IObservingAgent, IComponent, IComponentAware, IControllable, IWorldAgentsObserver<IUT2004Bot>, IWorldServer<IUT2004Bot>, IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>, IUT2004Server
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractUT2004Server<WORLD_VIEW extends IWorldView,ACT extends IAct>
extends AbstractWorldServer<WORLD_VIEW,ACT,IUT2004Bot>
implements IUT2004Server

Abstract class - ancestor of all UT2004 server controls.

It counts with GameBots2004 protocol therefore taking care of:

  1. ReadyCommandRequest - sending automatically ready(), override readyCommandRequested() if you're not comfortable with this
  2. Password - when password is requested it calls method createPasswordReply()

Also introducing user-method for setting up custom worldview listeners that is called before Ready message is sent - prePrepareServer().

You may use setPassword() method to specify the password before starting the agent.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.server.AbstractWorldServer
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
Constructor Summary
AbstractUT2004Server(IAgentId agentId, IAgentLogger agentLogger, IComponentBus bus, SocketConnection connection, WORLD_VIEW worldView, ACT act)
Method Summary
 void connectNativeBot(String botName, String botType, int team)
          Connects a UT native bot to the current map.
protected  PasswordReply createPasswordReply()
          This method is called whenever the Password event is caught telling us the world is locked and is requiring a password.
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<IUT2004Bot> getAgents()
 Collection<MapList> getAvailableMaps()
 GameInfo getGameInfo()
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.Flag<Double> getGameSpeedFlag()
          The flag raises events even when the game speed was changed by another UTServer instance or directly in game.
 UT2004Map getMap()
          Get current map from the server
 String getMapName()
 List<Mutator> getMutators()
          Reeturns list of all mutators available on the server.
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<? extends NativeUT2004BotAdapter> getNativeAgents()
          Returns list of all non pogamut players connected to the game server.
 PasswordReply getPasswordReply()
          Instance of the password reply command that was sent upon receivieng request for the password (the world is locked).
 cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<Player> getPlayers()
          Returns list of all players connected to the game server.
 WORLD_VIEW getWorldView()
protected  void killAgent()
protected  void readyCommandRequested()
          This method is called whenever HelloBot message is parsed - the GameBots2004 is awaiting the bot to reply with Ready command to begin the handshake.
protected  void reset()
          Called during stop/kill/reset events.
protected  void resetAgent()
 void setAddress(String host, int port)
          Sets the address of the server to different location - does not automatically reconnect, use IAgent.stop() and IAgent.start().
 void setPassword(String password)
          Specify the password that should be used if required by the world.
protected  void startAgent()
protected  void startPausedAgent()
protected  void stopAgent()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.server.AbstractWorldServer
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractGhostAgent
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.impl.AbstractAgent
addDependency, addDependency, addDependency, addJMXComponents, awaitState, awaitState, componentFatalError, componentStarted, componentStarted, componentStopped, componentStopping, createAgentJMX, createIntrospection, equals, getComponentId, getEventBus, getIntrospection, getJMX, getLog, getLogger, getName, getState, hashCode, inState, kill, notInState, pause, pauseAgent, preKillAgent, preStopAgent, resetEvent, resume, resumeAgent, setState, start, startPaused, stop, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.server.IUT2004Server
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.unreal.server.IUnrealServer
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.server.IWorldServer
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IGhostAgent
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.IAgent
getComponentId, getIntrospection, getLogger, getName, getState, kill, pause, resume, start, startPaused, stop
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.component.IComponentAware

Constructor Detail


public AbstractUT2004Server(IAgentId agentId,
                                   IAgentLogger agentLogger,
                                   IComponentBus bus,
                                   SocketConnection connection,
                                   WORLD_VIEW worldView,
                                   ACT act)
Method Detail


public void setAddress(String host,
                       int port)
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Sets the address of the server to different location - does not automatically reconnect, use IAgent.stop() and IAgent.start().

Specified by:
setAddress in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
setAddress in interface IUT2004Server


public void setPassword(String password)
Specify the password that should be used if required by the world.

password -


protected void readyCommandRequested()
This method is called whenever HelloBot message is parsed - the GameBots2004 is awaiting the bot to reply with Ready command to begin the handshake.


public PasswordReply getPasswordReply()
Instance of the password reply command that was sent upon receivieng request for the password (the world is locked).

If null the password was not required by the time the bot connected to the world.



protected PasswordReply createPasswordReply()
This method is called whenever the Password event is caught telling us the world is locked and is requiring a password.

May return null - in that case an empty password is sent to the server (which will probably result in closing the connection and termination of the agent).

This message is then saved to private field passwordReply and is accessible via getPasswordReply() method if required to be probed during the bot's runtime.

Note that if setPassword() method is called before this one it will use provided password via that method.


public GameInfo getGameInfo()


public WORLD_VIEW getWorldView()
Specified by:
getWorldView in interface IObservingAgent
getWorldView in class AbstractObservingAgent<WORLD_VIEW extends IWorldView>


public Collection<MapList> getAvailableMaps()
Specified by:
getAvailableMaps in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getAvailableMaps in interface IUT2004Server
List of all maps available on the UT server


public cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.Flag<Double> getGameSpeedFlag()
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
The flag raises events even when the game speed was changed by another UTServer instance or directly in game.

Specified by:
getGameSpeedFlag in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getGameSpeedFlag in interface IUT2004Server
Speed of the game.


public String getMapName()
Specified by:
getMapName in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getMapName in interface IUT2004Server
Name of the current map.


public cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<Player> getPlayers()
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Returns list of all players connected to the game server. The difference compared to the getAgents() method is that this method can return even the native bots, human players etc.

Custom-bots (created by Pogamut platform) can be recognized. They have non-null+non-empty Player.getJmx() field.

Specified by:
getPlayers in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getPlayers in interface IUT2004Server
List of all players on the server.


public List<Mutator> getMutators()
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Reeturns list of all mutators available on the server. Mutators can be used to modify the game (eg. disable weapons, change game speed).

Specified by:
getMutators in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getMutators in interface IUT2004Server
List of all mutators available on the server.


public cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<IUT2004Bot> getAgents()
Specified by:
getAgents in interface IWorldAgentsObserver<IUT2004Bot>


public cz.cuni.amis.utils.collections.ObservableCollection<? extends NativeUT2004BotAdapter> getNativeAgents()
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Returns list of all non pogamut players connected to the game server. Collection contains NativeBotAdapter classes, this means that you can deal with the players like with Pogamut agents.

Specified by:
getNativeAgents in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getNativeAgents in interface IUT2004Server
List of all players on the server.


public void connectNativeBot(String botName,
                             String botType,
                             int team)
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Connects a UT native bot to the current map.

Specified by:
connectNativeBot in interface IUT2004Server


public UT2004Map getMap()
Description copied from interface: IUT2004Server
Get current map from the server

Specified by:
getMap in interface IUnrealServer<IUT2004Bot>
Specified by:
getMap in interface IUT2004Server
Map of current level.


protected void reset()
Called during stop/kill/reset events.


protected void resetAgent()
resetAgent in class AbstractAgent


protected void stopAgent()
stopAgent in class AbstractAgent


protected void killAgent()
killAgent in class AbstractAgent


protected void startAgent()
startAgent in class AbstractAgent


protected void startPausedAgent()
startPausedAgent in class AbstractAgent

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.