Package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.math

Package class diagram package cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.utils.math
Interface Summary
DistanceUtils.IBetterRelation<T> Relation-ship estimator between two ILocated objects and their distance (or whatever required).
DistanceUtils.IDistanceFilter<T> Filter that allows to check whether "object" is accepted with respect to "distanceToTarget" for given "target".
DistanceUtils.IGetDistance<T> Distance estimator between object of types T and some Location target.

Class Summary
A A for Algebra...
DistanceUtils DistanceUtils consists of usual routines for selecting "X" from some "collections of Xes" that are in some "distance" relation to the "target", e.g., "get nearest weapon from collection of available weapons to my position".
DistanceUtils.AcceptAllDistanceFilter<T> Filter that accepts all "objects" (does not filter anything out).
DistanceUtils.FilterAdapter<T> Adapter that wraps IFilter making it into DistanceUtils.IDistanceFilter.
DistanceUtils.GetLocatedDistance2D<T extends ILocated> Simple implementation of DistanceUtils.IGetDistance that uses Location.getDistance2D(Location) method.
DistanceUtils.GetLocatedDistance3D<T extends ILocated> Simple implementation of DistanceUtils.IGetDistance that uses Location.getDistance(Location) method.
DistanceUtils.RangeDistanceFilter<T> Filter that accepts all "objects" that are within range of min/max distance (inclusive).
DistanceUtils.RelationCloser<T> Prefer "closer" objects to "target"
DistanceUtils.RelationFurther<T> Prefer "further" objects to "target"
DistanceUtils.VisibleFilter<T extends IViewable> Accepts only VISIBLE (IViewable.isVisible() == TRUE) objects.

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.