Interface IDefConAgentController<AGENT extends DefConAgent>

Package class diagram package IDefConAgentController
Type Parameters:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefConAgentController, DefConAgentLogicController

public interface IDefConAgentController<AGENT extends DefConAgent>

Specified a list of basic methods for Defcon controllers, which is used inside DefConAgent to report various states of initialization of the game to the controller. Equivalent to IUT2004BotController<BOT> for example in the project PogamutUT2004.

Radek 'Black_Hand' Pibil

Method Summary
 void botStopped()
          Called whenever the bot is stopped (has finished) or killed.
 void initializeController(AGENT agent)
          Called during the construction of the DefConAgent.

Method Detail


void initializeController(AGENT agent)
Called during the construction of the DefConAgent.

agent -


void botStopped()
Called whenever the bot is stopped (has finished) or killed.

Use the method to save your work / data collected during the run of the agent.

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