Class GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage

Package class diagram package GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
      extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfoShared
          extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:
IWorldObject, ISharedWorldObject, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public class GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage
extends GameInfoShared

Implementation of the shared part of the GameBots2004 message NFO, used to facade NFOMessage.

Complete message documentation: Asynchronous message. Sent as response to READY command. Information about the game. What type of game is it going to be, number of teams, maximum size of teams etc.

Field Summary
protected  BooleanProperty myBotsPaused
          If the game is paused just for bots - human controlled players can normally move.
protected  IntProperty myFragLimit
          Number of kills needed to win game (BotDeathMatch only).
protected  BooleanProperty myGamePaused
          If the game is paused - nobody can move.
protected  LongProperty myGoalTeamScore
          Number of points a team needs to win the game (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).
protected  IntProperty myMaxTeamSize
          Max number of players per side (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).
protected  DoubleProperty myTimeLimit
          Maximum time game will last (if tied at end may goe to "sudden death overtime" - depends on the game type).
protected  BooleanProperty myWeaponStay
          If true respawned weapons will stay on the ground after picked up (but bot cannot pickup same weapon twice).
protected  HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap
Fields inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfoShared
BotsPausedPropertyToken, FragLimitPropertyToken, GameInfoId, GamePausedPropertyToken, GoalTeamScorePropertyToken, MaxTeamSizePropertyToken, SharedPropertyTokens, SimTime, TimeLimitPropertyToken, WeaponStayPropertyToken
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage clone()
 int getFragLimit()
          Number of kills needed to win game (BotDeathMatch only).
 long getGoalTeamScore()
          Number of points a team needs to win the game (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).
 UnrealId getId()
 int getMaxTeamSize()
          Max number of players per side (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).
 Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()
 ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)
 double getTimeLimit()
          Maximum time game will last (if tied at end may goe to "sudden death overtime" - depends on the game type).
 boolean isBotsPaused()
          If the game is paused just for bots - human controlled players can normally move.
 boolean isGamePaused()
          If the game is paused - nobody can move.
 boolean isWeaponStay()
          If true respawned weapons will stay on the ground after picked up (but bot cannot pickup same weapon twice).
 String toHtmlString()
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.ut2004.communication.messages.gbinfomessages.GameInfoShared
getCompositeClass, getSimTime, setSimTime
Methods inherited from class cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.messages.InfoMessage
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected HashMap<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> propertyMap


protected BooleanProperty myWeaponStay
If true respawned weapons will stay on the ground after picked up (but bot cannot pickup same weapon twice).


protected DoubleProperty myTimeLimit
Maximum time game will last (if tied at end may goe to "sudden death overtime" - depends on the game type).


protected IntProperty myFragLimit
Number of kills needed to win game (BotDeathMatch only).


protected LongProperty myGoalTeamScore
Number of points a team needs to win the game (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).


protected IntProperty myMaxTeamSize
Max number of players per side (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).


protected BooleanProperty myGamePaused
If the game is paused - nobody can move.


protected BooleanProperty myBotsPaused
If the game is paused just for bots - human controlled players can normally move.

Constructor Detail


public GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage()
Method Detail


public UnrealId getId()
Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject
getId in class GameInfoShared


public GameInfoMessage.GameInfoSharedMessage clone()
Specified by:
clone in interface ISharedWorldObject
Specified by:
clone in class GameInfoShared


public ISharedProperty getProperty(PropertyId id)


public Map<PropertyId,ISharedProperty> getProperties()


public boolean isWeaponStay()
If true respawned weapons will stay on the ground after picked up (but bot cannot pickup same weapon twice).

Specified by:
isWeaponStay in class GameInfoShared


public double getTimeLimit()
Maximum time game will last (if tied at end may goe to "sudden death overtime" - depends on the game type).

Specified by:
getTimeLimit in class GameInfoShared


public int getFragLimit()
Number of kills needed to win game (BotDeathMatch only).

Specified by:
getFragLimit in class GameInfoShared


public long getGoalTeamScore()
Number of points a team needs to win the game (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).

Specified by:
getGoalTeamScore in class GameInfoShared


public int getMaxTeamSize()
Max number of players per side (BotTeamGame, BotCTFGame, BotDoubleDomination).

Specified by:
getMaxTeamSize in class GameInfoShared


public boolean isGamePaused()
If the game is paused - nobody can move.

Specified by:
isGamePaused in class GameInfoShared


public boolean isBotsPaused()
If the game is paused just for bots - human controlled players can normally move.

Specified by:
isBotsPaused in class GameInfoShared


public String toString()
toString in class GameInfoShared


public String toHtmlString()
toHtmlString in class GameInfoShared

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