Interface INavPoint

Package class diagram package INavPoint
All Superinterfaces:
ICompositeWorldObject, ILocated, IViewable, IWorldObject

public interface INavPoint
extends ILocated, IViewable, IWorldObject

Synchronous message. NavPoint carries information about UT navigation point - location, reachability... Also some item can be respawned at this point. Or some additional information can be stored here (if it is an ambush point, or sniper point..). Corresponding GameBots message is NAV.

Method Summary
 String getFlag()
          What type is this NavPoint.
 UnrealId getId()
          A unique Id of this navigation point assigned by the game.
 WorldObjectId getItem()
          Unique Id of the respawned item (the item respawns at this point).
 Location getLocation()
          Location of navigation point.
 Map<UnrealId,NavPointNeighbourLink> getNeighbourLinks()
          Retuns map with links to navpoint neighbours.
 String getPreferedWeapon()
          Class of the weapon that should be prefered when using this point for AIMarker specified action.
 Rotation getRotation()
          If the type is AIMarker.
 boolean isReachable()
          If the bot can reach the point directly.
 boolean isRoamingSpot()
          Some ambush point, where is good chance to intercept approaching opponents.
 boolean isSnipingSpot()
          Point good for sniping.
 boolean isVisible()
          If the point is in the field of view of the bot.
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.multi.communication.worldview.object.ICompositeWorldObject
getLocal, getShared, getStatic
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.communication.worldview.object.IWorldObject

Method Detail


UnrealId getId()
A unique Id of this navigation point assigned by the game.

Specified by:
getId in interface IWorldObject


Location getLocation()
Location of navigation point.

Specified by:
getLocation in interface ILocated


boolean isVisible()
If the point is in the field of view of the bot.

Specified by:
isVisible in interface IViewable


boolean isReachable()
If the bot can reach the point directly.


WorldObjectId getItem()
Unique Id of the respawned item (the item respawns at this point).


String getFlag()
What type is this NavPoint. The types are: PathNode, PlayerStart, InventorySpot and AIMarker. If the type is AIMarker, more attributes appear in NAV message - see below.


Rotation getRotation()
If the type is AIMarker. The rotation the bot should be facing, when doing the action specified by AIMarker.


boolean isRoamingSpot()
Some ambush point, where is good chance to intercept approaching opponents.


boolean isSnipingSpot()
Point good for sniping.


String getPreferedWeapon()
Class of the weapon that should be prefered when using this point for AIMarker specified action.


Map<UnrealId,NavPointNeighbourLink> getNeighbourLinks()
Retuns map with links to navpoint neighbours. Maps neighbour-navpoint-UnrealId to neighbour link.

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.