Interface AStarGoal<NODE>

Package class diagram package AStarGoal
All Superinterfaces:
AStarEvaluator<NODE>, AStarHeuristic<NODE>


public interface AStarGoal<NODE>
extends AStarEvaluator<NODE>

This class defines the goal of A* algorithm, it allows you to provide complex implementation of the isGoalReached(Object) method.

Use amis-path-finding library instead, see svn://

Method Summary
 boolean isGoalReached(NODE actualNode)
          Deprecated. Returns true, if we've reached the goal ... e.g. actualNode is node we were trying to get to if this function never returns true, A* will run until all nodes are evaluated
 void setCloseList(Collection<NODE> closeList)
          Deprecated. This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the close list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc... for extra cost for instance).
 void setOpenList(Collection<NODE> openList)
          Deprecated. This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the open list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc... for extra cost for instance).
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.utils.astar.AStarEvaluator
getExtraCost, isNodeOpened
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.utils.astar.AStarHeuristic

Method Detail


void setOpenList(Collection<NODE> openList)
This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the open list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc... for extra cost for instance). DON'T CHANGE IT!


void setCloseList(Collection<NODE> closeList)
This is called at the beginning of the A* algorithm to bind the close list to the goal (you may use it check which nodes we've visited, etc... for extra cost for instance). DON'T CHANGE IT!


boolean isGoalReached(NODE actualNode)
Returns true, if we've reached the goal ... e.g. actualNode is node we were trying to get to if this function never returns true, A* will run until all nodes are evaluated

actualNode -

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.