Interface IPathExecutorWithPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT>

Package class diagram package IPathExecutorWithPlanner
Type Parameters:
All Superinterfaces:

public interface IPathExecutorWithPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT>
extends IPathExecutor<PATH_ELEMENT>

First - read javadoc for IPathPlanner and IPathExecutor.

Done? Ok, continue...

So, the IPathPlanner should get us the path and IPathExecutor should follow it. This is nice isn't it? It allows you to configure different path planners (for instance one for planning retreat paths, other one planning attack paths) and you may use a single executor or instantiate different one and pick one that suits your needs. Ok, nice, but such scenario requires you to mediate communication bqetween planner and executor and handle executor failures. Sometimes it might be nice to have executor stuffed with planner that it can use to replan the path in the case of failures. Voila - this interface pops out.

This interface serves for executors that contains planners they can use in the case of path failure. Whenever the executor fails to reach the path, it should use the injected path planner (via setPathPlanner(IPathPlanner)) to obtain the new path and try that.

EXPERIMENTAL INTERFACE - might be revisited in future releases (I'm aware that the interface is faulty due to ignore other path-planning/execution concerns such as "how to determine that the executre really really stuck").

Note that implementation of this interface will the most likely be so specific, that it is always a good idea to setup own timeout counter and halt the path executor manually if the counter reaches zero. I mean, it probably won't be a flawless implementation that can solve all encountered situations. (Or just use runTo(Object, double).)


Method Summary
 void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to)
 void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to, double globalTimeout)
 void setPathPlanner(IPathPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT> pathPlanner)
Methods inherited from interface cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.navigation.IPathExecutor
addStuckDetector, followPath, getLog, getPath, getPathElement, getPathElementIndex, getPathFrom, getPathFuture, getPathTo, getState, inState, isExecuting, isPathUnavailable, isStuck, isTargetReached, notInState, removeAllStuckDetectors, removeStuckDetector, stop

Method Detail


void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to)


void runTo(PATH_ELEMENT to,
           double globalTimeout)


void setPathPlanner(IPathPlanner<PATH_ELEMENT> pathPlanner)

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.