Class MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>

Package class diagram package MultipleAgentRunner
  extended by cz.cuni.amis.pogamut.base.agent.utils.runner.impl.MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>
extends Object
implements IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE>

Class used for starting the agent with certain default parameters.

The class is similar to the MultipleAgentRunner but implements different interface (IMultipleAgentRunner), that is, it allows to start different classes of agents at once. In fact it uses MultipleAgentRunner to do the job.

TODO!!! Additional features:

The class provides start-synchronization behavior of respective agents via setPausing(boolean). For more information see IAgentRunner.setPausing(boolean).

Note that the class also provides you with hook-methods that can be utilized to additionally configure agent instances as they are created and started. These are preInitHook(), preStartHook(IAgent), MultipleAgentRunner#preResumeHook(IAgent[]), postStartHook(IAgent) and MultipleAgentRunner#postStartedHook(IAgent[]).

This class is (almost complete) implementation that can instantiate and start one or multiple agents (of the same class). The only thing that is left to be implemented is newDefaultAgentParameters() that are used to IAgentParameters.assignDefaults(IAgentParameters) into user provided parameters (if any of are provided).

This runner is based on the IAgentFactory interface that is utilized to create new instances. It is advised that concrete agent runners hides this fact from the user instantiating the factory themselves so the user must not dive deep into GaviaLib architecture.


Field Summary
protected  List<AGENT> agents
          List of started agents.
protected  boolean consoleLogging
          Whether the console logging is enabled as default.
protected  Level defaultLogLevel
          Default log level that is set to the agent after its instantiation.
protected  boolean killed
          Whether we had to kill all agents (i.e., some exception/failure has happened).
protected  CountDownLatch latch
          Latch where we're awaiting till all agents finishes.
protected  cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.FlagListener<IAgentState> listener
          Listener that lowers the count on the latch (if reaches zero, start method resumes and closes the Pogamut platform), and watches for the agent's failure (MultipleAgentRunner#killAgents(IAgent[]) in this case).
protected  Logger log
          Use to log stuff.
protected  boolean main
          Whether we should provide 'main' feature.
protected  Object mutex
          Mutex that synchronize killing of agents due to a failure.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  AGENT createAgentWithParams(IAgentFactory<AGENT,PARAMS> factory, PARAMS params)
          Method that is used by MultipleAgentRunner#startAgentWithParams(IAgentParameters[]) to instantiate new agents.
 int getAgentCount(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
          Sums all IAgentDescriptor.getCount().
 Logger getLog()
 boolean isMain()
          Whether the runner is set to provide 'main' functionality.
 boolean isPausing()
          Tells, whether the pausing behavior is enabled.
protected  void killAgent(AGENT agent)
          Kills a single agent instance, called during clean up when start/pause/resume of the agent fails.
protected  void killAgents(List<AGENT> agents)
          This method is called whenever start/pause/resume of the single agent fails to clean up.
protected abstract  IAgentFactory newAgentFactory(MODULE agentModule)
          Creates a new factory for the given 'agentModule'.
protected  IAgentId newAgentId(String name)
          Creates new AgentId from the 'name' and unique number that is automatically generated from the ID.
protected abstract  IAgentParameters newDefaultAgentParameters()
          Method that is called to provide another default parameters for newly created agents.
protected  void postStartedHook(List<AGENT> agents)
          Custom hook called after all the agents have been instantiated by the MultipleAgentRunner#factory and started with IAgent.start().
protected  void postStartHook(AGENT agent)
          Custom hook called after the agent is instantiated and started with IAgent.start().
protected  void preInitHook()
          Custom hook called before all the agents are going to be instantiated.
protected  void preResumeHook(List<AGENT> agents)
          Custom hook called only iff isPausing().
protected  void preStartHook(AGENT agent)
          Custom hook called after the agent is instantiated and before the IAgent.start() is called.
 MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setConsoleLogging(boolean enabled)
          Allows you to disable/enable default console logging for the agent.
 MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setLog(Logger log)
 MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setLogLevel(Level logLevel)
          Sets default logging level for newly created agents (default is Level.WARNING).
 MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setMain(boolean state)
          Sets 'main' functionality.
 MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setPausing(boolean state)
          Sets the pausing behavior.
protected  void startAgent(AGENT agent)
          Method that is used by MultipleAgentRunner#startAgentWithParams(IAgentParameters[]) to start newly created agent.
 List<AGENT> startAgents(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
          Start an agent instances described by 'agentDescriptors'.
protected  List<AGENT> startAgentsMain(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
protected  void startAgentsMain(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE> agentDescriptor, boolean pausingBehavior, List<AGENT> result)
          Overridden to provide the blocking mechanism.
protected  List<AGENT> startAgentsStandard(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
protected  void startAgentsStandard(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE> agentDescriptor, List<AGENT> result)
          Starts all agents described by 'agentDescriptor', puts new agent instances into 'result'.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Object mutex
Mutex that synchronize killing of agents due to a failure.


protected Logger log
Use to log stuff.

WARNING: may be null! Always check it before logging!


protected Level defaultLogLevel
Default log level that is set to the agent after its instantiation.


protected boolean consoleLogging
Whether the console logging is enabled as default. (Default is TRUE.)


protected CountDownLatch latch
Latch where we're awaiting till all agents finishes.


protected List<AGENT extends IAgent> agents
List of started agents.


protected boolean killed
Whether we had to kill all agents (i.e., some exception/failure has happened).


protected boolean main
Whether we should provide 'main' feature.


protected cz.cuni.amis.utils.flag.FlagListener<IAgentState> listener
Listener that lowers the count on the latch (if reaches zero, start method resumes and closes the Pogamut platform), and watches for the agent's failure (MultipleAgentRunner#killAgents(IAgent[]) in this case).

Constructor Detail


public MultipleAgentRunner()
Method Detail


public MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setLog(Logger log)


public Logger getLog()


public int getAgentCount(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
Sums all IAgentDescriptor.getCount().

agentDescriptors -
number of agents described by 'agentDescriptors'


protected abstract IAgentParameters newDefaultAgentParameters()
Method that is called to provide another default parameters for newly created agents.

Note that it might be the case, that some parameters can't be shared between agent instances, thus you might always need to provide a new parameters. This decision is up to you as an implementor (that means you must understand how these parameters are used by the particular agent, fail-safe behaviour is to always provide a new one).

Notice that the method does not require you to provide parameters of the type 'PARAMS' allowing you to provide any params as defaults.

new default parameters


protected abstract IAgentFactory newAgentFactory(MODULE agentModule)
Creates a new factory for the given 'agentModule'. Called from within MultipleAgentRunner#startAgents(IAgentDescriptor, List) to obtain a factory for the IAgentDescriptor.getAgentModule().

module -
new factory configured with 'agentModule'


public List<AGENT> startAgents(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)
Description copied from interface: IMultipleAgentRunner
Start an agent instances described by 'agentDescriptors'. The method creates a new factory for every descriptor (as it must use different agent modules). The length of the 'agentDescriptors' array together with IAgentDescriptor.getCount() determines how many agents are going to be instantiated and started.

Note that if any instantiation/start of the agent fails, all agents are killed before the method throws the exception.

Specified by:
startAgents in interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>
array of started agents


public boolean isPausing()
Description copied from interface: IMultipleAgentRunner
Tells, whether the pausing behavior is enabled.

If enabled, the runner will pause all agents after their construction and resume them at once whenever all agents has been instantiated.

Specified by:
isPausing in interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>
state of the pausing behavior


public MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setPausing(boolean state)
Description copied from interface: IMultipleAgentRunner
Sets the pausing behavior.

If set true, the runner will pause all agents after their construction and resume them at once whenever all agents has been successfully started.

Specified by:
setPausing in interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>
this instance


public boolean isMain()
Description copied from interface: IMultipleAgentRunner
Whether the runner is set to provide 'main' functionality.

Specified by:
isMain in interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>


public MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setMain(boolean state)
Description copied from interface: IMultipleAgentRunner
Sets 'main' functionality.

Specified by:
setMain in interface IMultipleAgentRunner<AGENT extends IAgent,PARAMS extends IAgentParameters,MODULE extends GuiceAgentModule>


public MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setLogLevel(Level logLevel)
Sets default logging level for newly created agents (default is Level.WARNING).

If set to null, no level is set as default to the agent logger.

This probably violates the way how logging should be set up, but is more transparent for beginners.

this instance


public MultipleAgentRunner<AGENT,PARAMS,MODULE> setConsoleLogging(boolean enabled)
Allows you to disable/enable default console logging for the agent. (Default is TRUE.)

This probably violates the way how logging should be set up, but is more transparent for beginners.

enabled -


protected List<AGENT> startAgentsStandard(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)


protected List<AGENT> startAgentsMain(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE>... agentDescriptors)


protected void startAgentsStandard(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE> agentDescriptor,
                                   List<AGENT> result)
Starts all agents described by 'agentDescriptor', puts new agent instances into 'result'.

Does not catch exceptions (they are propagated by JVM as usual).

agentDescriptor -
result -


protected void startAgentsMain(IAgentDescriptor<PARAMS,MODULE> agentDescriptor,
                               boolean pausingBehavior,
                               List<AGENT> result)
Overridden to provide the blocking mechanism. (For more info see AgentRunner.startAgentWithParams(boolean, IAgentParameters...).


protected IAgentId newAgentId(String name)
Creates new AgentId from the 'name' and unique number that is automatically generated from the ID.

name -


protected AGENT createAgentWithParams(IAgentFactory<AGENT,PARAMS> factory,
                                      PARAMS params)
Method that is used by MultipleAgentRunner#startAgentWithParams(IAgentParameters[]) to instantiate new agents. Uses MultipleAgentRunner#factory to do the job. It assumes the params were already configured with defaults.

params -


protected void startAgent(AGENT agent)
Method that is used by MultipleAgentRunner#startAgentWithParams(IAgentParameters[]) to start newly created agent.

agent -


protected void killAgents(List<AGENT> agents)
This method is called whenever start/pause/resume of the single agent fails to clean up.

Recalls killAgent(IAgent) for every non-null agent instance.

agents - some array elements may be null!


protected void killAgent(AGENT agent)
Kills a single agent instance, called during clean up when start/pause/resume of the agent fails.

agent -


protected void preInitHook()
                    throws cz.cuni.amis.utils.exception.PogamutException
Custom hook called before all the agents are going to be instantiated.



protected void preStartHook(AGENT agent)
                     throws cz.cuni.amis.utils.exception.PogamutException
Custom hook called after the agent is instantiated and before the IAgent.start() is called.

agent -


protected void postStartHook(AGENT agent)
                      throws cz.cuni.amis.utils.exception.PogamutException
Custom hook called after the agent is instantiated and started with IAgent.start().

agent -


protected void preResumeHook(List<AGENT> agents)
Custom hook called only iff isPausing(). This method is called after all the agents have been instantiated by the MultipleAgentRunner#factory and resumed with IAgent.resume().

agents -


protected void postStartedHook(List<AGENT> agents)
Custom hook called after all the agents have been instantiated by the MultipleAgentRunner#factory and started with IAgent.start().

agents -

Copyright © 2013 AMIS research group, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. All Rights Reserved.